RE: =MtAK= Cguy (Full Version)

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SoulWing -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/17/2009 3:08:30)

Cguy! Congratulations on the AKship!

Hey there, thanks very much! :)

Who promoted you?

The Legendary Hero. :)

Shackles fitting on nicely?

Nice and tight. :P

*Pssst* *Whispers* I'll give you the key...

I might get distracted if it's too shiney...



Warrior or Mage or Rogue?

Warrior. :D

Armadillos eh? *Get's a shotgun and goes to Armadillo habitat* >:D

Nuuu... D: Quick, my friends, roll up into your shells!

*Taunts Cguy with a piece of cheese* I know you want it :D

Why must you hurt me so? ._.

Question time:

1. Do you do art?

Used to.

2. If so, what kind?

Weapons and edits in MsPaint.

3. DragonSlayer or DragonLord?


5. Ice or Fire?

Fire. >:D

7. Magic or Science?


10. Lim or Yulgar

Yulgar, Lim r cray-zee.

47. If you had to spend 1 milion dollars in 2 minutes, what would you buy?

Hmm... a really nice car. xD

1034742. Can I count?

Yes. Just not very well. :P

Bai bai! Have fun being an AK!

Thanks, bye! :D

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/17/2009 6:13:30)

Hi there :)

Hey! :)

Congratuations on AKship!

Thanks very much. ;D

Can you explain why it took me 4 years to finally get enough gold to buy one of the Doom weapons in DF?

xD You wern't farming hard enough? :P


... Or any other variation that plays around with your name?

Not yet, though that may come in time. :P

Wolves are beautiful creatures :)


What's my favourite animal?

Armadillo perhaps? :P

Time for my typical question... have you been preparing for it?


(continued) Your favourite word?

Antidisestablishmentarianism. It's a real word. Honest. xD

Preference between being slapped by a baguette or a fish?

Well, the baguette would be original, but I'd have to go with the classic fish.

Your alignment is Good, Evil or With The Cookies?

Good. :D (and cookies)

*hands you a cookie*


That was for Azj.


Bye now!

Okay. Thanks, bye! :D

San Robin -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/17/2009 7:07:36)

me again?

:o Hey. :)

cheese or cake?

Both. :D


Yay! :D

hmmmm cheesecake

It's yummy, no?

what color is your box?

Dark-colour. I can't see very well with no light. :P

how big is your box?

You know when you buy a new TV? About that big. :P

how can you live in there?

Meh, it's nice and cosy at least. xD

i have a map with a escaperoute written on my back!


wait it isnt there anymore[:-]



must have washed it of while taking a bath

At least you don't smell then. :D

sorry you will stay trapped for a while

Meh. I'm getting used to it. :P

*huge german accent*i'll be back[8D]

Hehe, ok. Thanks, bye! :D

runer -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/17/2009 10:38:49)

Oh my , Cguy is now an AK !!!!! congratz guy !!!!

:o Thanks very much! :)

So do you remember me ?

Mmhm, I reemmber your name.

If no , we used to *help* other player's on the Q&A long time ago ! though i am on MQ Q&A now :S

Yup, I remember that. :)

So ..... How come you let the other AK's hijack your thread ??? since you are a "C" Releated , just call on us "C Defender's" and any brother in need will find us around !!!!! or just use the Green Left sock power to stop them !!

But I'm no longer in the clan. D:

Since your name is C releated , why don't you use an special C customised pulshie avvy ?

Hmm, not sure. I might do one day. :P

Figured out a special lock for your threads ????? a small suggestions : "Left sock power applied" .

Not really, but I guess I could use this: *slash* :P

How is the AK package so far ? overrated ? on the scale ? under rated ? ..... C rated ????

It's good thanks. :)

I always though you will be an AK one day ...... not much of a competion around though .......

Heh, thanks...I think? :P

Congratz again !!!! and i hope you can apply the Cyseioan rules around :P

Thanks again! :)

"C"ya !

Hehe. Ok, thanks, bye! :D


The True Assassin -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/17/2009 15:20:27)


Welcome back! :)

So still living off my cookies?

Nah, I ate them quick. :D But TLH has given me something. :P

Want a ban hammer?


Here are some magic cookies, don't tell Dimension R. about them!

/me noms them quick

So been slashing lately?

Havn't had to...yet. :P

I know where Zguy is....


So, favourite animal?

Armadillo. :D

A slash?


Cya on the 5th page!!!

If it gets there before I lock it. :P Anyway, thanks, bye! :)

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/17/2009 16:24:42)

how much would you pay for a cyreso-type sock ghost [ONLY 1]

Ooh...about £5 :P

if i make you a avvy will you equip it

I might do, depending on what it is. :)


or science

Magic. :o

do you belive in chickencows [in real life]

Of course. :P


:o Thanks, bye!

UltimaKomoto -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/17/2009 16:38:42)

By the power of Custard...Guy? No, that makes no sense...

O_O Hey. :D

So, I spy a "See"shell with a pinch of "See" salt on the briny "See" floor. (More rhymes with "C")

D: It buuurrrnnnnsss!!!!

