=MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (Full Version)

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Kaelin -> =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 6:34:35)

Welcome to my MtAK! Here are a few basic rules:

1. Please limit yourself to ten questions. You may ask these questions over the course of two posts.
2. All forum rules apply.
3. You may ask anything you wish, but I do reserve the right to to skip questions.
4. Please do not ask a question someone else has already asked.
5. I will edit in this color.

Have fun!

EDIT: Since it has come up in a few posts, the avatar is taken from an old educational game called "Number Munchers." Like some other game called Oregon Trail, it showed up on a lot of elementary school computers. The "6 x 7" is a tribute to Douglas Adams.

EDIT: Yes, Game Over really is responsible for my title.

Final EDIT: This thread has gone on for a week, so I am ready to lock it up. For those of you who replied to my reply, I tried to offer some additional responses of my own.

For those of you with further questions, you can use a PM, or you can find me in IRC for live conversation. I am of course not always on IRC, but when I am on, you can find me in these channels: #Life , #aq_game_balance , #strategy , #aqq&a , #wfq&a , #goofstavern .

Baron -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 6:36:48)

Hey Kaelin!!


Congratulations on finally becoming an AK, you deserved it

Aww, now you've got me turning red.

Hmm...you have got my favourite colour :P

There is a... subtle... difference.

Favourite drink?

Water, although I am on a bit of a chocolate milk sugar spike right now. Oof!

Favourite food?

I could probably eat my mother's chicken pot pie every day for the rest of my life.

/me gives a cookie to Kaelin

Thank you! It will go well with my milk.

I guess I'll talk to you on IRC then

You bet.

/me snugs Kaelin

Ooh, you're warm.

p.s. Like my new sig?

Yes, it looks very nice, and the choice of colors is appropriate.

Ranloth -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 6:38:15)

1. Hiya, I see your 1st MtAK xD

Yes, yes you do see it.

2. Hmmm,


3. Nah, forgot what I had to ask >.>

A good diet, plenty of sleep, and regular exercise can help with that. Unless it doesn't.

4. I want teh answers quick so hurreh up!

Patience young grasshopper.

5. JK xD Hope you get more ppl in your new, shiny thread xD

I could stand about 200 of them. Maybe.

6. Cya on IRC !!

Hey, I see you there right now.

nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 6:45:07)



Congrats, i can remember when you had the normal avatars :p

It was about three weeks ago, right?


Thank you. :)

Drakeh -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 6:45:30)




Thank you.

Ok now questions. Are you ready?

I hope so.

Do you watch aq videos on youtube? If yes who is your fovourite video creator?

I seldomly do. If I view one, it generally comes from someone else's recommendation.

Ho many aq characters you have?


Congrats again

Thank you again.



Buh Bye

destructionist -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 6:46:22)

Ahh so I see another poor privilieged member of the forums has been abducted formally introduced into the folds of the Archknights

I can't stress this enough: always read the fine print before you sign a contract.

Firstly Hi!

Hey there.

Congrats on your AKship


Hows those shackles and shiny new buttons coming along? Gonna be dim anytime soon?

How am I the only one who didn't know about these shackles?

Since I see you like crunching numbers, do you prefer crunching hard data or probability (statistical) data?

I prefer the former, but I get plenty of practice with both. Both types have their uses, and sometimes using statistical methods is the best option you have available.

Why green?

I am somewhat fond of colors between green and blue.

Why that particular shade of green?

It was the only respectable shade left that I could pick. The rest of the AKs (and higher ups) took the best ones.

How would you go about locking/editing/blatantly taking over others thread?

Very carefully.

Given another choice / additional responsibilty, where else would you wish to AK in?

I am still learning the ropes for AKing, so I am not thinking about taking on other responsibilities at the moment. However, I did apply for the Squir(r)e(l) of Order position several months ago, so speculate endlessly about the implications of that action.

Guess I shall leave you here to the mercy of the other questions that would undoubtly appear soon. Here's wishing you all the best in your term ahead!

I will do my best! (Term? Wait, that sounds awfully temporary. >_< )

Z -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 6:51:14)

Heya. I thought you'd be SoO'd before AK'd, but apparently Scakk's hunger for souls can't ever be satisfied. Congratulations.

The day one stops hungering is the day one dies -- it can't be helped.

Nice attempt at stealing my color. :P

I did ask before I stole it -- and that's the important part.

I remember a member called Endless Maelstrom who used to be active in the KoO Sweep thread/GBI forum quite a while ago just like you. D'you know what happened to him?

I heard he perished at the hands of Nepto. (What a noob, right?)

