RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (9/26/2010 22:00:18)

Nice idea. I like it, and I'm glad i'm around to see it. I agree with the facts Discipline pointed out, and I support this idea. This idea of alliance is going further on a new step of greatness.

masterwolfie -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (9/27/2010 4:32:34)

I'm glad to see you've returned shadow. Hopefully my idea of delaying the decision to cementing this pact will work out.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (9/27/2010 23:21:08)

I'm not really back, I just happen to visit once in a while. If you all need something from me though, PM me, and I'll answer as quickly as I can.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (9/30/2010 14:38:20)

I would hope for Nocturu to revive your Private Forum.
All it really takes are a few new people who are committed to Nocturu and who can work with the current members to weave some new ideas into the exsisting tapestry of the Nocturu Clan.
Good luck with your revival or maybe re-animation? [;)]

.Discipline -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (9/30/2010 14:59:42)

We aren't going to regain activity because there's no real way of doing it. We don't have the interest, members or time.
That's why everyone's hoping for a Paxian event.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/26/2011 14:01:55)

Hello Nocturu.

Due to the recent Unity between Lucian and Nocturu in alliance, the Nocturu Defense has improved from -34500 to -28500.

However we will be stepping away from the Nocturu defense during your forthcoming raid on Unity.

Good Luck to you.

BWNocturne -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/26/2011 14:22:32)

Was that supposed to be a threat against our allies, Sigmund?

SIGMUND -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/26/2011 14:39:19)

I am not threatening anyone.
How can you possibly read what I said as a threat?

Good luck to Nocturu this weekend.

BWNocturne -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/26/2011 15:26:09)

There can be other thoughts behind the words one speaks. I'm just checking if I don't get you wrong.
Perhaps because you called it a raid, which it is clearly not.

theosenia -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/26/2011 16:05:31)


Was that supposed to be a threat against our allies, Sigmund?

Lol! Good joke,BWN!...
Unless too much "contest" N "attacking" has turned YOU "suspicious" [8D]
The way I personally see it,Lucian s need a bit of defending themselves! to regain their place back into the positives. [;)]
ANY help to our allies needs to be postponed,at least for a while.
(I know I CAN'T defend Lucian/Unity AND Nocturu...if you think you CAN do 2 n/or 3 things at the same time,that's ok with me) :-)

BWNocturne -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/26/2011 16:39:16)

Do you always feel the need to react on something I ask Sigmund?
If there is one who's turned suspicious, it would be Sigmund as he called this a 'raid on unity'.

On a "different" 'note', if I was "joking" you would've 'noticed'. That wasn't the "case" here. Surely, you'll understand now that I've used enough punctuation marks.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/26/2011 23:06:37)

Oh please, go somewhere else if you want to argue. Like in your PF.

Just mentionnin' though that Nocturu's stand is Neutral in Chaos/Unity. Some are for Chaos, some are for Unity, so don't put whole Nocturu for Chaos. It may be offending for some of our members that are for Unity. So it's not Nocturu who's pulling a raid on Unity, it's me and some other Nocturans that is assaulting Unity.

Still, I fully understand your wish to withdraw your defense force from Nocturu. You got more important defense to do, like putting your own clan back into the positives and defending Unity against the comming assault.

DigDog -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/27/2011 2:45:26)

Not the whole Lucian clan is for Unity either, as far as I know. There are also members who are neutral or even for Chaos.

theosenia -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/27/2011 6:47:51)

@Dread Shadow Max: Yep! That's all I personally said.You seemed to have completely understood exactly what I was saying on my post: Too tough! (at least for me!) to do 3 things at the same least for the time being.I hope that changes in the future n once I'll be back in a position to offer some help,I'll gladly let you know! [:)]

As far as I know,I am NOT arguing with anyone! Ppl can "argue" as much as they want but..."With themselves"n on their own! [8D]

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/27/2011 8:00:47)


Not the whole Lucian clan is for Unity either, as far as I know. There are also members who are neutral or even for Chaos.

I pretty much think that the Lucians defense force that is helping Nocturu is pretty much consisted of only Sigmund and Theosenia, hence why I implied the defense force as protecting Unity. If there's anyone else doing the defending that is not for Unity, then my apologies.

BWNocturne -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (4/27/2011 13:00:14)


Oh please, go somewhere else if you want to argue. Like in your PF.

You're right Max, my apologies.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/19/2012 0:40:16)

It srue is dakr in here.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/19/2012 1:01:31)

Dark and dead! Well, I love the first, but I think we could pass on the latter.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/9/2012 20:41:50)

I revive this thread, revive it I say!

DigDog -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/9/2012 21:40:25)

What's going on in here?

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/9/2012 22:31:13)

You stole my Revive spell, Pie! Don't you know CAPS LOCK make it more effective?

.Discipline -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/10/2012 6:08:33)

Necromancy of the highest order is afoot here. That's just the way I like it.
Spread these magics to all of Paxia! Let them replace the dead with the living and the silence with excitement!

Also, I have bagels. *hands out bagels*

That is all. :D

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/10/2012 13:23:42)

I hope these bagels have life-giving properties in them.

*Nom Noms a bagel*

earth breather -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/11/2013 5:23:21)

Hey Everybody,

Earthy Back, you probably all forgot about me/Don't remember me but whatever! I'm baack and I missed EVERY single one of you.

Hey, Wheres Shadow? Wait, Wheres Dread?

And why is Riffus eating a bagel?

DigDog -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/12/2013 20:05:52)

Boy, it srue got dakr in here all of a sudden.

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