In a not-so-shocking turn of events, I'll be asking questions to...myself? Or will I be? (This is, in fact, a question)

I think you won't. :P

Favorite type of cookie? Correct answers earn you 10 of [X-type]

Big cookie. :D

Second favorite animal? (You cannot answer Armadillo or related-type-species...)

Hmm... I like lizards.

The 21st century excuse of choice? (Very Obvious Answer -> SCIENCE!)

Magic? :P

Complete Complimentry Works Of Citrus Cookie Crumbles?

There are many C's in that sentence...

A mirror for *your* thoughts?

*Hmmm, what to say?*


If I don't ask a question, does it count if it's non-existant?

Whelp, have fun with the remaining questions of the forumers....take the expresso, you might need it...

Heh heh. Thanks, bye! :)

xX_SiC_Xx -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/17/2009 16:41:26)

new page you say.....


yes its time for the bonus round *dun dun dun*

Eeek. :o

answer the questions and you will get a reward :D

Yay. :D

who approcith the bridge of death must answer me these questions three 'ere the other side you'll see.

WHAT is your name?

Cguy. :D

WHAT is your quest?

To rule the world do whatever The Legendary Hero tells me to.

WHAT is your favorite color?

Green. :D

if you answerd wrong you are Sir Robin
if you answered right...alright off you go then

now for the final bonus round for your freedom from the box of doom!

can you beat the Knights who say Ni

if you cant beat them how about This guy!

I don't know. D:






Right now. :P


Asking questions.




Or is he?

Yes. Eeek.


[ERROR] Does not compute as a question.



have a cookie!

Lucky you. :P

11 questions down 4 to go hahahahahahahaha

Why won't it end? D:

isnt this a great torture?

*screaming and writhing around on the floor*

wanna know the recipe for the cookie?


it was made by this guy


ok im bored of tormenting you....

Yay. :D

you live another day!


*throws evil monkey at Cguy*


If you can kill mah pet you win freedom!

:o Thanks, bye! :)

Dwarven_Wizard -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/17/2009 17:01:34)

I stopped by quickly this time to congratulate you that your MtAK hasn't dies yet. So, congrats! ...

Heh heh, thank you. :D

Any-who, here. Take this triangle. It will keep the sock-happy Cysero away. "You've obtained one (1) Triangle!"


Only one real question this time: Got Milk Moglins?

:o That's awesome.

Anyway, good day to you, Sir, and don't let the Cyseros bite.

Heh heh, thank you, and likewise. Bye! :)

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/17/2009 21:57:07)

When will it end! :P Just kidding, hey. :) (thanks for the tags)

I Read Lady Azjurai's post because 1. She's an AK and 2. her avi is cute. VERY amusing!
Hehe, good.

1. DragonLord or Tog Lord or Armadillo Lord?
The first or the last. :P

Well, I don't really have real questions, so RANDOM question time!
Sounds good.

2. Armydillo?
xD Bad spelling there. :P

Now guess which DF char would most likely say these:

3. "None may exist who are stronger than me!"
Artix? :P

4. "I'm vanishing!"

5. Impossible! How could I lose!

6. Foolish <Class>. Don't bother fighting with me.

7. "I WILL defeat you!" (This one is OBVIOUS!)
Sepulchure? o_o

8. "My name is Cguy!" (If you don't know this one..."
Sepulch...wait a minute. Cguy! :D

Okay, stop the quote time.,,

9. Army > DragonBlade > The Legendary Hero > Dimension > Cguy?
Dunno about the first 4, but the last one is in the right place. :P

10. An army of Legendary guys wielding DragonBlade are in Dimension R?
Quite possibly. :P

11. What would you want to be an AK of next?
Ooh, I don't know, if at all really.

12. Got any upgrades for AE games?

13. How old are you?

14. Favorite Food?
Pasta. :)

15. Final question... 2nd favorite animal?

Well, see you on the next page!
If I get there. :P Bye!

liangwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/18/2009 5:26:15)

hey slasher

Hey. :)

is me again

I see. :P

once again thank to you that i got the undead pirate guotar but sell it

Heh, no problem. :)

ok just to ask 6 question

1.why is some many ak hjack u post XD

It's fun and crazy? :D

2.which game u normally play the most df or aqw



I can chat with friends.

3.ok u say u like good do u like daimyo and blinding light of destiny

I do. :D


They are both awesome. :D u hand out with evo the crazy rare hunter if u need any rare will u find him

Hmm, not really had a chance to hang out with him yet.

hehe because he is a rare hunter

He is indeed. u feel the same with me that aqw enhance the lvl 16 is the same with lvl 17

I've never really looked. dragonamulet which is the best farming gold place

Not sure, I always liked Bandit Camp or Titan Fights.

gtg now maybe see ya later

Ok then, bye! :)


Cguy -> RE: =MtAK= Cguy (11/19/2009 11:08:53)

Well, I've left this up for about a week, so hopefully you've all got to ask your questions. :) Now I'm locking it.

Thanks everyone for posting here, and I've enjoyed answering all of your questions.

I'll leave this up here for another few days so you can check out any posts, and then I'll move it to the Archives.

Thanks again!

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