What are the reasons behind the choice of items your "Minimalist Fighter" currently has?

Golden Axe is the ultimate Melee weapon and lets me abuse Xyphos Tower pretty well. The Exterminator and Mayhem Vartai Cleaver cover two additional useful elements (Wind and Ice). I can always grab a respectable Fire, Energy, or (if I am desperate) Earth weapon as a temporary. I am still figuring out a replacement for Eye of Naab that I will be satisfied with, and I will switch out Shadowbird for Dinozard when I can be bothered. Other than that, my equipment is fairly well-suited for smashing.

When did your obsession with numbers and game balance start?

Numbers and I go way back -- there have been lot of ways I could process observations and try to break them down into numbers/variables that I could work with. I remember playing old video games and subconsciously unearthing the numbers behind health bars (for example, I judged that TMNT had 8 bars worth 16 points, with a box getting shaded half if the remaining points were 1-7, not 1-8 like one might expect) and the like. As for game balance, I started playing around with the general concept back when I played Doom. With file editors, players could edit maps and modify certain values that related to balance. I wasn't very good at it, as my map-editing was mostly limited to changing items, lighting, and damage tiles, but I do remember trying to enrich the gameplay and achieving some sort of limited success with it.

Why "Kaelin"?

It is a fairly easy name, but it is also uncommon... so uncommon that no one had registered it in the forums yet. If something that interests me appears underrated, I tend to be drawn to it a bit more often. There are also a few subtle features that I like about the name, not the least of which is gender ambiguity (while not having a reputation for it). Consider it an innocuous "social experiment."

What is your current avatar supposed to be? (A Number Golem?)

There was this game called "Number Munchers" that was on a lot of elementary school computers. The "6 x 7" is for you Douglas Adams fans.

Why did you use Wandy as your avatar before you were titled? Did you know blues used to have the same avatar? (You two are both number crunchers as well. Conspiracy!)

Mages are awesome, and Wandy offered a distinct but respectable option for having one.

Finally: what is your favorite type of chocolate?

Hershey's Dark.

See you around in #Strategy.

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.

Calimehtar -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 6:51:33)

Hi and Grats on the AK'ing :)


Which Avatar did you have before becoming an AK? (I want to remember you, and it's easier for me when I see the name along with the avy)

I used Wandy for quite a while (see the previous post). There was a stretch of about two or three weeks I used an avatar of the video game character "Cless Alvein." At this rate, my next avatar will be Donatello.

I'll come again with some better question later :)

Go for it. I allow a second post for a reason. :)

Bye and have fun editing :p


DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 7:07:13)

Cool'n Congratz, Kaelin to be an AK.

Thank you!

I do as I usally do, I will not post any questions. I just want to wish you good luck and have fun with the AK's powers :p
PS: Phear teh Color trap >:3

O nose, rope pl0x!

Edit: Nuuu, you stoped teh trap :o
But I will place it again >:3

.. Gotcha XD

whackybeanz -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 7:12:20)

Hey there! Congrats on your AKShip!

Hello and thank you!

1) What was your initial feeling when you saw the invite?

It was pretty exciting. I keep tabs on this forum and all, but the invitation to work as an AK for General Discussion was something I never expected.

2) The reaction after that? [I just love asking these 2 questions to all AKs!]

I think I played it pretty cool. However, I was also pretty tired, so my memory could be telling me what I want to hear.

3) Ever seen me around AQGD? :P

Yes. :P

4) Pardon this question, but... can you explain what your current avvy means? ><! I seem to see pi [3.142] but...I'm not sure!

You are going to want to refer to Z.324's post for this one. Still, that's a reasonable guess.

5) Enjoy your time as an AK! I know you will =).

I am looking forward to it. =)

See you on the forums!

Farewell! 'til we meet again. Peace be with you. May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.

jolabong -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 7:14:04)

(think of intelligent answers to the questions below or face MOOD.)

I won't solve you. You shall solve me. :D


Thank you.

10)HOW'RE THE SHACKLES CHAFING YOU?How's your AK experience thus far? *three days? four?*

There hasn't been a terrible amount to it yet, actually. It's mostly been a matter of getting oriented.

1)Practice makes perfect. -1
Nobody's perfect. -2
Solve the simultaneous "equations".

I'm going to ignore the -1 and -2 due to them being nonsensical after periods. The first sentence does not constitute an "equation" in the slightest, so syntax makes the question meaningless. However, I am in a generous mood, so I offer this conclusion: no one has conducted sufficient practice to be perfect.
Ans: Why practice?

2)People from Poland are "poles". People from Holland are...?

