Bobby the Arctic Tern (Full Version)

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Cryogenesis -> Bobby the Arctic Tern (7/19/2009 16:17:40)

[center][color=#CC0000]WARNING - Complain and you'll be eaten.[/color]


Bobby is now gaining mastery of most of his conventional forms.

Bobby has evolved once again, this time he has changed into an arctic tern. Defend to help him level up.

Level: 473


STR: 710
DEX: 670
INT: 600
CHA:  220
LUK: 165

[size=4][u][b]Bobby's Abilities[/b][/u][/size]

[b][color=#000099]Frost Nova[/color][/color][/b] - A strong blast of ice from Bobby's feathers will kill you in one hit.  Not just you but the 15 m area around you.  After frozen feathers are shot at you, you better watch out for the real attack.  A ground breaking ice blast that surrounds you with an ice wall and emerges as a surprise attack. 

[b][color=#33CCFF]Tundra Heal[/color][/b] - [i]Magical healer who casts this ice heal spells on those who are hurt with a total of 400HP.  Remember with this ability, he's always watching your back.[/i]

[b][color=#CC0000]Blood Urge[/color][/b] - [i]Unleashes the raw power of the Ice Rhino to rend flesh and bone from the foe with huge horns. None have survived this attack, as the Rhino aims for the heart from the very first charge. [/i] 

[b][color=#999900]Greased Claw[/color][/b] - [i]Strike with all the speed of an Ice Tiger and kill the enemy before they have a chance to react. In this attack, the Tiger moves faster than te eye can see. [/i] 

[b][color=#33FFFF]Cunning Strike[/color] [/b] - [i]Use all the power of an Ice Fox's mind to find the enemy's weak spots and hit them exactly right. Sets Bobby's MP to zero, along with the opponent's health.[/i] 

[b][color=#3300FF]Aquatic Ambush[/color][/b] - [i]Smash your way through the ice beneath the feat of your enemy as a Seal, and drop them into the freezing water below. If the enemy survives the attack to begin with, they will slowly die of hypothermia as the battle wears on.[/i]

[b][color=#000066]Sleep...[/b][/color] - [i]An Ice Panda often retreats from fights to find a safe spot to rest and recover. This move incapacitates Bobby for a bit, but he regains all his health.[/i]

[b][color=#00CCCC]Rend[/b][/color] - [i]Use the powerful fangs of an Ice Wolf to rip the enemy apart. This is an incredibly savage move.[/i]

[b][color=#FF0000]Dive[/color][/b]-[i]Bobby dives along the ice at his enemy knocking them over with his great speed. [/i]

[b][color=#999900]Frigid Fang[/color][/b] - [i]Bobby embraces the power of his Stoat form and imbues his fangs with a type of frost that will cause the enemy to be numb for years to come.

[b][color=#000066]Ice Spear[/color][/b] - [i]With his Owl form, he forms an "ice spear" around his beak, and pierces those unfortunate enough to be into the way.[/i]

[size=3]Bobby's Gifts:[/size]

[link=]Karudio[/link] from Igneus

[size=3]Previous Forms:[/size]


[b][link=]Ice Phoenix[/link][/b]

[b][link=]Magical Snow Deer[/link][/b]

[b][link=]Snow Leopard[/link][/b]




[link=http://]Snow owl[/link]




Bobby likes Mortis a lot XD -

[b] Rhino[/b]
Picture -

[b]Polar Bear[/b]
Picture -


[b]Imprisoned Bobby[/b]

[b]Dragon Forms[/b]


Bobby is watching you![size=6][/size]

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/19/2009 16:20:48)

evolve evolve evolve evolve !!!!![:D]

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/19/2009 16:29:04)

Can anyone summarise the point of this thread? I've always wondered...

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/19/2009 16:32:56)


brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/19/2009 16:34:32)

No wonder I never got it!

Baron -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/19/2009 17:23:52)

A very fun & active thread Brian[;)] Well it used to be active. Also, isn't Bobby up for an update? Because we have more than 2,100,000 z-tokens.

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/19/2009 17:42:15)

Cryo was looking into a stoat.

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/19/2009 17:53:07)

Well we already passed what we need for the next form...

Siege -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/20/2009 0:19:53)

The point was also to get the clan to donate z-tokens. But mostly fun.

Well, this brings back memories, I thought we lost this thread.

chugg -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/20/2009 0:54:58)

Eat Tokens Burraaapp!

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/20/2009 3:35:14)

My token's are sacrosanct. AE does nothing with our donations, so it's like giving them real money for nothing. If we do update our animal, does it get renamed. Like, Pete, Mary or Manuel for example?

Baron -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/20/2009 3:40:43)

@Brian, Bobby will keep the same name, I believe he has always had the same name...also, it isn't like giving AE money for free if you don't buy any (*cough* I haven't bough any *cough*)

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/20/2009 15:36:59)

I haven't bought any either, but seeing as the donated tokens do nothing, it actually helps glacius more if I keep my tokens and use them on items to help me defend.

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/20/2009 17:05:53)

Exactly. Could I take some back from our clan trove?

chugg -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/20/2009 20:49:23)

Man it sure would be fun to take some...
btw, I don't think I have ever donated tokens either...

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/21/2009 4:05:27)

haha, you could donate ideas though?!

Cryogenesis -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/21/2009 22:32:19)

Give me a bit, I'm working on it.

Baron -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/21/2009 23:06:17)

This is thread 12 of the Bobby threads, not ten (I hope the X you are talking about is for the thread number, because if it isn't, I'll be embarassed :P), but yeah, I just thought you might have wanted to know[;)].

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (7/23/2009 13:35:49)

Nice avvy baron! You're such a mage!

Cryo, can't wait to see your artwork!

Cryogenesis -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (8/2/2009 21:14:35)


137ben -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (8/2/2009 21:23:04)

Sweet new form:)

Baron -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (8/3/2009 3:42:05)

That is a great form Cryo, he is so cute[:)]

Thanks Brian

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (8/3/2009 3:59:53)

Congratulations Baron, I've just noticed your helpful status! Well deserved.

Edit: do we have to have the 'donate tokens' thing on this thread - it feels like thieving from my friends.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (8/3/2009 16:44:53)

ww nice work cryo

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (8/3/2009 19:27:17)

Could his new forms be based on clan health rather than tokens? I know we've always done it that way, but tokens are lost when people repair health, and health can't be lost until a war. Or is health just going to be how much health bobby has. Basically, right now if we repair health enough he good downgrade:O

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