RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (Full Version)

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Furore -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/13/2009 13:30:03)

Hi Moneybags! Congrats and welcome to the Club!
Heey, thanks!

Is your cell padded and warm like mine?
Meh.. Why not :P

Where is the money?
In the bag

Show me the money!
Look in the bag!

If 1x2=2, when does the beginning of the world end?
I answered this post so late, the beginning of the world already ended :P

If I told you that cannibalism is compulsory as an ArchKnight, would you still like the job?
Oooh... Cannibalism... Interesting *evil laughter*

That is all from me! Have fun and see ya soon!

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/13/2009 13:33:34)

Cool! Mr. Money in the bank ladder match Moneybags :D!

I sure as heck remember you bro.
We're brothers?
Okay question time.

1. In warpforce so far, which is your favorite mission?
I love the Spyhunt mission <3
2. Which pet in warpforce do you recommend for your average non member?
The highest level one you can find... Although for me, I usually go for looks on pets, since my weapons deal enough damage, so I keep mine as the Skitter
3. See if you can decode this cryptonaughts challenge puzzle :) Tsih si na noelttab yadrif hneetriht elddir. elddir em tahs elddir em ttah swoh drifa fo eth smobgnye!
Erm, I'll try :)

*5 hours later, eyes bleeding*

Okay, I finally got one word. The last one is moneybgs! :D

Clyde -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/13/2009 14:07:29)

Congrats moneybags! Welcome to the gates of He- err Paradise! :D
Thanks! *mumbles* Gates of Paradise? Did he mean gates of H--*mumbles*
How has working with the God of Evil been for you?
Fine, I guess. He didn't use his ebil powers on me... Yet
Don't be afraid to tell me, it's not like he is always watching...or is HE!? >.>
I honestly don't know... He's probably reading this right now though
If I robbed a bank, would I see you there?
Depends on which bank you rob... But I know you don't rob banks ;-)
I am sure I've seen you in the movies. Why are you always being stolen?
Cuz of the smexy bag money in the bag. Dur! XD
Favorite song for a happy mood?
I listen to all rap, and rap ain't happy at all.
What band do you listen to that you believe no one would have ever expected?
My dad was listening to the Eagles a day or two ago... It disgusted me.
Name an NPC battle you would die to see?
I don't wanna die!
Alright I'm out of random questions.
Yay! I thought this would never end! o.O
Good luck!
Thanks again, and bye!

BlackFlameWarrior -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/13/2009 16:02:17)

Z0MG a shiny.....moneybags? Eh I will just use my poke ball.
You intend to poke me with a ball?
Jk congrats.
Favorite band?
Don't have one
Favorite Music Video?
Dunno if you've heard of it, but its called 'Feel it' by Three 6 Mafia
Want some Lellyna brand cookies? I can steal some from Razgriz.
No... I don't want him to run over and pounce the heck outta both of us
Well too bad!
Too bad indeed
/e tries to steal some bling bling for his homies :D
O noes! D: *Books it*
What is your quest?
To moderate the boards and to keep them clean
How many Ak's does it take to hijack one question?
Not much, not much xD
How's them shackles?
They're Shackle like! :D
What color are they?
Shackle colored :p
Who is your cellmate/person on the other side of the wall?
Seems to be Omni...

max13 -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/13/2009 16:16:16)

Hai. Congratz on modness.
Note that in another page i will get you!
Okay... I'll worry about that later :P
How are your shackles?
Fine, I guess
What color are they?
Erm, shackle colored?
What color is your cat?
I have a cat?
X-box 360 or PS3?
Definitely PS3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 or Halo 3 ODST?
CoDMW2 Hands down
TV or book?
Depends what show and what book
Do you wike muffins?
Who doesn't...
Favorite food?
Japanese food, I <3 sushi!
Do you wike pie?
Who doesn't like pie?
Pirate or ninja?
Arghh, Pirate! (lol, the 'argh' was an epic phail)
Do you think the cookie monster is encourging kids to become overweight?
No. Kids become overweight when they play PS3 all day :P
Favorite Animal?
Monkeys! :D
If i ran around your house in circles in a tutu while yelling BANANANANANAN PUDDDDDING!!!!!!!! Would you call da comps?
No, I'd just stand and laugh :P
Isn't my color Manlier than Coyotes? Coyote thinks his color is so pwnage.... mines pro
Hah. Don't think I can't get you here! =O So watch yourself! ~Coyote
I knew that line would get Coyote to edit mah post!! Woot!! (Did I type that outloud?) My color is still more manly then ur baby barf pink! ~Max
Coyote's color is TOO manly... T.T ~jkjk

Well Bai! Next page /me will atttack again!
@DeathWalker You copied meh D: but now a coyote will attack both of us >:O

Sam041 -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/13/2009 18:56:13)

Yo Mo-Money. :D
Howz you doing?
What would you do if I stole money from you?
Tighten up the bag
Ah..I got no more questions for ya.