The Dutch are fine people. You might also like questions like "Where is the Holland Tunnel?" and "How long was the Hundred Years' War?"
Ans: Holes.

3)Greatest vice in life?

By my definition of vice, my biggest vice would be playing video games too much.
Ans: N.A.

4)aloj is to jola as NILEAK is to...?

Why are you yelling my name? I am right here.
Ans: Kaelin
To nitpick, it's "KAELIN". Hence the "yelling" part.

5)Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Animal eggs showed up in evolution a lot earlier than birds, so the egg wins by hundreds of millions of years.
Ans: A circle has no beginning.

6)What happens when you break-dance with an Oriental Asian Oriental person?

Umm, you break-dance with them? You breath and act like you normally would? I don't get it.
Ans: He gets disorientated.

7)What are dreams to you?

Dreams are insights into your life. They reveal your fears and feelings, even if you don't want to acknowledge them. Your dreams can even help you reach an idea that otherwise eludes you. If you are patient and keep your mind open, they will be powerful tools of reflection.
Ans: N.A.

8)Define undefined.

undefined: being without a clear meaning or value
Ans: Its a paradox and defies the rules of logic.


9) I have one. You have one. Your mum uses your dad's. Your aunt uses your uncle's. What is the "one" in question?
(Clue: Think out of the box. Also, I'm not breaking any rules. :P)

A bed
Ans: Your last name. (Good try though. :P)
To nitpick: "A last name". Although there is a good number of exceptions to each of our answers, too numerous too list here.

Out of my mind. Will be back again.
P.S. Answers on IRC(withme). Heh.

Take it easy (on me).

My Pain -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 7:18:50)

One question.

1) Why is your war dedication so lacking? Hmm?

My playing time has moderated somewhat since the arrival of war records, but I do try to get the most out of my estates. Between my main and my secondary, I can easily knock off over a tenth of a percent of the total war waves. I was also totally farming NKs during gift delivery with my main, I promise!

Elosix the Grimjaw -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 7:27:21)

Gongratzylattions Kaelin!

Thank you.

  • Do you see life as more ironic or sarcastic?

    Ironic is perhaps more accurate than sarcastic, but I think a broader term of "contradictory" or "paradoxical" seems to be more precise label. Invidual people may have a vague sense of whatever goals or values they have and may try to hold these as true, but they are prone to make exceptions for reasons legitimate and/or illegitimate. Even if justified reasons exist, the contradiction remains unless the goals and values can be elegantly resolved, which is really hard to do.

  • What´s your dog race of choise?

    Does my sister's dog running around the yard count? She is quite fast and agile.

  • How will you make AQGGD better place?

    I will judiciously apply the rules (just like the other AKs) and try to be helpful as a member. Real Life isn't about heroic ambitions but rather doing one's part to help make things work.

  • Best time of day?

    Late evening. I'm a night owl.

  • What´s your opininion about Global warming?

    Scientific evidence strongly suggests humans have a hand in it, and it would be prudent to work with significant urgency to limit humanity's impact on nature. However, the availability of potable water may be an even greater concern, and many possible solutions for dealing with global warming come at the expense of the water supply. Our solutions will need to be comprehensive, and getting started sooner rather than later will help protect and save lives.

  • Is there better game than AQ?

    Here is a question that involves opinion. At least for several years, I have not been in the habit of ranking games; sometimes I will say that one game is better than another if I believe it holds a significant advantage in most regards that I care about. However, I don't think there's a game I would say has that kind of advantage over AQ, but there are also dozens of games I would not say that AQ is superior to.

    That´s all questions now ;D! (Cuz I don´t want to spam this thread with +30 Questions ;p)

    Bye bye.

    Edit: What you do as "solving AK"? (Is that your title? Or did I just gotted something frong?)

    Solving is what you are supposed to do to me.

    Edit2: Is your avvy ment to look like frog? Or is it just mistake? [/NAO]

    The creature does look like a frog, but it is from an old educational game called "Number Munchers" (see Z.324's post).

  • Ubear -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 7:29:41)

    Hi Kaelin. :D

    Hi there!

    It's good to see a new AQGD AK!


    What's your favourite shade of green?

    Probably #00FF66, but I think it may have been taken. Or maybe it didn't look right.

    Light Green FTW!


    Congrats on being promoted to an AK, i'm sure AQGD will be an even better place now. [;)]

    I'll do my part. =)

    Have fun, bye!

    So long!

    PoeticSpanner -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 8:10:33)

    Hello and goodbye

    But, but, you just got here!

    1) Cake or Pie?

