Koree -> Summon Paladin Soldier Z (8/27/2009 11:35:59)
[img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia2/Tags/Z-Token.jpg[/img] Summon Paladin Soldier Z Also see other Summon Paladin spells ( Recruit, Soldier, «Normal», Guardian, Captain, High, Lord) Location: Resistance is Feudal Element: Light Type Z
Level 1
PowLvl 40
CostLvl 30
Price 260
S <48h 234
>48h 65
MPCost 0 EFFECT Summons Paladin Soldier Z as a guest. Cast again to dismiss him. DESCRIPTION You have saved the paladin Coueraservi from a fate worse than death, and so he fights by your side! As powerful as the Level 40 Paladin Soldier, but with a smaller per-turn cost! [image]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm261/Eikgaezyl/summonsmall.png[/image] Basic stats from Pieces. Description from Captain Kidd. Element from moneybags. Updates August 11, 2009: The spell was released. June 8, 2012: The spells level was updated from 0 to 1. June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were: Price 500
S <48h 450
>48h 250