RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (Full Version)

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Reaper Sigma -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/24/2009 20:16:20)

I don't believe we've met. I'm Reaper. *twirls scythe* Sane, insane, and everything in between. *hold out hand and grins* Nice to meet ya.
No, I don't. Nice to meet you! I'm, as you know, moneybags :)
Congrats on AK!
Think you'll like it? Hear it's a lotta work.
What's your WF character's name?
Me against the world
Do MtAK always get hijacked around here?
Yea :S
Are you cynical in any way?
OoOh! A coin!
*Picks it up and puts it in the bag*
Do you have cake?
I just had a mango cake on Saturday :S
What's your thoughts on Swine Flue?
Favorite food?
Do you like books?
Do you like Pirates of the Carribean?
Do you like-*shudders*-Twilight?
Overra-- DISGUSTING! (I'm sorry, Twilight fans)
Are you happy I didn't make any moneybag jokes(Note:the coin thing above was purely coincidental. I just like shiny stuff)
Yup, you are one in a million
That's all folks!(I'm in a happy mood right now. [:D])
Whew :P Bye!

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/24/2009 21:19:53)

@reaper twilight was a good book series the movies wernt

wheres me gold
In the bag
Good luck with that, buddy :D
evil sneevil or tog
Sneevils look pretty cool
question: is this a question
Of course! XD
the last was not a question but this is
Whatever you say


max13 -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/25/2009 21:23:07)

I have comez back!
Of course
Now for more questions!
Fire away
What level are you in COD MW2?
17.. My mum took it away cuz I was playing too much D:
If you went to your fridge and saw a bald blue guy what would you do?
Ask him if he wants some cake
What is a Coyote's weakness? I heard he was gonna attack me and my manliness.
Un-MANLINESS. If you can provide me the polar opposite of MANLINESS, I'll stop editing your posts in Moneybags' MtAK. =3 ~Coyote
FIRE! He's a Glaceon
EDIT : I changed my color to black and put in a un manly sig!!!! I hope this works!

Favorite Sport?
Basketball and soccer
If you don't have a favorite sport dont answer this question : What sport do you like to watch? Do you learn about it? Find stats about players?
Hockey. Its pretty fast and theres quite a bit of fights
Bungee jump off the empire state building or try to steal Lady Az's coffee?
Ooh... Both are too risky :S
Well that's it Happy Thanksgiving and see that crack in the back of ur cell wall? i snuck a turkey in it. And i told your family you said high from Artix's Underground ArchKnight Cell Hotel.



Kaelin -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/26/2009 6:46:31)

Hi! And Bye!

Rensure -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/27/2009 8:36:51)

...sigh i remember u when first started now look at you..makes me son XD
Man, that sounded like Darth Vader :P
one question

Where's the money at?
Wherever your wallet is

Eldron -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/27/2009 17:36:06)

Ohhhh, I love questions.
*Prepares for a headache*
You are driving a bus from New York to LA. You start with 25 passengers. Six get off in Holboken and two get on in Trenton. The trip through Pennsylvania is uneventful until you hit Ohio where you have to stop for the night because of tornadoes. 17 passengers get off in Columbus and 10 get on in Dayton. You stop in Richmond to have the bus washed and make it to Indianapolis 20 minutes behind schedule. Three of the five who get off there think it's your fault they are late while the 4 who get on don't seem too upset. The bus get side-swiped by a truck in Denver but it manages to stay on the road. You finally reach LA on schedule.
The answer is Bob!
Now for the big question: Is Comcast really faster than T-1? (Ha! I bet you though I was going to ask the bus driver's name, didn't you?
Um, um, erm, its even harder than the first question... Uhmm... *Flips a coin* Sure?
Gratz on becoming an AK!
Thankies! Bye!

ilikepizza123 -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/28/2009 10:52:48)

I liek moneys!
We all do!
I liek bags!
You do?
I liek to steals teh moneybags from Moneybags!
I'd like to see you try :P
Does you liek pizzah?
Of course
Does you know what a Dudu Master is? I has no clue.
He's an AK of the MQ area! :D
Why so many AK abductions?
I dunno... Mysterious, eh?
I wants to be a dwagon. I make dwagons!

Me needs to goes byes byes nao! Byes byes.

Rakiri -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (11/30/2009 22:25:57)

Remember meh?
How could I forget you? I nearly see you every day :P
Thought I'll drop by to congratulate you! I thought of this idea "all by myself" *winks*
Thanks! I knew you'd find this thread *nudgenudge*
Quick question, if I, oh say, abducted you and sold you on a online auction, how much would I make?
Quite a few bucks
Is your dragon made out of gold?
I have a dragon?
Why not Moneychest? Think about it.
A friend of mine in AQW gave me this name, and I liked it... So no moneychest :P
Is your last name a Dollar $ign?
Am I being too personal here?
Congratulations again! I'll see ya around!
Thankies and bye!

moneybags -> RE: =MtAK= WF got GOLD! (moneybags) (12/4/2009 23:41:10)

Locking now. I'll be done by Monday, and'll be sending it to the archives next Monday. Hope you guys had fun :)

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