137ben -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (6/20/2010 18:21:33)
I propose a new system for bobby the ice__, as described below. Bobby would get a level as well as a form. The stats (str/dex/end/cha/luk/int) given would total 5*level. Bobby's build would be decided by cyro. In order to reach level X, clan defense must be at least (x^2)/2-100000, for x>/=0. Thus, a clan defense of X means that Bobby is level Floor[Sqrt[2*X+200000]]. For clan defense below -100000...let's never get that low[:)] Bobby changes forms whenever he levels up, but no more than 1 form change per week. Form change is also delayed whenever cyro needs more time. Bobby would be level 0 if our defense is at -100000. With -25000 defense, bobby would be level 387 With -20000 defense, bobby would be level 400 With 0 defense, bobby would be level 447 With 10000 defense, bobby would be level 469 With 20000 defense, bobby would be level 489 With 25000 defense, bobby would reach level 500[:)] If we manage to reach the elusive 100000 defense, bobby will be level 632 and be the most powerful creature in L.O.R.E[:D] This system would encourage defending, and help get us out of the negatives!