=MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (Full Version)

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ILmaster13 -> =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 16:54:48)

Welcome to my MtAK! :D

Here are a few rules:
1. One post per page.
2. All forum rules apply.
3. You may ask anything you wish, but I do reserve the right to to skip questions.
4. Please do not ask a question someone else has already asked.
5. I will edit in my special color.

Have fun!

Muahahaha! *coughs* ~TLH~
OMG! How did you... oh right >.> My mtak! not yours! >:O ~ILmaster

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 16:55:24)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship! It's taken forever!!!!!!!

Who gave you your position on the forums when you were ak'd?
Circe :)

Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
Oh noes :o Evil?

Ready to play?

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best I can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
I'll freeze your freeze :o

Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
The good penguins...

Does this shirt make me look fat?

Does it make you look fat?

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
Get shackled ;-;

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Don't have one yet...

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Cya says ILmaster

Cellblock -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 16:58:40)


1) Enjoying AK status?
Very much

5) What's better; The Beatles or Dragonforce?
To me, Dragonforce :o

6) DF, AQ, AQW, Runescape, or MQ?

5) You say potata.
Say what?

11) Favourite console game?
My PS2 :)

12) England, America or Japan?
In teh America

9) Can I count?

Tis all.

monkeyman4241995 -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 16:59:10)

Hiya, ILmaster13!
Oh noes, a monkeyman :O

Thanks for the tip on my guide!
Your welcome :)

Do you like the Random Number Generator?
Yes, because I got the VIK two times in a row :o

Now... time to find out a list of favorites:

Light Blue (That's why its mah color)




A cat

AE Game?


That's all I can think of... for now.

Ok, see ya later!
Seya later!

Have fun AK-ing! [:D]
I will :P

Syrena -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 17:00:57)

Finally! I thought you forgot to make one :P
I did until I saw the other AKs do theirs :P

1. Unlimited questions? Sweet!
Oh noes ;-;

2. *looks around* THL didn't invade the thread yet so I is safe! I stole his sock!
Watch out, Cysero is looking for teh sock...

3. Whose your Roommate?
Its teh nooby Ash

4. Where did your Roommate go and are your chains loose?
He's getting punted by Twilly, no (So they dont tighten them even more)

5. What is the meaning of life?

6. What is the meaning of Cysero's life?
Left Socks :P

7. Where is the polar ice bear?
With teh penguins...

8. I is teh panda! I eat cake!
OMG! There is a talking panda here :o

Congrats! Even though I should have said it way earlier but better late then never see you on page...2 or 3 I'll bring cookies you bring the apple sauce!
Thanks, and its okay :D. What is tis apple sauce you speak of?

MonsterEnergy -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 17:03:54)


Ohai there!


how is the shackles?
Tight ;-;

do you like monster?

its Tasty :D

Good luck lol

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 17:10:16)

1) Hey ILmaster13!
Hey Emperial_Xth!

2) Do I know you?

3) Do you know me?
I've seen you in the AQW Boards, so yeah.

4) Figures...
I know right

5) Let me test you're thoughts

6) Are you ready?
No ;-;

7) A plane crashed, and 6 survivors survived the crash. There isn't that much food to feed all 6, there's only enough for 5.
Btw, the plane landed in an island. If you were to choose, who would you banish away?

A) You, an ordinary teenage guy/gal (Are you for real?)
B) A guy in a yellow shirt who claims to be a doctor (You need him)
C) A girl in her mid-twenties, her appearance is beautiful (She's beautiful, btw)
D) A guy who isn't so bright, more of a dummy who knows nothing (Banish him?)
E) A young child, at least in his age of nine-ten who knows alot about the wildlife (You can't, 's only a child)
F) An astronomer who shows no fear, but is emotional (Kri-baby, but he's useful)

So who's it going to be?
I'd banish myself to the city :P

8) Lies! That's not an honest answer y' know. ;)
Yes it is :)

9) She sell sea shells at the seashores :O
Sarah saw a shot-silk sash shop full of shot-silk sashes as the sunshine shone on the side of the shot-silk sash shop. :o

10) Bai then, catch ya later

Cya Later!

drazzar -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 17:13:03)

hi gz nd all tht :)
1. wht would hppen if we gve cysero a sniper rifle rocket launcher and made his nitroglyseine sponge 500 times as big?
He'd trade me it for a left sock :P
2.can you remove the screwdriver i was just shanked with please...
*Removes* Eww... its all bloody and stuff...
4.do YOU nagotiate with terrorists, if so these a my demands...
Not me
5.Dylan Morran, Dara O'Briain or Ed Byrn? (they're irish comedians if you havnt heard of them.
All three
6.when do i get released from my cell? please? hello? DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!
That's my line >:O
7.have i realy confused you yet?
8.scrubs or two and a half men.
Scrubs :P
that is all :)


drDOT -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 17:18:07)

IL ! :D
Dim. R. :D

Do you know how much I was searching for your MtAK ? >.>
>.> You could of asked :P

And now I can finally say it ! >:D
Say what?

