RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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Maureu -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/7/2010 1:31:45)


Shadow Ninja of Nocturu

SNoN? Heh.

Well, hi there. No, I was not kidnapped by MJ, no I'm not coming back now I just have no life so I'm checking in, yes I am in Neverland but Peter Pan is annoying.
How have we been? Other than dead? And how are all our wonderful, hopefully more active clans that I'm probably not going to visit? If we can get an Ambassador or someone at least from each clan to talk on here, at least it would be...better.

Sunfyre232 -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/8/2010 0:55:03)

It's pretty quiet here.. Where are all the people???

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/9/2010 14:13:30)

@Maureu: Yeah... kind of...

^: We are all digging our graves... waiting for the apocalypse. Personally, mine's already digged, I just need to craft a wonderful black coffin.

UltimateRAM -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/15/2010 18:20:51)

burn the coffin
the world wont end (yet)

masterwolfie -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/16/2010 6:55:24)

Please support the movement to put life back into Paxia.

jaketheweirdo -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/17/2010 22:04:16)

you don't KNOW that the world won't end. it could end any day. it could end as you read this post.

earth breather -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (2/26/2010 19:19:51)

-grabs nocturu and gives them a mutant bear hug- I MISSED NOCTURU! luck i still psot every now n then-dead dead dead and more dead jees when did you guys last spring clean? there r spider webs and no activity herew in the nocturu clubhouse how do our
GUESTS stay here mfor more then 5 seconds?

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/14/2010 0:15:04)

Wow... the CCC actually nearly died.

DigDog -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/14/2010 11:25:42)

You mean... it nearly pulled a Paxia?


Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/14/2010 16:53:13)

Nice one, even if that could be a truth.

DigDog -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/8/2010 15:04:52)

Hey Max, my browser (Firefox 3.6.3) tells me that the Nocturu private forum is bad and will harm my computer if I decide to visit it. Have you ever considered kicking Invisionplus into the trash and switching to Invisionfree or Zetaboards?

masterwolfie -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/8/2010 18:29:15)

A nasty little moglin is coming for you guys, Look out!

earth breather -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/8/2010 19:03:52)

When wads it we died again? ahh mau good to see you -hugs- -secrectly burns with light-

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/8/2010 20:08:56)

@DigDog: Really? I doesn't have that kind of problem, although I use Internet Explorer, which is probably why I don't have those kinds of advertisements.

They had a problem recently, and since it came back to normal, it became much slower than before. I suspect InvisionPlus got attacked by a virus or something like that. I'll see what I can find out, but I doubt it's necessary to change to another forums-hosting website.

DigDog -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/9/2010 3:40:41)

Yup, only Firefox has this feature that checks for bad websites. Well it's your choice after all, but in my opinion Invisionplus is the worst forum hoster I've seen until now. It's not only quite slow but also down once a week for arbitrary reasons. And now this virus thingy. But like I said, your choice.

Sunfyre232 -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/9/2010 8:17:47)

This thread is so dreary.. I could smell dead silence.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/9/2010 21:08:26)

It always smell dead around here, the graveyard is just outside, and since we don't have any gravekeeper, the corpses are piled in an open pit.

@Dig Dog: If you say so, then I might check for a new forum hoster. It's been a while I thought about creating my own forum, might as well begin by creating one with Nocturu.

earth breather -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/11/2010 18:47:34)

Nocturu Dead me:alive max: not sure shadow: just got burned with light -grabs lucian light cake and splutters-

Ok ok back on topic I use IE aswell max version 8 to be exactt and my familys only had bout 3 maybe 4 viruses a trojan virus also(my laptop got one too >:() and none of them came from the Private forums im sure(just download Malwarebytes ANTI-malware) u can detect them and kill viruses

Beleqwaya Melamin -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/11/2010 19:20:42)

Looks like the dead clan with the dead communication got... deader.It passed dead now it undead.(thinks of an idea)Who wants lucian cake it will bring... life to this chat.(Only noise are crickets)Wow this place really is dead...dead silent!

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/12/2010 14:04:53)

Dude... coming here ony to say that is spam. Please keep that for yourself when others already pointed our deadness.

Beleqwaya Melamin -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/12/2010 19:30:17)

No i wasn't talking about the clan being dead.I was talking about how little posting there is and how it's like this thread is dead.

DigDog -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/13/2010 4:28:53)


Ok ok back on topic I use IE aswell max version 8 to be exactt and my familys only had bout 3 maybe 4 viruses a trojan virus also(my laptop got one too >:() and none of them came from the Private forums im sure(just download Malwarebytes ANTI-malware) u can detect them and kill viruses

I'm not saying that the forum actually has a virus, but the message about possible viruses might scare away new members that are using FireFox. Plus, like I said, Invisionplus is very slow and unreliable compared to Invisionfree or Zetaboards.

earth breather -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/13/2010 4:52:29)

depends on internet connection. we use Bigpond and its fine

DigDog -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/13/2010 7:30:06)

No it doesn't. I visited the NPF daily over a period of months and there were many days where the forum was either horribly slow or completely down / not loading at all. I've never experienced that with the LPF, GPF, DPF or PPF - or at least not more often than once a month.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/13/2010 14:57:19)

Why does it seem I see poetic stuff about the deadness of the clan these days?

@Diggy: I already created the NPFs on Invision Free, but I still have some more stuff to do on it, mostly stylish stuff. I mght as well say that the new NPFs are online and functionnal, but it lacks in style.

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