Pie! :D
Cake! :D Bye!

Deathwalker -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/13/2009 20:36:09)

Oh noes! There's Spyro! :O

I shan't bother you with more than 10 questions, I think.

Taocs are delicious?
Ever meet an AQW moderator in game?
Yeah, but I forgot the names. One was Kickat, for sure.
What is your favorite food? Other than cash.
Do you has an Xbox 360? Or a regular one? Or do you not play games? Or do you have something else?
No, I've got a Wii >.< If I were going to buy another console, though, it'd be PS3 > XBox360
May I has lots of random nonquestions in my next posty?
You can have whatever you like (ay!)
PS: Gratz. Do other AK's keep getting fired? They all just stop being AK's. Did you do something to them? LIEZ!
Liek mah siggy?
How could I say no?
Dis color is SO much more "MANLY!" than Coyote's. And it is so manly it will scare Coyote away from this post so you shall be the only one to edit it.
Yeah, its so manly its unreadable. Its evasiveness stat is over 9000 to my eyes. XD

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/13/2009 21:29:35)

I shall write you a limerick:

Moneybags was loaded, that was true,
So much gold -- he didn't know what to do!
Then all the AKs came,
For moneybags they wanted a claim,
Who wins? I'll leave that to you!

Haha, thanks! :D

Velmur -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/13/2009 21:41:18)

Hi Moneybags! I was just thinking a few days ago about who was going to be the next AK, and I thought you were, and look! You are!
Ready for some questions?
Yup, this is what the thread is for, no?
What's your favorite armor on WF?
Star Ninja, I love the looks :P
How's your job as an AK?
Fun filled
What's your favorite movie you've watched?
300, or The Dark Knight
Last question for now, what's your favorite AE game?
WF, close behind is AQW, and close behind that is AQ

Ok! Cya around. I may post again, but your pretty busy so I'll try not to post too much here.

Alright, bye! :)

Strebor -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/14/2009 0:18:50)

heya! ur probly struggling to keep answering OVER 9000! questions
I actually am >.< Hoping to get it done today :P
fav food?
dark chocolate, milk chocolate or white chocolate?
White chocolate, its the sweetest
fav TMNT?
TBH, I've never seen TMNT ever
what is ur name?
what is ur quest?
To watch over WFGD!
what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Erm... /confused at long words XD
do any of ur cellmates snore?

Festavious -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/14/2009 10:09:25)

Hello Moneybags!
Hi Festavious!
Congrats on the promotion!

Favorite movies?
300 and The Dark Knight
Favorite band/artist/etc?
I've got a LOT, but I gotta say Jay-Z
Favorite song right now?
Heartbreaker by Ne-Yo. What wierd about it is that its not rap, and it actually sounds good o.O
Is today tommorrow's yesterday?
Um... *gets a calculator*... I got it, no! :D
Are you a fan of string theory?
What are you hoping to see in the next WF release?
Anything, really.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Still in high school D:
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
On earth... Dur
Soda, pop, or sodapop?

immy -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/15/2009 10:50:13)

Hello moneybags (:
Congratulations on the AKship.
No questions, just popped in just to say good luck. :D
Thanks again, and bye!

Neopie -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/15/2009 18:52:13)


gurren lagann?

watch it.
Watch what? :P


is good right?
Especially ice cream cake

so how are you man!
Fine, I guess

does tokyo smell like ham
It smells like sushi

The statement below is false
It seems as if you were dedicated to say that no matter what I type...
what is your favorite NON ae game?

JUST WHO THE HECK DO YOU THINK I AMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Neopie? :P
Of course

Ebil Twilly -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/15/2009 19:58:11)

Twilly! Ebil version!