    One's supposed to be a truth, the other a lie

    I am going to have to take a cookie cake. If it is a lie, then it is a most delicious lie.

    2) Huggles, snuggles, or both?

    Both. Give whatever comes naturally.

    3) I spy a treat for you. Hope you like it....

    Aww, that's very sweet. Thank you. =)

    4: Chocolate: White, Dark, or Milk chocolate?

    Milk chocolate can go great when applied to other food, but dark is the best standalone chocolate -- there is nothing "wasted" in it. I think I am going to need to brush my teeth when I am done with this post.

    5: What's your fave AQ weapon?

    Maurinelle's Melody is both powerful and visually strong.

    6: I am PoeticSpanner. Did you know AQ has a "Spanner" in it?

    Hollow is known to carry a wrench around.

    7: Did you think of a Kangaroo in Denmark with an Orange or an Aardvark in America with a Kiwi?

    The United States should have more zoos to make such a match-up possible, and an Aardvark may have a slightly better chance of being able to digest a Kiwi rather than a Kangaroo digesting an orange. Also, I think the little bit of alliteration helps. I choose the Aardvark.

    8: Name the *other* AE game with a Spanner in it.

    DragonFable (remarkably)

    9: National Treasure or National Treasure: Book of Secrets?

    Rotten Tomatoes says National Treasure. Of course, the other wasn't so much worse that it couldn't still make more money.

    10: Your favorite holiday is.....?

    MLK Jr. Day. If you want a day that stands for the capacity to accomplish some sort of positive change, this one seems fairly strong.

    Again, hello & goodbye (Aloha, if you prefer :P)

    Aloha. "Which just goes to show, if you spend enough time in the sun, you don't know whether you're coming or going."


    Feral Ninja -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 8:15:42)

    I'm not going to bother you with alot of annoying questions. :P


    Just one, ok?


    Ninjas or Pirates?

    Definitely Zombie Robots. I think Zorkoz has one lying around somewhere.

    For the rest, I just want to say: Congrats on the AKship. =) (And don't let the chains sit too tight!!!)

    Thank you. I'll be taking a nap soon, so I if I can get into a nice position, the chains won't bother me too much for a while.

    mluther -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 9:13:31)



    1)does that count as a question?


    (2)I feel like these questions are wasteful.

    Yes you do.

    3)how did you come up with your name?Looks like I was too slow, the other AK got to this first, oh well. Favorite number of fingers?

    I like having ten fingers myself (half on each hand, also counting the thumbs)

    <4>What is your favorite bread of moose?

    My favorite breed? I'll take one that does not bite my sister.

    <5>Favorite rare?

    Red Pinecone Shield's -22 Earth is really nice, especially because it does not have the kind of drawbacks that Elven Barrier has.

    ~7~Have you ever seen a dog on a roof?

    Thankfully no. (Wait, is there supposed to be a "woof" pun here?)

    ~8~Which character on warpforce do you like the best?

    I don't really have an opinion on the NPCs yet.

    ?9?Striker or gunner?

    Both! (But just one of each. I have too many AQ characters that occupy me as it is.)

    !10!What is your favorite Shakespearean insult?

    "Your brain is as dry as the remainder biscuit after voyage."

    :11:Hope you have a good time as an AK!

    If we do meet again, we'll smile indeed; If not, 'tis true this parting was well made.

    krataa Overlord -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 9:19:00)

    Congrats Kaelin!

    Thank you.

    Can it be said that numbers are crunchy?

    Sometimes. You can prepare 8s to be crunch and really enjoy them, but you might hurt yourself if you try crunching a 4. You really have to take off a bite a time with numbers that have 4s.

    What is the airspeed velocity of a flying Gogg?

    <0, -9.8t> meters per second squared, where "t" is the amount of time that has elapsed since you dropped it off a cliff. Falling counts as flying, right?

    Have fun!


    Ash -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 9:42:45)



    Congrats on the position....Scakk is collecting more AK's... :o

    Thank you.

    s0 I h3rd y0u l1ek numb3rs.

    It's more about their relationships, but I also... oww, my eyes!

    I couldn't resist on that last one. =P

    O RLY? Sorry, couldn't resist. =)

    If you walk down the road, turn left on a side street, get in a car and drive 12 miles out of town, hitchhike your way back into to, have lunch, take a nap, do 12 jumping jacks, swim in a pool for an hour, have dinner, walk around some more are you back in the same spot you started from?

    If the prophecy of Alkanyr is realized, then yes. You might also like Bo Burnham's: "...there's a metal train that's a mile long, and at the very back end a lightning bolt struck her. How long 'til it reaches and kills the driver provided that he's a good conductor?"

