RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (Full Version)

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Krey -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/19/2009 13:17:48)

Seeing his foe rise, Grey's mind began to work, forming and just as quickly discarding ideas. He kept an eye on the Defender in his peripheral vision, but he was not the immediate threat. Not yet, at any rate. Angelo was the one he was immediately concerned about, but he wasn't about to let his guard down for anyone. Not when everyone in this arena was gunning for the same thing.

As soon as the wall raised itself from the cobblestone, deflecting Elian's wind attack, Grey began to move. He offered a bit of a grin at the Defender's statement, but little else as he had other things in mind; for instance bringing down this dangerous foe. And as he'd realized that this earth warrior had no trouble tracking without sight, it was without any attempt at silence that he made his way around. By the time Angelo had launched his wall, Grey had braced himself in a defensive stance within a couple feet of his right side, well out of the way.

“I'm over here, blind one,” he mocked, “how about a straight fight? Man to man. Or man to blades, as the case may be. Come at me!”

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/19/2009 21:01:49)

"We are outcasts, Green One. We stand alone amongst humans, and as you can see by this one's open violence, they will kill the nonhumans first! But not if we stand together. You do not bear the look of one aligned with a Lord of Water, so I have no reason to dispose of you. We can work together. And through teamwork may we prevail." The voice spoke within Gub's head, and was promptly ignored for the moment. Perhaps there'd be time for communication later. Now, Gub wanted to concentrate.

Watching his dagger fly, Gub noticed another object flying straight at it. He turned quickly to see where the second dagger had originated from, only to see a lady of white leaping at him. The spear in her hand caught his eye as it twirled in her hands. He sidestepped the simple thrust and spun forward, pulling out a knife in each hand. He rushed forward, thrusting with his right hand straight at her face as his left went for her armpit, a part of the body never covered by armor. He would attempt to keep as closely engaged in melee as possible, making it difficult for her to put her spear to good use.

As to her taunt, Gub ignored it for the time being. Perhaps he would respond if there was a respite from the current melee, but for now, there was no time to waste with petty words. Besides, he was there to fight, not talk.

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/19/2009 23:04:31)

So there it is.

He had finally tracked its location. Angelo had been keeping "an eye out" for the shapeshifter's staff ever since it had been knocked in the air by the knight, but he had been a little preoccupied with surviving. However, it could not remain hidden forever, and now might be a good time to return it to its owner.

As the staff rested on the arena's floor, a piece of stone smaller than the size of a fist rose up from the floor directly beneath it. The rock transformed into a crude claw and grasped the staff before sliding across the cobblestone smoothly. It crept up to the shapeshifter and gave the creature a poke with the staff before the rock slid away back into the ground, leaving the staff at the shifter's disposal. Returning a weapon to a potential enemy...perhaps Angelo was being a bit too trusting in the Elemental Championships, but it was much better than leaving his partner weaponless when faced against two common foes.

As Angelo finished his virtually unnoticeable tactic, he turned his head to face the mage who had attempted to insult him. Attempted was the keyword, as Angelo had faced much harsher remarks at the hands of mere ten years old. That is, until he beat the living snot out of them. He grinned slightly as he responded to the man who stood a slight distance from him. "You'll have to do better than that if you want to get my blood boiling." He flashed his teeth wickedly before continuing. "And as for for the 'man to blades' thing, I may not be familiar with your 'code of honor', but if I was you, I would have to reconsider anything that required me to jump beneath an enemy's blades. Now if you'll excuse, I have some business to do."

Angelo turned his head back to the where the knight was and began to trudge over, knowing that his usual steps would take him over the strange hole he had inadvertently created with his wall.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/20/2009 19:18:07)

Elian watched the man with the odd blade weapons strapped to his limbs pull a wall of stone up out of the Arena floor with some admiration. After all, the Arenas were huge, ancient constructions, and for the man to rip part of the floor of the Arena open and pull a wall of stone up must have taken a considerable expenditure of energy, though he seemed little effected by it as he sent the wall sliding towards the Defender and the unarmed man near him.

Of course, as impressive as the wall's creation was, in and of itself it was very little threat, after all, whatever momentum the man had imparted on his creation was being quickly sapped as it plowed forward, kicking up a wave of water in it's wake, the drag of the long, flat surface draining any power behind the movement so that all Eli had to do was take about six steps to his right and watch from the corner of his eye as the wall inched past him before coming to a stop.

