RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (Full Version)

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Krey -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/31/2009 0:04:18)

Grey had come into this tournament expecting that everyone would be out for his blood, prepared to go after theirs just as viciously. For months he had worked to put himself into this mindset, so that he would not care who he fought, who he killed. It was not a hard thing for him to turn on the man who had helped him, not with the corrupting influence of Shade adding itself to his already violent frame of mind.

As the tendrils moved, he found his thoughts meshing more openly with Shade's, improving the efficiency of his shadow powers and allowing them to work together with less of a strain on either of them. Of his strikes, only the tendrils aimed at Elian had struck home. The others had stopped upon the shield and shell of both geomancer and shifter. Having stopped however did not mean that they were finished. The tendril that had struck the Illithid retreated, while the scattered strikes that had hit or missed Elian faded away along their length back towards Jonathan.

He felt something push up from the ground, piercing into his feet, and his eyes widened as a yell of pain ripped from his throat. He'd been focusing on the offensive, and hadn't thought to protect himself. Pain quickly turned to anger, and he growled, shadows sliding into the wounds and first shoving the spikes back into the earth, then filling the wounds so that he'd lose no blood. A makeshift version of healing that would serve well enough for now.

On top of the pain that pulsed through his feet, the clam-shell-creature that was the Illithid was shooting through the water at him, and Elian was speaking words he had heard before. Earlier, they'd been followed by a wind strike, and this would likely be no different. The earth-mage had a wall up, and since he was predictable, would likely launch it at him again.

Deciding to take the defensive this time, rather than be caught unaware, Jon dropped to his knees, curling his body tightly as he heard Shade in his mind. ”An unfortunate oversight on my part, yet already we think alike. My power is at home with your strength, Jonathan.” As the three strikes were launched at him, shadows swirled around his body, wrapping tightly into a thick, dense shell which would easily stop a rampaging bull.

Meanwhile, the tendril which had struck Angelo's wall remained, surging to life once the barrier had formed itself around Grey. It split in two, each smaller tendril lashing out to either side of the wall. They whipped about to Angelo's left and right sides, about five feet out each, aiming for the area Grey had last known him to occupy. At the apex of their arc, they exploded into a flurry of smaller tendrils, scattering like tiny, razor-sharp raindrops that aimed to engulf Angelo and the area several feet around him in a web of death.

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/31/2009 1:57:11)

The mage almost had Angelo. Almost, but not quite.

Had the mage sent the odd attack directly at Angelo, then perhaps the geomancer would have fallen. However, the strange substance had wrapped itself around its user first, giving the Kastran a feel for its unique properties. Despite its magical origins, it was of the physical world, and he had ways of dealing with that.

The mage had concealed himself in...a cocoon of sorts that proved quite formidable as the flying blocks of cobblestone were unable to pierce its defense. Angelo might have taken the time to admire it had his life not been in peril. The tendril that had collided with his wall sprung into action as it, what, split in two? Each half went around one side of the wall, though Angelo had already been moving. The plates of stone had followed him as he advanced against the mage beforehand, and his foresight proved fruitful as he once again slid backwards, away from danger.

What's this? thought Angelo as the tendrils split themselves into smaller versions of themselves. They began to swarm in a bizarre formation, though it only looked so because Angelo had moved. If he hadn't, he would have been in the center of the horde. However, the tendrils that had traveled the farthest were still a threat.

Four from the left, three from the right, after that he was home free. Angelo swung his right Shredder in an upward sweeping arc and managed to slice through all three of the tendrils. They disappeared, though Angelo guessed their magic failed to allow them to exist. On the other side, Angelo slashed downward, taking out two more of the tendrils. The third, however, managed to cut him just above the knee, leaving a shallow gash on his leg. The last one had been aiming at his head, but Angelo jerked his head sharply in the direction of the tendril just before the strike landed, destroying the final threat with his deadly head-gear.

However, Angelo had been multi-tasking the entire time. While the tendrils had surged forward, Angelo had been focusing on sending the wall towards the shielded mage. It was going forth more carefully than last time, and Angelo had let it fall forward onto the defense conjured by his opponent. This had occurred just as Angelo had overcome the last tendril, allowing more concentration for the next part.