    Well congrats and I'll see you around this area since I hang out here sometimes. Good luck!

    Sure thing.

    thrak -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 10:18:36)

    Wow Kaelin, AK already ,well this was long and coming [:D]

    Thank you. It doesn't seem like it has really been that long, though.

    It really is obvious how those who give most to these games on the forums become part of the Team.

    Well Congratz!

    Bye bye! =)

    Shirefolk -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 10:23:04)



    I keep hearing about this IRC. But I can't figure out how to get onto it! Care to illuminate? [sm=flowers.gif]

    Use Start with Spanner's IRC Guide. If that fails, well, ask a more specific question. :)

    Puppies or Kittens

    It depends on my activity. If I am physically active, puppies are great. If I am settling down and need to focus, kittens are easier to keep content.

    Douglas Adams or J.R.R. Tolkien

    It's not a knock on Tolkien, but I never got into LotR that much, so I have to take Douglas Adams.

    Favorite NPC (Besides Wandy)

    I don't know. Let's say: Beleqwaya.

    Favorite Boardgame?

    I don't really play board games much, but I will take Backgammon.

    Why do annoying people always get their way?

    You may be surprised, but it does not always work out that way. Persistence can buy someone more exposure, but if the other party is not interested, the person can still fail, and often badly.


    Mm, what? Hey, what's going on?

    ...At ease soldier


    If you could do any one thing to AQ (adding/removing absolutely anything) what would you do? Psssst! A team with more people than Toronto

    I'd kill/replace percentages that fail to (significantly) diminish in value: "percentile" attacks (including PWD), HP/MP growth (1 END/INT = +1% HP/MP, regardless of level), accuracy formula, and maybe even resistance-handling (a satisfactory alternative is not immediately apparent). NKs/NBs/EoN notably also get scooped up here. That counts as one, right?

    What is your thoughts about Canada?

    It seems like a nice place, but the only area I could stand to live year-round is western British Columbia. The rest is just too cold for me. I could get into politics, but I can't really do justice to that matter in here.

    What scares you like nothing else?

    An Artix pep-talk. I hear he's got as much Real Life charisma as a Triple Platinum Rock Star, and he could probably entice me to do his bidding full time.

    Thats about all, enjoy the AK-ity, and remember to stay loose and have fun!

    Thank you. =)

    Ilø¤IMPERIAL¤ølI -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 10:25:06)

    1) W3ll D0n3!

    Th4nk Y0u.

    2) Fav. Veggie?

    If I can have it fresh, spinach.

    3) Fav. Fruit?


    4) OMG Kaelin!?!

    What, is there something on my face?

    5) Notice That Every Word Is Capitalized.

    I Will Do That.

    6) 3:< Another AK To Lock Up Meh Thread -_-

    A thread can only be locked once. Of course, it is better to make a thread that will never be locked at all.

    7) Congratz

    Thank you.

    8) Later Then...



    shadowultimate -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 10:33:13)

    Congratz :)

    Thank you. :D

    I don't have any questions :/ so i'll just wish you good luck

    I'll work hard at it.

    Enjoy your bannhammorz

    AKs do not get banhammorz, but we do get deletehammorz/lockhammorz.

    Doomsday -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 11:05:01)

    1. I was there!

    There? Where? Is there a clue you can spare?

    2. So how's the domination coming?

    I have gained control of my cell block. Now, if I could only get out of here...

    3. Are the chains starting to chafe yet?

    Yes, now that you mention it, I could use a little ointment.

    4. What is your secret?

    My secret is that I have no secrets. Except for two, and nobody cares about the first one, and the second one typically fills listeners with crippling horror and despair.

    5. See you in our secret hideout!

    But, but now it isn't a secret anymore. =(

    fearshbane -> RE: =MtAK= Solving AK Kaelin (7/20/2009 11:27:40)

    Congratulations on becoming an AK.

    Thank you.

    1) any sordid details/stories you can tell us? ;)

    You have to find me in IRC for those. =P

    2) favourite AQ weapon and why

    Maurinelle's Melody looks neat and is insanely deadly in the hands of a Lucky Mage.

    3) favourite clan

    My characters are all freelancers with fully chaotic alignment, and I am not about to pick sides now.

    4) with how much did they have to bribe you?

    Due to the non-disclosure agreement, I cannot tell you. However, my compensation is closer to a bag of peanuts than, say, a thousand dollars. Unless it isn't.

    5) favourite cookie?

    I'll take the cookie cake again here. Chocolate icing with chocolate chips is a tasty way to have a cookie.

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