The Defender scratched his head as the man began sloshing through the water towards him, then glanced at the unarmed man and shrugged. "Personally, I find a code of conduct to be a good thing." He spun his sword through a quick figure-eight motion then pointed the blade at the advancing man. Elian widened his stance slightly, stomping his right foot down hard to crush a watery weed so that it wouldn't interfere with later footing, and cast again with a flourish of his blade, spinning it backwards. "Ventas Servitas!" The same spell as before, but this time, slightly different, for the ball of condensed wind was rocketing in from behind the approaching man, hopefully he wouldn't expect that, and the spell would send him reeling forward right into Eli's waiting blade.

Beebote -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/20/2009 20:38:31)

Chel eyed the soiled swordsman as he approached her confidently, offering her the chance to prepare herself. Chel stood, channeling the chilling magics through her feet to maintain the water temperature. She half-turned away, as if considering something as the man spoke. Glancing back over her shoulder, and seductively brushing her hair aside, she replied, “They certainly seem to be keeping to themselves aren’t they? All the better for us, handsome. We have this side all… to… ourselves.” Her she pivoted to face him, blowing him a kiss. Actually, it was more a chilly puff of air that would feel like a faint winter breeze on the man’s neck. “I’m Chel, by the way.” She spun around a full circle, ending in her battle stance. “Let’s see just how good your moves are, Mister Zenz.”

At this she swiftly lunged forward and began a dizzying series of jabs and slashes, changing her focus between her opponent’s neck and torso. She paused after a solid series of ten strikes, grinning maliciously. “That spritely enough a rhythm for you, handsome? Or does the tempo need a kick in the pants?”

Krey -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/20/2009 23:00:48)

While he'd not actually been trying to INSULT Angelo, apparently he'd taken it that way. In reality, all he was trying to do was provoke an attack. A tactic which, apparently, had not worked out quite so well in his favor, as all he got was a rather long-winded response, considering the circumstances.

And then, even more surprising to Jon, his foe began to walk away. His eyes narrowed as he watched Angelo, his lips twisting into a snarl. Not attacking when provoked was one thing, but to walk away from a man who was quite clearly intent on taking his life? Was this man not only blind, but brainless as well?

There was no way he was getting away. He had set upon his target, and if taunts would not work to provoke him... well, Jon would just find another way to get his attention. He shuffled to the side, placing himself once more directly to Angelo's right. Leaning his left side in, he threw his arm forward in an open-palmed strike. His knees bent, prepared to react, and if his blow were to find its target—Angelo's ribcage—his hand would close to grab at the man's garment.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/21/2009 8:38:13)

Zenz stiffened as the woman suddenly turned around and seemingly blew a kiss. He was expecting to be hit by a freezing blast of air or perhaps even be frozen in place. Instead, all he felt was a gentle brush of cold air against the skin of his neck that wasn’t actually all that unpleasant. Zenz shivered again, although this time he wasn’t entirely sure it was down to the temperature.

“I’m Chel, by the way,” the woman informed him as she completed a full turn and entered a battle stance. “Let’s see just how good your moves are, Mister Zenz.”

Zenz was about to inform Chel that he was in fact no ‘Mister’, but found it impossible to form the words as he saw Chel’s blade coming right for him. The slipperiness of the cobblestones work in Zenz’s favour as he moved to the right to avoid Chel’s attacks, although it did take him slightly further from her than he intended, which made his second action slightly more difficult. He launched the bag in his left hand over his shoulder and directly at Chel.

Although, being preoccupied with staying on his feet and avoiding any unexpected attacks, Zenz wasn’t completely sure of his aim, when he guessed the bag was close to Chel’s face, he pointed at it. Suddenly, the bag ripped apart as soil and sharp rocks exploded from it, hopefully doing some damage to his opponent, or at least obscuring her vision somewhat.

Before the bag had exploded, Chel had asked if the tempo was too tame for Zenz’s liking. “We could certainly kick up the tempo, love, I just hope you know all the steps, I’d hate to hurt you.” Zenz dropped into a defensive stance, finally able after relieving himself of the heavy bag. He grinned, but then his grin left him momentarily, Does she really think I’m handsome, or is she just teasing me?.

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/21/2009 11:10:04)

No matter what, victory almost always goes to one who fights on his own terms. Such was the lesson of one of Angelo's favorite and most revered teachers, and it was because of him that he had walked away from the taunting mage. Striking first would place his opposition in control, and that was not the position to be in. And because Angelo had ignored the mage, his foe had to be move in order to be within an assault range, making the enemy play by his rules.

The knight had avoided the wall, which was easier than it sounded as the water had slowed it more than Angelo had calculated, before it fell over forward, sending a great deal of water soaring through the air. The knight had been doing an unusual sword maneuver, but the mage had decided to strike, so he would have to wait for now.