As the tendrils seemed to vanish, Angelo raised his right hand in an open palm gesture while moving his left leg back, so that the cut went beneath the water's surface. Working his magic, Angelo commanded the stone wall to lift its bottom end up, and then had it balance itself upon the mage's hiding place. With the crushing weight of earth upon him, it would only be a matter of time before the shield failed.

Angelo breathed in deeply as he waited for the mage to attempt to escape. "Try that on for size."

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/31/2009 11:34:45)

As Zenz waited for Chel to respond to his attack he, rather unwisely he realised, scanned the rest of the arena. Although his own battle had been progressing at a rather slow rate, the various other skirmishes seemed to have reached their peak. He focused back on the dust cloud between himself and his opponent, but still nothing happened.

The ground rumbled beneath Zenz’s feet and he turned to see a large wall of stone moving slowly towards what appeared to be a large black ball of some sort. A series of thoughts rushed through his head. Such a move wasn’t particularly easy; at least Zenz in his current state wouldn’t find it so, so that meant that his rival earth competitor was giving his all. In that case, my own offering so far is pitiable, Zenz reasoned, perhaps if I demonstrate some true power, and eliminate this strange blind folded man, the Earth Lord will be impressed.

“Sorry, love, seems I’m being called away, our dance will have to wait.”

Feeling deep within himself, Zenz found his magic. He’d once attempted to explain exactly how he used earth magic to one of the dwarves and he recalled the conversation as he concentrated. “It’s like... I don’t know really. I suppose it’s kinda like fishin’. I send these ‘lines’ of magic into the earth, searching for things I can move, or lift, or break or anything else. If I find one, and I usually do, this line sort of, hooks onto it. When it’s hooked, the most basic thing I can do is lift it up, but I use my own muscle for that, it’s like literally lifting it with my own arms, except my arms are really long.”

He smiled fondly at the memory as he sent his ‘lines’ into the earth. He wasn’t looking for a large rock to lift up, he had a different intention. There was a metal snag as one of the lines caught an appropriate rock and Zenz pulled the goggles on his head over his eyes. “Here I go,” he said quietly.

To the eyes of everyone, the audience and other competitors, Zenz simply fell into the water and out of existence. There were some bewildered murmurs, especially since he didn’t immediately reappear.

In reality, Zenz had opened a hole beneath him; then used a large rock in front him, which was spinning at a great speed, as a drill, to push through the soil and rock before him and he sped at unnatural speed towards his target. The water rushed in behind him and although he was holding his breath anyway, the sudden cold all over his body shocked him. Regardless, he continued onward.

There was a low rumble and moments later a shower of rocks, dirt and shattered cobblestone sprayed forth from the ground towards Angelo, as Zenz emerged a few feet in front of him. Most of the debris, as intended, was heading directly for Angelo, except the still spinning drill rock, this flew past Angelo and towards the arena wall, smashing directly into one of the points from which water flowed into the pond, making a much larger whole there and letting more water enter the arena at once, although at the same time lessening the pressure.

Zenz was not finished though, and despite his muscles protests and the fact that his head felt extremely fuzzy, he sent more lines into the ground, directly into the flooded tunnel his journey had produced. Even his sudden tiredness couldn’t stop him grinning wickedly as he pulled the tunnels roof down. The effect wasn’t as immediate as he intended, there was a low rumble and minor shaking before the tunnel actually collapsed, creating a flooded trench running diagonally through part of the arena.

Although Zenz couldn’t be sure yet, due to the explosion of water spray and dust in the air, he hoped the collapsing of the tunnel had achieved its objective. The tunnel had run in a straight line from Zenz’s former position, to his new one. If anyone had followed that route, they would realise that it passed an important point. Namely, it ran under the black ball.

Krey -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/31/2009 11:54:47)

Grey held his position, his breathing a tad heavier as he stifled the pain in his feet. Thankfully, however, the cold water was acting quickly to numb the wounds now that they'd been created, which made it easier—though by no means easy—to ignore the pain.

He could hear—could FEEL—the earth mage's blows break upon his barrier, and a faint grin crossed his features. Part of him couldn't believe he was working with the demon, though knowing that it was towards a common goal made things much easier. Another part reveled in the power that he could feel coursing through the fiend's being, a power he hadn't realized before now existed. Sure, most of it was stifled... But it was still there.

”Hm, a tricky one,” said the demon as he felt all but one of his tiny tendrils fail. ”Jonathan, focus. If we reach out, we can sense the shadows around us, and not even have to leave our little shell.”