WhAtS sHaLlS yOuS dOeS iFs Is WrIteS iNs YoUrS colors? :o
That's my line >:O But this isn't my color, I see you like pink though. :D

I am so evil >:D or I'm not ? :o
*Is in fear*

Who's your favorite DF Q&A AK with his name starting with "D" ? =D

Realy ? =O

Why IL ?
Illinois :o

Master of ? D:
IL :o

13 the unlucky number or 13 the .. number ? :D
Lucky :D

/me gives cookie
/me takes teh cookie

/me takes cookie back
/me is sad :(

/me gives again
/me eats cookie fast

O_O wut ?
O_O I know right?

Congrats and see you :D

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 17:23:46)

Hello ILmaster13.
Hello Dragonlord

1.It has been a while, but do you remember me?

2.*Looks at character page* Is that the SotA**?
Close but no >.>

3.What's it like to be an AK?
Scary ;-;

4.Favorite AE game besides DF?

That's all, have fun!
I will :P


Seal of teh Artist >.>

pjc -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 17:29:59)


I haven't talked to you enough. D:
I know right? D:

I hope the Pedia is treating you well. If you see PaperClip, don't listen to a word he says. He's a crafty one.
Its is, he tricked me many times ;-;



ak plz ty

... Yes, that really is it. I'd love to come up with something more substantial, but it's half past 10. pjc likes his sleep. ._.
Already :o

Congrats, and keep up the good work! :d

N Zero -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 17:41:19)

Hello, I'm N Zero and this conversation will be recorded.
Oh noes >.>

Now that's that's out of the way, I have a couple of questions for you.

1. What is you Element?

2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of DF, or any of the AE Games? (Most important Question to me.)

3. If you don't know what an Edgemaster is, do you want me to explain via PM? (Second most important Question to me.)
Probably >.>

4. Do you play Soul Calibur 3 or 4?
For one minute before I broke that game >.>

5. If 4 is yes, do you have any Custom Characters?

6. If 5 is yes, can we see some Screenies?

7. What is your Dragon's element?
Water too

8. Do you believe the power of the human spirit?
It has power?

9. What is you Base class of choice?

10. Are you a tratior to AE, by playing any other Online RPG's/MMO's?

11. What is Cysero to you?
The person with my left sock.

12. Gorrilaphants?

13. What ore your feelings on The Ebil Togmaster, Rolith, the Tog Challenges he continues to come up with, and Togs in general. Also DOOOOOM it's #13!
Yay, mah lucky number! He's a great person! (So I don't get invaded by togs >.>)

14. Don't you hate when people do DOOOOOM for that Question?
Not really

15. Do you know of The Water Goddess, Draciane of the Cerulean Ocean?
Who is that?I mean, yes >.>

If yes, you get an apple, considering I'd think you'd want one after all the cake and cookies you'll be getting.
Yay, an apple!

If no, I will smack you so hard on the face with the hilt with both my HSRoD and my BBLoD, your caveman ancestors will feel it for not knowing one, if not the best player in DF in my opinion.

That's about it. Congrats, and as my sig says...

Karika -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 17:51:30)

Your partner in crime, umm... Pedia helper is here! (lol)

Good luck!

Riptide0012 -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 17:56:43)

A new DF mod ay? Congrats!

How many DF AKs are there now, I wonder...(those who are not in captivity, I mean)
A bunch :P

Having fun doing whatever the AKs do?

What do the AKs do? Besides refreshing the page day and night to see if it's time for a 30 page lock? :P
Delete spam/flaming and stuff like that :P

Well, have fun and see you around!
See you around!

levelboy14 -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 18:05:33)

Hello good sir ^^
Hello sir^

Are you a Fan of rock and roll? If so what band?
Yes, I don't know their names >.>

Do you like anime? if so what?
Not so much.

Do you enjoy a good home cooked meal? If so what?
Again, I don't know the names >.>

Do you like South park?
Of course!

If you can be any of the Character in DF who and why?
I'd be myself because I'm awesome :P

Whats the best movie you have seen?
Inglorious _________ (Can't say the last part >.>)

Have you heard of Avenue Q :3?

Have you Role played online or Real life before?
No, since I don't know how to.

Do you enjoy a good book?