It was an open-palmed strike, aimed at his ribs, but Angelo had been ready for this. The moment his foe had started to move, Angelo brought his right hand in front of his body and jabbed his elbow to counteract the blow, the tip of his Shredder pointed at the center of the palm. But the mage was quick, changing his stance and his blow so that it was aimed at his neck. It was at this time that the knight had once again shouted, "Ventas Servitas!", but his sword had not been pointing at Angelo, so there was no need to worry. Instead, Angelo swung his right arm around to slash at his closest enemy in a sweeping arc at the chest.

The two blows were about to land when Angelo heard the gust of wind a split-second before he was hit in the back. He had no time to think, but he did have time to react as his martial arts training was put into use. Angelo fell forward, and as he did so, he pivoted on his right foot until he faced the other way, with his back falling to the ground. Using the momentum of the rotation, Angelo continued his slash at the mage before swinging his right arm around and underneath him to break his fall. Luckily for him, the air blast had knocked him out of range of the mage's hand, thus dodging one attack and opening the field up to strike another.

In one fluid motion, Angelo brought his left hand down to support his weight as he shifted it to that side. This time, the water worked for him as it was easier to stabilize himself, enough so that Angelo could shift nearly all his weight to his left arm for a precious moment. In that instant, Angelo brought his right leg up and out of the water in a waistline kick at the mage.

Krey -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/21/2009 22:43:41)

In a defensive maneuver, Angelo's elbow jabbed at his palm as it went for his ribs. Too slow, however, as Jon shifted his body. His left arm went up, safely away from the point of his target's weapon, as his right side moved forward. His hand whipped up and around, reaching for Angelo's throat, a move which, if successful, could mean the end of this little duel. Unfortunately, things couldn't possibly be that simple.

Angelo followed his defensive lunge with the rest of his arm, swinging it out in a slash at Jon's chest. Jon cursed, and drew his arm back as his feet shuffled backwards in a retreat from Angelo's deadly blade. Too late, he realized there was something he'd missed. In his fixation on bringing down his target, he'd failed to realize that Eli had once again cast the wind spell that he'd used twice before. It struck Angelo on the back, and the blind warrior followed through with the blast, spinning so that his back fell towards the water.

The blade reached slightly further than Jon anticipated, and he grunted as the tip left a shallow cut across his chest. A flesh wound, really, and certainly not enough to distract Grey from his quarry. As Angelo's right hand planted on the ground, Jonathan smirked. He could see his foe's next maneuver coming in the way that his body moved, and as Angelo's right leg came up, he was ready. He shifted back, bracing himself on his legs as both hands came up to catch his foot.

Were he to succeed, the sharp and sudden inward twist of Angelo's foot would be enough to snap joints.

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/21/2009 23:57:33)

The mage had started to make a grab for Angelo's right leg as it was in mid-kick. It had been a clever move, and the results of it could have been devastating if it succeeded. If is the key word, thought Angelo as he put his plan into action. In the battle, the mage had made several attempts to grasp an enemy, from the shapeshifter's tentacles, to Angelo's clothes, and to his own throat as well. In foresight of this, Angelo had prepared to avoid another of these potential disasters.

First, Angelo had the cobblestone directly beneath his left palm fly straight up into the air. Or at least, the top half-inch of it did. By keeping his arm stiff, the force of the stone pushed Angelo up into a more upright position, though that was only part of the plan. The moment the first stone started moving, the top layer of the stone underneath his left foot slid itself away from the mage, taking Angelo with it. The kicking leg never reached its target as the distance between the two competitors increased, keeping Angelo's limb out of range of his foe's arms and hands.

As his foot came down from its failed kick, another thin piece of stone met it in order to carry it like the other. Angelo regained his balance as he slid away from danger until he was fifteen feet away from both the knight and the mage. With a final twirl, the two stones swirled around one another so the Kastran could face his opposition. He gently stepped off of both stones and they became lifeless like their brethren that covered the arena's floor.

He smiled as he stood tall and straight, the charm of his handsome youth being more present than ever before. "Well that was fun, how about we up the stakes a little?" With that, Angelo snapped his fingers, and a two-inch piece of spiked stone rose up underneath the heel of the mage's right foot a fraction of a second later.