Jon nodded, unable to argue with that. He'd attacked three separate people, and they no doubt would be seeking revenge. The shell seemed sturdy enough. He closed his eyes, his own concentration twisting with Shade's as they both reached out to find the shadows... and then he felt something atop their shell. “That's...” He focused once more, and the shadows confirmed what he suspected. “The wall. Will the shell hold?”

”Most likely. But I have a better idea. Dive right.”

He dove to the right, and for the half-second that it took him to clear the shell, and with it the wall, part of the barrier had become immaterial. The structure was compromised, but before the barrier could collapse, he was clear. With a roll, he splashed his way through the water, landing on one knee a couple of feet away and rising to his feet—unsteadily, due to the pain in his feet. As he did so, shadows wrapped around his legs from the knees down, hardening into solid plates so that he would be protected from any more sneaky assaults from the earth mage.

What happened next took a matter of seconds. From Angelo's shadow rose three dark tendrils, circling around his form to create a spiral cage eight feet in height, roughly a foot away from him at the sides. Having sprouted from his shadow, they would follow it as they formed. The tendrils displaced no water, had no mass; indeed, to anything but vision or a way to sense darkness, they were invisible. As they finished their growth, the spiraling bars of Angelo's prison solidified, taking on a mass akin to that of his precious earth, though they would no longer follow his shadow as they became locked in place. In the single second that followed, a web of spikes erupted forth, lining the inside edges of the cage. The prison created for Angelo effectively became an iron maiden as the razor-sharp tips of the spikes converged on the center of the structure.

As his cage formed, he saw something—no, someone—burst from the earth in front of his target. And then, seconds later, the ground beneath where his shell had been collapsed. The shell, however, was no more, as it had fallen shortly after Grey had gotten clear.

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/31/2009 14:10:49)

Gub's sword met icy shield with a loud clunk, and Gub saw the ice woman prepare to attack with her spear in retaliation, when the flying daggers struck. The first one struck her shoulder, bouncing off the frost armor and splashing into the water. The second was much deadlier, sinking into the side of her neck, deep. She staggered backwards, gasping and coughing, before collapsing backwards into the water with a splash. Gub waited and watched for a moment, to be sure she was dead, or at least, incapacitated. A reddish color slowly seeped throughout the water around where she had fallen.

"So long, ice witch." She had failed to know her surroundings once again, and this time, the mistake had proved fatal.

Gub quickly glanced around the battlefield, searching for a new target. An armored man stood facing another, screaming for the other to face him. The man seemed to want to stay in the same place. Foolish. A tactical warrior should always be looking for the best tactical advantageous positions, constantly on the move. The longer you stayed in one place, the more dangerous it was.

Gub began running towards and around the man, positioning himself at the warrior's back, who seemed intent on the shadowy one. The goblin raised his right gauntlet and fired two poisoned darts at the man as he closed within thirty feet. Wind propelled the darts forward right at the back of the man's neck.

He had no compunctions about attacking from behind. Honor was something that got you killed, that's it. It was kill or be killed. Some wanted to make fighting nice and pretty it up with so-called 'honor'. Violence was violence. Death was death. The ice woman knew this, now. The armored man would soon.

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/31/2009 16:55:56)

The sensation of a being tunneling underneath the ground was one that Angelo never could forget. He recognized it now, though it was now a man doing the digging rather than a mole or other burrower. Whatever element of surprise this digger had hoped to gain was wasted on one who used the earth for sight.

The digger burst from the ground in a flurry of stone and dirt, though this was another failed effort. Of all of the projectiles that could have been used, earth was the one that Angelo could sense and control. Twirling his hand in a spiral above his head, the rock fragments changed their course, flowing around Angelo from his left to around his back in a circular fashion as it headed to finish its cycle.

Then something unexpected happened. Or rather, appeared.

A spiral of three pillars had merged into existence around Angelo, and being caged in was not something he liked. He let the pieces of cobblestone continue their arch as they soared straight ahead of Angelo, the exact opposite way they had begun their path. At the same time, Angelo commanded his stone plates to surge forward, aiming to break out of the strange prison.

