BlackFlameWarrior -> RE: =MtAK= OmniGuardian the Speculative! (11/28/2009 8:47:03)
Z0MG a shiny....OmniGuardian?! Eh I will just use my poke ball. Even the masterball couldn't catch me! Hey congrats. Thanks! Watz wil youz doz ifz iz uzez uz color :o? You won't so we won't have to worry about that[;)] Whats your quest? To Guard Everything! Hows them shackles? Newer and Shinier! What color are they? Blue and Gold! Whos your cellmate/person on the other side of the wall? I am a cell mate of all WFGD/Pedia/AEGD AK's minus the Staff ones, because they have their own rooms. Well there is an exception or two, regardless my first cell mate was lordtomato. Favorite Music Video? Hmmmmm, Day N' Nite? Favorite Band? Sold Out Quartet. Want a cyanide, er I mean Lellyna brand cookie? I can steal some from Razgriz...Or just kill him then get it. I think I'll pass, thanks though. Well too bad! xD