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/22/2009 6:45:01)

Unsurprisingly, the goblin managed to dodge the first lunge. Drawing two knives, he issued his counter attack: one at her face, one at the unprotected armpit. Morine struck the first blade with the rod of the spear, batting it back far enough to give her some manoeuvring space. The second was a little harder. She concentrated on the spot, calling forth from the hefty supply of ice magic. A thin layer of ice covered Morine's armpit -- it was not enough to stop the blade completely but it slowed it down. With that, Morine ducked, the blade grazing her skin, not able to pierce her strong skin. I refuse to be hurt in the first strike... Grimacing at the creature, she recklessly lunged the spear forward again, this time merely a distraction.

She retracted the blade before it went far enough to be countered against - or even hit the goblin. This gave her enough space to dive backwards, which she did, as well as producing two of her own ice spikes. As she retreated, she launched both of them at the goblin. I doubt I'm as strong as this disgusting creature. But I doubt its faster than me. If that's true then... She landed only a few feet from her original position. Now her spear could be used, she issued a proper attack, swinging the blade down at its lower legs.

"Ugly creature, I doubt your kind knows anything of honour, but I would like to know your name before I strike away your measly existence." Morine, in mid-attack, smirked at her own hypocrisy. "Or is your brain too insignificant to register my words?"

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/22/2009 10:48:37)

The Defender watched the unarmed man engage the odd mage, and Eli began moving forward as the unarmed man made to catch the mage's foot, intent on skewering his opponent after his semi-ally caught the limb. He never had a chance to do so though, as the mage, well, slid away. Elian paused in his advance, blinking and watching, more than a little perplexed as his opponent slid away from him.

Well, whatever the man had done mattered little to the young man, and he began a slow stalk towards his opponent. Glancing back at the unarmed man, he gestured with his sword to the right as he moved to the left, indicating to his semi-ally that he intended to circle around their opponent so that they could attack him from two sides at once. Eli paid no attention to the man's response, because it wasn't really important, what was important was that the mage think that the two were going to attack him from two sides simultaneously, and prepare himself for that attack, when the reality was very different.

Moments later the Defender charged, weight shifting in mid-step, falling forward and hammering down on the cobbles below the water. With a roar of challenge Elian charged the mage, shield leading, an additional distraction as he feinted a shield bash, his long sword striking from behind the vision-obscuring shield, a coiled snake swift strike of an overhand jab aimed at the mage's face.

Krey -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/22/2009 11:34:33)

Up the stakes a little? ”Jon, move!”

He heard the command in his mind and, with how things had gone so far, entertained no notions of questioning his inner demon. He took a hop backwards, and not a moment too soon, as his eyes caught the faint displacement of the water, then the spike below it. About the same time, he saw the gesture from Elian and nodded, taking off in a run and carefully avoiding the spike as he worked his way around to Angelo's side.

“How did you...?” He started as he ran, and Shade's answer filled his mind nearly in an instant.

”Up the stakes? It sounded like a bad joke. The kind of thing I'd probably say before doing something similar.”

As Elian came at Angelo from his front-right, Jonathan worked his way directly to the blind man's left side, carefully maneuvering through a tangle of roots on his way. He shifted his left side forth, feigning another strike with an open left palm at his ribs. His hand was just within range of a strike from Angelo's blade as his left knee bent. He followed his momentum, spinning on his left foot as his right whipped out in a kick aimed for the back of the blind one's left knee.

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/22/2009 22:16:57)

The mage had dodged his surprise attack, though that wasn't the most pressing matter at the moment. The knight had made an odd gesture with his blade before moving himself over to Angelo's right. Meanwhile, the mage had started to work his way over to the otherside so that he was partially surrounded. It was easy enough to identify as a cooperative tactic, and Angelo could easily guess that they planned to attack in unison. Silently, Angelo stepped back onto his two slabs of stone before his foes finished moving to their new positions.

As predicted, the two struck as one as they launched themselves forward. The knight had raised his shield as if he was to bash Angelo, but the way he handled his sword behind it told quite a different story. The mage appeared to be going for another palm strike against his ribs. The two were enclosing quickly, but there was always a way to escape.

And there was always a way to turn his opponent's plan against them.

Just as the knight began his quick sword strike, Angelo began his sliding again. This time, both slabs sent themselves backwards just in time to bring himself out of the attacks of both opponents. Or at least, he had thought so, but the mage had changed his blow to a kick aimed at his left knee. He had calculated to dodge a sword thrust and a hand strike, not an extension of the leg.

Just as the kick was about to land, Angelo swung his left arm downwards at the approaching limb. The mage proved to be agile once again as he managed to withdraw his leg from the threat, though now Angelo was safe from both attacks. However, the foe lost his balance, and he slipped among the cobblestone. Angelo took advantage of the situation by continuing to slide away from both of his attackers, weaving his legs in and out to avoid the various plants growing in the arena.