Not a moment too soon, as spikes erupted from all sides of the cage, their intent to impale the Kastran. His movement forward allowed him to escape most of the spikes and the fragments he had launched ahead took care of the ones ahead by brutally smashing into them on their way to the cage's twisted pillar. Angelo swung his Shredders in front of him to form an X once more as he neared in on the cage's side. Pushing forward with all of his might, Angelo managed to break through the sturdy pillar before him. Bruises would quickly form where the clamps on his arms had taken the majority of the blow, but those would have to wait along with the minor cuts he had received from his encounter.

Keeping the momentum of the stone plates, Angelo charged the other Earthen contender. He threw his fist forward, though it was the Shredder that would do the damage, as its tip was aimed at the center of the digger's chest.

Geddesmck -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/31/2009 18:20:46)

Zenz wearily noted that neither of his targets took the slightest damage from his attack. He lifted his right arm up slightly, his intention being to raise his sword into some kind of defensive position. However, Zenz found the action less taxing than expected due to the fact that his sword was no longer in his hand. As far as he could tell, he must have lost his grip in the tunnel.

Great, I go a drop the sword that’s unbreakable, he thought as he pulled his short sword from its sheath. He glanced at the man in the duster, who seemed to have been the former occupant of the black ball, judging quickly that he wasn’t in immediate danger from him. That meant he had to watch out for the blindfolded man. He turned his head and immediately stumbled backwards.

Somehow, perhaps due to exhaustion or water clogged ears, Zenz hadn’t heard the man splashing through the water. Had he remained standing still, there was a good chance he would have been killed by the blade on the man’s arm. As things stood, he still took the blow to the chest, the point of the blade smashing directly into the right side of his chest plate, but his rather inelegant method of evasion had prevented the blade exerting enough pressure to actually pierce the metal. That said, Zenz was far from okay. He felt the impact and knew that, at best, he would suffer a horrendous bruise and, worse, the armour was badly dented. Every time he took a breath he found that his chest had no room to expand and he was receiving far too little oxygen. Although, Zenz realised, that could also be explained by that fact that he was now lying underwater.

He had little choice now. With what strength he had left, he rolled to the side and got to his feet some distance from the blindfolded man. He sheathed his sword and began to back away, while simultaneously unfastening the straps on his back that kept his armour in place. There was a splash as the pieces of metal fell forward into the water. There was little time now, only luck had prevented his opponent killing him, now Zenz had no weapon in hand and only the smallest traces of magic available to him.

He almost tripped again as his foot snagged on something. Looking down he noticed a plant. Perhaps I’m not dead, he thought. One last trick, the last hope he had to survive. He sent out lines again, but this time they were targeted, right at the plants near Zenz. They hooked on and Zenz immediately felt the life of the plants. With each breath he took, some of the plant’s energy transferred to him. He felt the pain in his chest subside slightly, and the cold seemed less of an issue and, most importantly of all, he felt connected to the Earth Lord.

There was no time left, he had used time he shouldn’t have had already. His opponent would attack any moment and, although Zenz had put distance between them it wasn’t much. He sent the lines out again, praying that the Earth Lord would direct them. At the same time he drew his sword again and charged forwards, right at the blindfolded man. The lines hooked just at the right time and, with all the strength and magic he had left, Zenz pulled upwards.

A rock about the size of a head shot out of the earth below Zenz’s feet, throwing him high into the air. The moment the rock served its purpose, Zenz lost his connection to it, signalling that he literally had no magic left. He had barely any strength left either, just enough to raise his sword above his head as he plummeted down.

He snarled in anger, letting it the passion power his limbs where the muscles no longer could, swinging the sword downwards in a vertical slice. His target would face the combined force of his drop and downward swing, all concentrated on the edge of his short sword. His target would have to deal with it all and his target was the blindfolded man.

Zenz knew already that he was all but finished. Should the attack fail, he had no armour, energy or magic to protect him. He couldn't even draw power from the plants again, he needed a little magic even to do that. Should the attack connect, there was no guarentee it would kill the man and even if it did, he was certain the man in the duster would not let him live. Indeed, the only thing that could save Zenz now was the Earth Lord.

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/31/2009 20:01:13)

Angelo felt the blow connect, though the digger had stumbled backwards, preventing the stroke to be a killing one. The Kastran knew that this battle was more important than the fight he had been before: this was a contest between warriors of the same realm. Only one could pass to the finals, and that needed to be Angelo.

