RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (Full Version)

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Clyde -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (7/31/2009 21:04:17)

It wasn't quite what Galvian had expected, but it would have to do. With both of his arms nearly useless, he would have to act fast to have this fight finished. The Fire Contender refused to go down easily and kept on fighting. Galvian had always admired that sort of fighting spirit in a person. It would be a shame to have to kill this one, but that was life for you.

After Galvian had touched ground with the rock he had leap towards, the Firewolf acted appropriately. He managed to conjure up some type of fire dagger with his willpower and strength. It was rushed, Galvian could dodge this easily and take some damage. He turned his body slightly towards the left managing to get sliced at the midsection of his right arm, just above the elbow. The fire had hurt, but now wasn't the time to worry about it.

Now was the time to end this. His energy was almost out and he wasn't charged. In a moment of desperation he forced both of his arms to charge with energy. This maneuver had caused his heart to stop temporarily, he coughed up some blood from his mouth. As far as he was concerned it was worth it. Galvian swung his left arm forward to hit the Fire contender hard and quickly. His next move had him hopping towards his opponent.

Power flowed through his right paw and hopefully it would be enough to either stop his heart or knock him off of the stone he stood on. His right arm pointed outward aiming for the upper body or even the face. If this didn't work then he didn't know what would.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Sky Arena (8/3/2009 14:49:32)

Suddenly, out of the blue, or whatever the dominant colour was at the time, multi-coloured sprites appear, hovering down at rapid speeds to choice contestants - they then wiggle into their heads through their ears, making the fighters emit a glow most spectacular from their eyes, ears, mouths, and even noses...

Their bodies growing transparent, and thusly the strange lights taking over everything, making them impossible to see, the light (the contestants?) rise up slowly, finally exploding into a gazillion of little marvelous pieces.

The Lords had made their pick, their chosen champions would proceed to fight the Final battle of the Tournament...

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