He stopped a short distance from the shapeshifter, standing to his, its, left. "That was a bit of fun now wasn't it? How about you come and enjoy some of the action?"

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/22/2009 22:17:03)

The ice woman dove backwards, taking minimal damage from Gub's knives. He noticed the ice-armor she created almost instantaneously, an interesting power he would note for later. She retaliated quickly, chucking daggers of her own kind, icy spikes. He managed to knock one away but the other got through, smashing against his chest. It did not pierce through the chain mail, the only pain coming from the mere brunt smack, which made him grunt. The woman then did something unexpected, yet extremely foolish.

She had put enough distance to use her spear effectively, and then had made a mistake. She had forgotten her environment, attempting to strike at Gub's legs, which were, at the moment, submerged in the murky water. The spear hit the water and slowed immediately, producing a small wave as the spear swept through. Gub exploded from the water in a leap right at the lady, tossing both daggers straight up into the air, as two thin steel blades erupted from the knuckles of his left gauntlet. He swiped the steel claws right at the woman's neck. It would be nearly impossible for her to bring her spear to bear from the water in time.

Her words did nothing to instill any kind of emotion in Gub. He felt no response of words was needed, he only needed to respond in action. He was long past caring what others said of his race. They had learned, as this condescending witch would. Was it not him, but her, who had just put her only weapon in the water? Over-confidence and underestimation had proven to be lethal mistakes made by many of Gub's enemies. It seemed this woman would be another one of those.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/23/2009 0:06:23)

Slowly K'bar allowed his head to revert to normal again. The flesh on the back of his head felt soft now, but at least he wasn't spilling his blood to match the reddened jet spraying water from the arena floor. For a brief moment he wondered exactly from where the water was to drain. Ah well. It really didn't matter, despite his rampant desire for an uncrushable advantage. For the moment, the mind flayer had a priority to help out those that would come to aid him in combat. But who deserved to first receive his aid? The goblin was well armed, possessing more traditional weaponry and seeming to have plenty of combat experience, plus the ability to see. That settled it; the woman engaged with him would receive a heaping helping of skull-burrowing live calamari.

Immediately his legs shifted through the water, bringing him nearer the goblin. His first step disturbed something beneath the water. A quick downward glance revealed the object; his own staff. It was not probable that he had come to stand beside his weapon by his own volition. The only explanation was that the blind one had found a way to send it back in his direction. After all, only he would be able to detect it without actually viewing it.

That settled it; the goblin could take care of himself. The human deserved his aid, especially given the trust he had shown toward a nonhuman. Yes, the trust of this ally could very well mean a permanent place of safety in this arena. Once more he linked his own mind into a one-way chat with another, speaking to Angelo through a mental link. Just-it seemed-after the human himself had drawn himself out of the net of violence. "I'm fine now. I only needed a moment to recover... If I may say so, you are... unique, in that you are willing to fight your own kind for the sake of a nonhuman." If he had a mouth, the mind flayer would have smiled at his own comment. Again his left arm transformed into an eight-foot long tentacle, but this time the hand remained unshifted. He was saving that part for a separate shocking transformation. At any rate, he would not allow his trusting ally to be overrun. Not, at least, while he himself was in fighting condition.

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/23/2009 9:38:08)

Damn it! She cursed as she saw what was done. Morine had squandered a perfect advantage -- her mind was distracted by a different matter. Because of that, her life was in danger, as the goblin rushed out from the flaying water with a bladed punch. How could I be so stupid! Time seemed to slow down for a moment as she saw the weapon rush towards her neck. Her memory shot to her mother: the leader of a band of assassins, she had trained Morine to be one of them. She hated her mother's work, and seeing death at such a young age was... more than traumatising. But there was one thing her mother told her about battle, which seemed very appropriate in these circumstances.

Suddenly, she was very aware of what was going on. The blade was very near her throat, but in the position Morine was in it was possible to dodge the fatal attack. She rolled to the side, the creature's blade scratching against her face. It drove in, erupting a fire of pain from her cheek. Blood splattered outwards, but at least it avoided her neck -- she was safe from that attack. However, she was not safe from this creature since, as shown in just these few bouts, it was quick to counter-attack. Which meant Morine had no time to feel any sort of pain over her new wound. By being injured, she managed to stall enough time to release her spear from its watery deadlock. She slammed the blunt end on the floor through the pool and propelled herself to the side.