Likes my gift?
Why wouldn't I! Thanks!
Yeah me too >.>.
Why the >.> face?
P.S. I gots yous a bags ofs somes moneys.

Typhus -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/17/2009 0:15:55)

Congratulations! ^_^
I'll try to keep it short and sweet. Have fun with your well deserved AKness!
Just the way I like it. Thanks, I will!

Ubear -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/17/2009 16:00:17)

Hi moneybags!
Hai ubear!

Sooo, have you ever played Spyro The Dragon? (;
No... Isn't that the purple dragon?

What's your favorite animal?

What's your favourite armor in AQ?
Ubear form just to make you happy :)

Favourite pet in WF?
Skitter pet, and teh WF Moglin if I had it

That's all from me, congratulations on being an AK. Have fun!
Thanks, I will!

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/17/2009 17:23:33)

Congratulations moneybags!
Circe been recruiting again?
Its actually Fal that recruited me, but sure, why not.
Good L*drowns in lists with names of ArchKnights*


raff -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/17/2009 18:06:30)

Enjoying being an Archknight?
Sure do
Pie or cake?

Nightly -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/17/2009 19:34:39)

Hey moneybags!
Hey Nightly!
Wow, you got the Akship :P Seems like only a little while ago that we were trying out our new titles and trying to figure out how to upload our avatars.
Still remember that XP
Well congratulations and maybe I'll see you around :D
Thanks, you too

Dragon of doom -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/18/2009 16:44:16)

Congratz on ak-ship? :3
Even though i actually DONT play WF ._.
You should, its great
Well that's it :D
Enjoy-eh ur AKness and WFness xD(i htink i created a new word ._.)

Jokester -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/18/2009 18:38:32)

Where's my money man, where's my money?
Isn't the joker the one who robs banks?
How're those shackles?
Fine, I guess
Who's in the cell next door?
Dunno, but it'd be nice to find out
That's all. Byez!
Thanks, bye!

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/18/2009 21:34:15)

i stole all your money so your now just bags
/me refills
how many times was your previous avvy [kenny] killed
Kenny is immortal! He doesn't die!
thats all
Lemme guess... For now? :P Bye

for now *evil eyes*

liangwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/19/2009 5:32:38)

hi moneybags
is me again

can u give me some gold to spare i want to buy a pencil
Sure *passes gold*
because u can make gold haha
or give me a bag of gold because u name is moneybag
so i think u can make a gold in the bag
that will be more good
and u from helpful constructive and one more i forget
T'was Friendly
then u become a ak of warpforce congratz
gtg now see ya


RagingMagma -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/19/2009 13:17:40)

Hi there, moneybags!
Okay, here's the evil question flurry >=D

1. When you received notice, were you surprised?
Who wouldn't be?
2. Did you smash anything because of your excitement?
Luckily, no
3. Was it human [:-]? (hope not)

4. Can you give me some spare gold to my WarpGuardian? He's a bit short because he went to the casino =P
I don't have access to those things, but if I did, sure!
5. Your limitless money bag is a legend or it exists? xD
Well, I'm here, so it exists?
6. *Me steals moneybags "money bag"
Ballin eh?
7. Turns out it is leprechaun gold, it dissapears [:@]
O noes!
8. If I splat you with countless SILVER coins, will you get angry because your favorite are GOLDEN coins?
Silver is better than nothing :P
9. And what about ADVENTURE coinzz?
I like, I like
10. If I spam "coinzzzzzz" like this, will I get prosecuted?
Probably XD
11. *Me traps you in the Castle Of Doom*
You won't keep me trapped, my cash is too tempting for you :P
12. To exit, choose one of three coin-shaped doors.

13. Niquel is wrong!. You are D-E-D!
Money can die?
14. Will you bring doom now that you are at a higher position above us mortals [:-]?
No, I'll *try* to be nice XD
15. Enjoy!

teddy12 -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/24/2009 15:49:58)

congrats on AKship (YOU WILL TAKE ME TO TARDIS {Time And Racoons (in) Desks In Shower})
if you like money what if you had pi* times golden ratio** golden coins
I'm not good with decimals... Erm, you move the decimal place 172 times back and then 42 times forward and then do the multiplication and then round to the nearest 10th?
*kirby throws pokeball*
~kirby~[sm=fantastisch_05.gif] and ~pudsey~[:)]

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