DragonUltraMaster -> RE: Old Players? (6/25/2015 16:53:17)
The more I see these old characters, the more it reminds me of my original account I created back in 2002/2003, but it's so faint and only used for one day but I still remember it like yesterday. I regret not remembering what I named that account. I'm pretty sure that I used a fake email back then, extremly stupid as I was hence my nickname D.U.M :P I don't count him as anything nowadays anyway, he's just a memory for me. Not exactly, but making fun of my name is always fun :P My main character now is from 2006 which is still pretty old, but conpared to many others he's still kinda "young". I don't exactly have any cool and oldschool rares. I just have what I have. It's amazing to see a chracter with an ID less than 1000. I envy you! //D.U.M