Morine was still not far enough away to avoid the goblin's attack. Instead, she brought up her left arm, tapping into cold energy locked inside of her. I was hoping not to come to such means so early... But then again, the goblin was a very worthy opponent. One she did not expect from his kind. Thick, strong ice began spurting out of her arm which quickly took form as a small round shield. She swung the ice-shield up to protect her body, and pointed the spear at the goblin. She was breathing very heavily: the energy it took to create ice of that quality was far more than she wished to squander.

"The one who draws first blood is the one who draws the last," she mumbled, barely audible. "You were wrong mother. And I'll show you."

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/24/2009 16:19:28)

The woman escaped with a scratch on her face, retrieved her weapon from the water and formed an ice shield on her arm. Gub landed with a splash, claws still extended. The woman was breathing heavily, so he considered the attack a success. Now, she waited, spear pointed at him, shield presented in a defensive stance. Gub stood tall, glanced above and then back at Morine.

"You are peculiar." Gub said calmly. "You talk honor, then insult my kind." As he spoke, in his mind, he envisioned those spinning daggers he had thrown into the sky. "I shouldn't be surprised. I've found most of your kind to be....hypocrites." He said finally, finding the right word. He aided gravity in sending his missiles downwards with blowing winds. "I am Gub."

He began to run towards her drawing one of the silver blades on his back with his right hand, claws on his left at the ready. As the daggers neared their target, so did Gub, rushing the ice woman and horizontally slicing at her waist. It would be an easy block with her shield if she decided to do so, though she would leave herself open to his airborne missiles, which she might not have noticed, or have forgotten about. A threat from above and in front faced her.

Krey -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/24/2009 20:25:42)

It seemed for a moment that his strike would land. The earth mage slid back, directly towards Grey's whipping leg. But just before it would have hit, he saw the blades lashing down at his leg. He drew his foot back in a jerk, just managing to clear the edge of the deadly weapon. Following the momentum of the kick, his body spun, but due to his quick retreat he overbalanced himself. His left foot slid out from under him as his right broke the water's surface, and he fell back with a splash.

Groaning, he shot up to support his upper body upon his hands, leaning back in the water. A quick glance around told him his foe was retreating but that otherwise he was clear, and he rose slowly, eyes narrowing. Suddenly, clear of the water, he was aware of the weight of his soaked duster slowing him down. Shivering, he shed the garment, tossing it behind him in the water.



“What would you say if I took it back?”

There was a snicker in his mind that made his eyes narrow. ”I would say, I told you so, Jonathan. But are you forgetting something? I had to force my powers through to save your worthless life. I have nothing to offer you, right now.”

Jon shook slightly, fingers clenching tightly into fists. “Fine.”

And he moved forth, slowly, until he stood about fifteen feet from his foes. His eyes shifted between his temporary ally and his two foes, and idly, he noted that the water-creature, whose arm was now a tentacle, had recovered rather quickly. All or nothing with him, then. And he'd have to be careful of his shifting capabilities.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/28/2009 2:23:41)

Elian glanced at his semi-ally for a moment, then towards the mage and shapeshifter standing near the arena wall and one of the fountains for which this arena took its name. He waited, but none of the others seemed like they were intending to do anything at all resembling fighting, so Elian decided to take matters into his own hands. He stalked forward as the unarmed man started, talking to himself, odd that.

The Defender contemplated odd pair for a moment, not quite knowing what the make of them. Eli supposed it mattered very little in the end, either who they were or for what reason they were here. Like him they had entered the tournament, and knew the risks associated with it, so worrying about reasons and other things wasn't helpful. He was ten feet from them when he stopped, and placed his sword against the cobbles of the arena floor again, smiling. The first line was long, a gently sloping arc whose edge was ten feet from the pair, Elian moved backwards and to the side, extending the circle. It was big, larger than a normal area described for a Defender's Stand, a circle around fifteen feet in diameter. Its effectiveness would be diluted by the increased size, but then, he didn't want to give everything away right away. Holding the circle in his mind, Elian finished the ritual, the Circle sealing with what would have been an audible snapping had the ground not been covered in water.

Eli grinned, gesturing broadly with his sword to the Circle his enemies had seen him draw out in the arena floor, though there was no physical indication of it, just a slight, lingering magical residue from the spell's completion. "Enter the Circle described by my sword, and break yourself on my defense." The longsword rang as he hammered the flat of the blade against his shield. "I, Elian Gonzales, swear on my oath to Defend this ground from my foes! Each wound I receive shall be repaid in kind. Come now, and do your worst."

