Lady Azjurai -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/14/2009 11:06:16)
Congratumolations on the amazing gooderness of this thread and it's chewy goodness. Woo! :D Now THAT is an intro. :D And hey. :) Chosen an animal for your AKnesship yet? Ooh, not really. Although my favourite animal is an armadillo, so I guess I could be that. xD You know if it's not a Raccoon you already lose? D: You and your raccons! Cookie? ... :D I mean for me, not you. Ha! No question on this line. I think? ... D: Will you help get User away from his life of crime as a bike thief? Most definately. Definately needs to be put in a box for a bit, that'll set 'im right. Coyote and his fancy pasta snack pilfering ways (vafrous indeed) too? Indeed. Instead of giving things away in threads, I like to take them. This isn't a question, just a friendly warning *steals coffee* that I take things. 'Cause that's how we roll in the shire. *sigh* I guess it comes with the insanity. You get the reference in the above end sentence? 'Fraid not, my ignorance becomes me. :D Here's a math problem for you - What's an odd perfect-number? ^^ 7.874389 reccuring? LIES! :o Raccoon ninjas, Raccoon wizards or Lazy Raccoons with coffee? The last one. :P You know there's only one right answer to the above? That's me done for then. :P If I have two coffees and you have two coffees, how many coffees do I have in total? Hint - I does not be sharing of my coffee >:3 4- you've just taken my coffee because you are CRAY-ZEE like me! :D *steals more coffee* You have rather proved my point. :P So, pants these days. What's up with the fashion trends? Scary things. Uh huh. I'll just be running over there, don't mind me. :D What's your favorite eye-shadow or eye-liner? Claiming no knowledge is no excuse, I want answers or I'll throw slippers! Errr...Rimmel London (that's the only one that springs to mind, and I fear slippers more than TLH :o) How many questions is this so far? Think I can ramble more? It's beyond my counting abillity I'm afraid. :P That was one line, so it's only one question. That's how raccoon logic works. I'll take your word for it. :) I guess I should ask something about you, so.. favorite non-mainstream classical composer? Why them? O_O You a fan of E.A.Poe? *steals more coffee* Havn't heard of it/them, so I guess not. Cookie again? Why must you taunt me so? That's right. My cookie, not yours! You have have one of Coyotes fancy pasta snacks though ^^ Woo! :D I'm running out of questions, so, plan to work hard here on the boards? Planning and reality are very different, but I'll certainly try. :) That is all, happy Aknesshipings ^^ Ok, thanks very much! Bye! :)