Final Question: Any regrets? Let me guess this interview -_-?
I regret nothing...

Jackie -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 18:25:44)


Who did you fight for in the Pirate vs. Ninja war?
I wasn't around during that war =/ Though I would've picked pirates.

Would you like some homemade cookies?
Yes please :P

Or would you like to try some of my familys special chocolate pie?

Who's pie is better mine or Alac's?
*Walks away so he doesn't have to chose*

If you had and animal in the world as a pet what would it be and what would you name it?
I don't know >.>

If you had to work with either of the two, who would you pick between Rolith and Cysero?
Cysero, because I don't trust togs O.o

Did you enjoy your weekend?
Meh, It could've been better.

Bye bye hope you stick around


Shadez -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 18:39:49)


ish i makin u madd?
Usa huh? So am I! State?Im new york jsyk
Its in my forum ame :P

Cya!pie pie pie.........

Ash -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 19:00:48)

Zomg! How could you almost forget to make this! :O
Zomg! :O

I'd be in here editing ur posts but you made it in the DF GD. XD
Lucky me! XD

Having fun picking up mah slacking?
Yes, you're slaking? >:O

Fish of course!

((4+5)*0.01*82.2)+82.2 = ?

Hehe...that last one might be a tricky one. =O

I can has 'Pedia position as AK?
No you cants has.

Well have fun. =P

I will =P

Ebil Twilly -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 20:00:29)

/me look at face and shudder

*compares height* Name fits da person
Really? I feel so proud. :P

*says hi and eats cookie*
Oh noes my cookie :o


oh yeah; I brought you a cookie

*looks at hands* I did...
/me steals cookie and eats


and... Ice cweam!
With spwinkles! :P

ILmaster13!!!!!!! ... I forgot
O.o What?

Congratz on being kewl
Thanks for the complement! :D

*wonders in head* short short short short short short why so short

Um.... Uh... buh-bye!

P.S. *takes out extra cookie and hands to ILmaster13* I brought dis for you (me for snack)
Oh extra cookies!

ilikepizza123 -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 21:20:22)


Me liek pizzas.
Me thinks so

Doez u liek pizzas?

/me gives IL a pizza.
/me eats teh pizza

U play AQW?
Yes, like everyday :P

I do.
Its a good game right?

I am ilikepizza123 if you hasn't guessed.

I HAS LOTS OF POWAS!(in my mind i do:P)
I HAS MORE POWAS! (I think :P)

OK bye now!!!
Ok, Bye!

raveolot -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 21:31:53)

how did you be come a AK
By helping a lot in boards :P

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 22:31:16)


Congratulations! :D
Thanks! =D

What color are the shackles?
Light blue with sparkles :P

Who is your cell-partner/neighbor (depending on the circumstances)? :o
Teh "legendary" ash :o

Who's your favorite Viking? ;D
A very scary one, you might know him as V_J >_>

Well, congratulations, and I'm glad you're on the team! :D
Thanks! :D


Gianna Glow -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 23:04:24)

ILmaster! Congratulations!!
GG! Thanks!

Mwahahahaha! I get to raid your cell and torture you with a couple of questions!
Oh noes ;_;

Not really >.>

Are you sure?
Ok maybe...

Is that your final answer?

Ok, one more chance... Absolutely sure you're ready?

Ok, Here it is!

What is your favorite monster to fight in DF?
The sneevils because I can on hit them :D (Except the Sitcom ones, they are really hard >.>)

What monster do you never want to fight?
Fluffy O.o

What is your opinion on the color green?
Its my second favorite color :P

What is your opinion of the fairy race?
Evil since they don't give humans the ability for fly :P

Well, I guess thats all for now!
Aww, already?

Anyways, congradulatons again!

drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/6/2009 23:19:37)


*Points at title* ITS ILMASTER13.


*sips a cup of tea* what is the average wing speed of an unlaiden swallow?
1 inch?

is the cake a lie?

how about the pie?
Yes, all pies are lies!

ITS BEEN! One week since we got to see: DOOM!.... well not a week

can i haz a cookie?

tanks! *points behind you*
Oh noes...

howz dem shackles?
Tight ;_;

how about the demon in the corner of your cell that hungers for your eternal soul?
He's busy with Ash so no worries :D

i putz him there :D

i feedz him cookiez :3
How about me? :3

BlueKatz -> RE: =MtAK= ILmaster13 of the Pedia (9/7/2009 0:19:39)





Nah, I have few more down here
Oh noes...

What's ur favorite outfit
This one :P

What's ur color
The best coloar eva: Light Blue FTW!

What's ur favorite country
Mexico :P

Like Mogin?


Bye and fly............[:)]
Bye byes!

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