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/29/2009 17:45:43)

Angelo's two fingers sprung to his temple the moment he voice made itself present in his head. For a moment he was worried, for he had no real defense against a direct assault on his mind, but the anxiety quickly fled. It was no more than a thought, and better yet, it belonged to the shapeshifter. The Kastran grinned in response, giving a slight nod before saying, "Yeah well...I've been saved plenty of times in the past, and most of them weren't be humans. Figured I'd return the favor."

The unarmored one had approached the duo, though he made no real indication to attack. The knight wasn't that far behind, but he was a little more...productive, to say the least. He appeared to be marking a circle, and Angelo had a bad feeling about it. Symbols and signs had their place in the magical art, and it was highly doubtful that this was just a ruse for the knight's little speech that came afterwards.

So Angelo decided to do something about it. While the knight was busy with his monologue, Angelo extended his fingers fully before slowly moving them forward. In response, a top layer of the cobblestone that had been marked by the sword had shifted itself to slide towards the knight a couple of feet. It wasn't much, but sometimes even the slightest difference in a ritual could have catastrophic effects.

"Uh huh," said Angelo as the knight fell silent. He turned his head to face the mage. "Now would you like to give a rant as well, or should we finish what we started?" Angelo walked steadily towards the mage, making sure to keep a couple of feet away from the knight's circle, before he stopped just within striking distance of the mage with his Shredders. " about it?" he asked as he spread his arms out in a questioning gesture.

Krey -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/29/2009 21:58:37)

Grey's eyes wandered the arena slowly, briefly observing everything that was going on throughout, but focusing on his immediate situation. The man armed with sword and shield had begun to draw a circle around himself with his sword, though he couldn't actually see anything left by it. He finished his circle, and then he began to speak.

”I grow tired of this game,” said the demon within him, and Grey's ears mostly droned out Elian's speech.

“As do I. But it's not as if you can do anything about it.”

”I say we end it.”

Grey cocked his head, “How? I thought you were beat?”

He heard a laugh within his mind, and he smirked himself. ”These fools have given me enough time to recover, at least in part. If you are willing, Jonathan, we may share power. And then we can destroy them. All at once.”

He folded his arms over his chest, watching as the earth mage began to approach him. “Very well.”

”Don't let him near. Get into the middle of the lotus plants.”

He nodded, and shifted back before Angelo could come near him, moving into the lotus plants he'd dodged earlier. Once he stood in the middle, his eyes wandered between the three, and he cocked his head slightly.

”Let your strength flow. I'll do the rest.”

He opened himself up, for the first time allowing Shade access to his mind, his body, his strength. As Shade worked, he could feel it, knew what he was doing, and felt that if the demon were to give him access to his power, he could manipulate it himself. For now, however, he simply allowed the demon access to his own strength. The shadows beneath the lotus plants stirred, coming to life unnoticeably. At least, to everyone else. Grey could feel the shadows dancing about his feet, preparing to strike.

Suddenly, a trio of tendrils burst from beneath the lotus leaves, snaking their way in a spiral around Grey's form until they reached his arms. Once they'd gotten to his shoulders, they lunged forth, their ends honed to a razor sharpness as each sought a different target. The darkness beneath the lotus leaves fed them, so that they could reach, presumably, without limit. One reached for Angelo, aiming for his chest, though it wasn't as if he would be able to tell. As the tendril flew at about the speed of an arrow, it lurched back and forth, erratically changing direction in flight. As it neared, it spiraled, and then lurched forth at an alarming speed, straight for his heart. At the same time, another shot through the air after the sea-shifter. It weaved back and forth, up and down, and as it touched the water, the spray it created suggested that it was quite solid. As it neared him, it dropped, touching the water in its light. As if it had bounced off the water's surface, it launched above the Illithid's head, then dove, whipping around and striking at an upwards diagonal at the center of his back.

As the others sought their targets, the third and final launched in a totally different direction. It dove into another concentration of lotus plants, then cut its way through the water, weaving back and forth on its way towards Elian. A jerk to the right, and as if mocking him, it followed the trail of the circle he'd formed. Once finished, it rose into the air, above his head... and then dove. As it flew down towards him, it exploded into a dozen tinier tendrils which first arced out, then converged to try and trap him, the razor sharp tendrils seeking out weaknesses in his armor.

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/30/2009 1:49:00)

A change...a sudden increase in weight and mass...

There were not many times in Angelo's lifetime that he could say he had seen something stranger. First there had just been the mage, standing alone, but in the next was not fathomable, yet completely possible. The how did not matter, there were more pressing issues at the moment.

The newly formed creation was looping around the mage's body, but it did not remain there for long. A portion of it lunged forward at Angelo, and that was all the Kastran needed to act.