It took a moment before Angelo had his footing, as the chaos of the spiral cage had required a bit of strength to overcome. Nevertheless, Angelo entered a defensive stance before his adversary was ready for an attack. He desperately wanted to end the fight quickly, but he didn't know the limits of his opponent, and this charging him would have been reckless. Instead, Angelo waited a few precious moments for his opponent to make the first move. Indeed, the other geomancer charged Angelo with his sword drawn, and Angelo followed suit by rushing him with his own blades ready for bloodshed.

He sensed the movement within the stone, and came to a halt as a rock come up from beneath his enemy's feet. The foe had made himself airborne, and thus invisible to Angelo. His only guess came from the rock himself, and that was limited unto itself.

Angelo had to make educated guesses, though in this game, it was a matter of life and death. Angelo raised his left arm in the air horizontally as a defense, though Angelo realized that with such a small blade, an overhead attack was not the only maneuver. Fearing the worst, Angelo drew back his right arm and launched it forward, aiming to catch his opponent unaware.

The clang of metal let Angelo know he had guessed correctly, and the resistance his other Shredder met in its jab confirmed this. The weight and force of the opponent was threatening to throw Angelo upon the ground, but he caught himself with his left foot and then proceeded to push the flying body with his right arm at an angle. The outside force changed the jump's trajectory, and Angelo pivoted on his feet in order to follow through with his attack. The digger turned involuntarily in mid-air before his back slammed against the cobblestone, with Angelo's Shredder protruding from just below his rib-cage.

The wound would kill him, though he would be alive for a little while longer. Incapacitated, but alive. Angelo heard the man's ragged breathing, knowing that any one of them could be the last. The Kastran was in awe at his fellow geomancer, who, despite at being at his limits, continued to fight against the younger earth-manipulator. A strange thought came over Angelo, and he reached for the sword that had almost claimed his life.

"This blade's tale is not at an end," spoke Angelo eerily. "A mighty warrior once wielded this sword...and not enough know of its tale." Without wasting time, Angelo grasped the man's sheath and took it for his own. He set it against his hip, using a bit of his magic to remove a thin, metal spike from it. The spike penetrated through the cloth before joining the scabbard once again before the sword was sheathed. Standing up to his full-height, Angelo spoke a final sentence to the dying man. "Not many fight as fiercely for the Earth Lord as you have: May you rest in peace in the afterlife."

kenzoku -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (7/31/2009 21:04:46)

Before K'bar realized what had happened, a mess of a battle played out before his very eyes. The man with the abundant hostility had evaded being buried alive, the goblin had apparently freed himself from his opponent, and-most notably-another man engaged Angelo in a climactic duel before finally losing his strength and shortly afterward losing his life. However, something about the remaining earth-wielder's demeanor seemed to suggest that the memory of his opponent would live on.

At any rate, sitting around and spectating was no way to take victory. Something had to be done, and fast. He needed to make a change. The fins and eyes sunk back into the thick clam shell. What would be an effective form this time? Noting the new trench from the now-dead earth combatant, a plan had immediately formed itself as though it had been thought of by a collective consciousness. It hadn't; K'bar couldn't feel any other Illithids in the stands. The shell withered up like a raisin and unraveled as though it were a ball of yarn. The strand of shell had become a long eel. The facial tentacles elongated, becoming stingray tails. His body undulting quickly, K'bar accelerated himself into the trench and sped in the general direction of the man in the duster. The very same tentacles that he had tried to tear right off would be the ones tearing into him. Life came full circle that way, didn't it?

Tentacles poised, K'bar waited perfectly silent, perfectly still, and virtually undetectable. One shot at the heart from behind was all that would be necessary. Or, for that matter, one shot at any major organ from behind ought to be enough to take down a human... But he'd have to remember where the human organs were first. Anatomy wasn't universal, after all. No worries, however; with this many tentacles poised, and each one armed, at least one spine was bound to hit something important.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= Fountain Arena (8/3/2009 14:49:06)

Suddenly, out of the blue, or whatever the dominant colour was at the time, multi-coloured sprites appear, hovering down at rapid speeds to choice contestants - they then wiggle into their heads through their ears, making the fighters emit a glow most spectacular from their eyes, ears, mouths, and even noses...

Their bodies growing transparent, and thusly the strange lights taking over everything, making them impossible to see, the light (the contestants?) rise up slowly, finally exploding into a gazillion of little marvelous pieces.

The Lords had made their pick, their chosen champions would proceed to fight the Final battle of the Tournament...

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