What Crimz would say (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> What Crimz would say (11/2/2009 3:46:10)

Similar to the Crimz and His 3-year old sister scripts, expect some laughs here.

Comments: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15973156

Crimzon5 -> RE: What Crimz would say (11/2/2009 3:48:23)

~In Web Chat~

Girl: hey, who's ur crush?
Crimz: you...
Girl: me?!
Crimz: NO! You first!

Crimz: Anyways, gotta go. Good night and God bless
Girl: You too, good night :)
Crimz: Oops, wrong send
<<Girl is now offline>>
Crimz: uhh... oops?

Crimzon5 -> RE: What Crimz would say (11/2/2009 3:51:19)

~While I was playing instead of studying for my exams~

Mom: Crimz, stop playing and focus on your studies.
Crimz: *Stops and turns to her*
Mom: Right now, you should be thinking of your future, like what course to take.
Crimz: think of the future?
Mom: Yes. Your father and I are always here when you have questions about it, dear.
Crimz: I have a question about the future: Whats for dinner?

Crimzon5 -> RE: What Crimz would say (11/2/2009 3:53:26)

~More Web Chat~

Girl: i <3 u
Crimz: Impossible!
Girl: why?!
Crimz: imaginary numbers can't fit in inequalities
<<Girl is now offline>>

**Lesson Learned: Capitalize the i when using that joke on math kids

Crimzon5 -> RE: What Crimz would say (11/2/2009 4:01:21)

~Pick-up Lines~

Crimz: Are you a hold-upper?
Girl: *giggles* why?
Crimz: Because I was gonna give you everything as long as you won't hurt me...

Crimz: Hey, are you sad?
Girl: Why?
Crimz: Well, you're the only one in my heart, wouldn't you feel kinda lonely in there?

Crimzon5 -> RE: What Crimz would say (11/2/2009 4:03:28)

~Riddles With Friends~

Friend: A man who lives in the 20th floor of an apartment...
Crimz: He's a midget, isn't he?
Friend: Dang!

Crimzon5 -> RE: What Crimz would say (11/2/2009 4:08:15)

~Another Pick-up Line~

Crimz: Okay, tell this to the girl over there: Unlike, then insert a random equation here that uses i, my love for you isn't imaginary.
Friend: Cheesy...
Crimz: That's why we're doing :p
Friend: Okay...

*Friend approaches a girl*
Friend: Unlike 34/5 times uhh... 7i times 214i divided by 5, my love for you isn't imaginary.

*Friend leaves the girl, then raises his hand for a high-five*
*Crimz doesn't hit his hand*
Crimz: You messed up...
Friend: Why?
Crimz: multiplying two i's together results to it being negative one, and thus not an imaginary number...
Friend: Whatever... now it's your turn to use a pick-up line...

Crimzon5 -> RE: What Crimz would say (11/10/2009 9:08:05)

~While Playing Chess~

Girl: *Eats Crimz's queen* Are you letting me win... because you like me? *Giggles*
Crimz: Uhh... actually... you feel for a trap. *Moves rook* Checkmate.

Crimzon5 -> RE: What Crimz would say (12/18/2009 21:49:12)

~When Talking About Gifts We Gave Each Other~

Girl: Hey, how did you know my favorite color?
Crimz: Huh? I... uhh... didn't.
Girl: The pillow you gave me has my favorite color: apple green. You sure are good at picking gifts.
Crimz: It was the only one left...

Wingman: *Facepalm*

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