He raised both his arms up into the air and a second wall of stone rose up in front of him. In the past, it had served well as a defense against ranged attacks and this battle was no different. The strange assault smashed against the wall and the stone held firm, proving the raw power the earth realm commanded.

Yet that was not the only change in the arena brought about by the geomancer. As the wall rose to provide protection for its wielder, two one-inch spikes had simultaneously risen from the ground directly beneath each foot of the mage. It might not have been the noblest of tactics, but Angelo wasn't exactly a chivalrious knight in shining armor. That was what the arena had the other guy for.

Without hesistating, Angelo continued the assault on his foe. He threw punches at the wall, though he was not relying on physical force, but rather his arcane power instead. As the tips of the Shredders touched the individual cobblestones, the blocks of stone were launched forward at the mage at an incredulous speed. Five of the missiles were fired in rapid succession, and they flew straight forward at their intended targets. First the chest, then the left shoulder, followed by the right hip, then the throat, and finally the left thigh. So much for that 'man to man' honor you had before, Angelo thought bitterly as he finished his tactical rebound.

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/30/2009 2:44:22)

After what seemed would be a lengthy, stagnant stalemate, the ambiance was finally broken as first Elian prepared what K'bar could only assume was a dastardly ritual circle. The Illithid liked to think that he was not imbecilic enough to actually enter the ring without a proper plan to get past the blade, armor, and wind. Without an idea in mind, it seemed all he could do was stay out of the marked area, which his pupiless, whiteless eyes barely made slightly visible through the water. The temperature of which, he assumed, was likely affecting everyone around him much worse than himself. The next move, after Angelo's challenge, was far more wicked and aggressive.

The man whom the mind flayer had assumed hadn't a touch of magic to his name suddenly seemed the most threatening of all opponents-and this time not by aggression alone! K'bar assumed that Angelo could fend for himself, but personally he could do nothing for the man in the face of such a swift, unexpected and altogether wicked attack. There was little time. The tentacle drew inward, becoming an arm again. Almost immediately, the seashifter's entire body had been absorbed into his now rather large head before being jutting out as a pair of tough clam lips to engulf his head like a tentacled blue pearl. The impact of the shadow against his exterior propelled him where he knew he needed to be. Still, to make sure he expanded the transformation further.

From the thick shell sprouted spiny fins. At first it was only one, but in the next moment they ringed around the thing like buzzsaw blades. Between every pair of fins, the shellhide bulged slightly and sprouted an eye. The clam shell shimmered a bit before taking on the design of K'bar's strange robe. Now aware of exactly where he would be going, as well as the well-being of his human companion, he immediately began to wave his fins. Combined with his momentum from the dark strike, the spinning shell allowed him to speed through the water like a preying fish, directing his hard body's impact straight at the unarmed man's knees. The force would certainly be enough to shatter the bones, if not carve up the rest of the legs with his spiny fins.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/30/2009 11:55:28)

Neither of his opponents accepted the challenge, both skirting the edge of the circle to move towards the Defender's semi-ally. Eli jerked slightly as the ground beneath his feet shifted, an attempt by the earth mage to disrupt the ritual. Elian took a single steadying step forward, but held his ground, watching as the earth mage moved towards the unarmed man.

What happened next, was unexpected to say the least. Three black tendrils shot up from the water, twining up and around the unarmed man's body. Eli watched in surprise as they wrapped up and around the man's body, and then parts of them exploded off, two headed off on erratic courses towards the earth mage and the shapeshifter, the third. The third, splashed down into the water, then jagged right, skimming across the edge of the water just outside of the ritual circle. Elian frown, pivoting slowly to keep his eyes on the plume of water kicked up as the shadow tendril moved.

Moments later the tendril reared up like a striking snake, launching through the air directly at the Defender. Eli's eyes widened as the mass of shadows burst into a dozen smaller projectiles that spiraled outwards and hissed towards several parts of his body. The Defender burst into motion, sloshing forward and to the left through the frigid water, causing several bolts to go wide. The shield snapped up, and a trio of shadow arrows meant for his face clattered off it. His sword snapped out simultaneously, slicing a pair of the projectiles in half, but another trio of bolts slammed solidly into him, one pinging harshly off his right hip, no penetrating the scale armor, but it would definitely leave a nasty bruise, the other two slammed into his sword arm, high up, piercing the scales and burying themselves in his shoulder.

Elian grimaced, but the ritual kept the pain distant, meaningless. He squared on his former ally with a snarl of fury. "Ventas Servitas!" A ball of wind blasted from the tip of his blade towards the unarmed mage's chest. "Is that the best you can manage? Face me!"

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