RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (Full Version)

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max13 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/30/2010 9:22:35)

I'm back why i has the time. Questions will be asked!

1) Why'd the chicken cross the rode?
What's a rode doing near a chicken? Honestly.

2) X-box360 or PS3?
... See, now, I actually have to think about that.

3) COD or Halo?

4) Favorite AE game?
DF, currently.

5) Why?
Not too complex, and good graphics.

6) Favorite Computer Game?
Ee... No comment?

7) Favorite food?
Too many.

/me sparys blue spray paint on ur cane!
8) What do you do?
Smite you.

9) Happy today?

10) There has been so many fights of peopple trying to out man Coyote, do you think *we'll* ever succsed? I mean he is so manly, I have thrown beers and Footballs at hi to conquer his manliness (using un-manliness, o so intelligent). Is life over or am i just getting worried over *more* of my failures?
Out-manlying Coyote is kind of like eating dirt. You can... But do you really want to?

Well that's all, Have a great day and one more thing,

... Right.

Soph the Crazed One -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/30/2010 15:36:37)


I have no questions to bother you with right now (or maybe not any at all)... Have fun being an AK!!!
Will try.

Oh, and... Congrats!


tflo -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/30/2010 15:46:27)


Well, you hid from Falerin for longer than most, but, like always, looks like he caught you.

What is your favorite AE game?
Df, right now.

Favorite t.v show?
Doctor Who.

Favorite subject in school?

Well, I've need to think of some more creative questions, I'll leave you on your way! ;)
You do. :P

Emerald Wizard -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/30/2010 23:04:50)


How are you?

How long did you play AE games before becoming an AK?
A good long while.

What are the benefits of being an AK (other than the god like powers and bragging rights)?
Pink elephants.

Argh... Im conflicted with asking this, but could you gives some pointers to becoming an Arch Knight?
Don't try.

Do you like tribal designs?

Do you think if I ever became an AK and asked REALLY nicely for an account on aq that hasn't been accessed for two years they would give it to me? (specifically the account Forsaken (i love the name)) EDIT: DANG IT I JUST CHECKED HIS CHARACTER PAGE AND HE FINALLY WENT ON HIS ACCOUNT!!! WAAAH THERE GOES MEH DREAM OF GETTING THAT USER NAME (please still answer question though)

Who would win in a fight warlic the red or warlic the blue?
There's a non-blue Warlic?

How do you like my art? (click my signature please)
Oh, bah, make me check... Not too bad.

I LIKE PIE (the food and my cat... who's nickname is pie)

Ummmm.... does plasma exist as its true form on earth and if so as what?
Not on earth, no. At least not naturally.

Do you get tired of asking repetitive questions?

*Sips mountain dew* *ponders how to steal cane* *realizes how* Can I please BORROW your cane? Ye may smite me if it is not returned within 30 minutes of lending!
No. Cane-lending privledges are highly controlled.

Also does Artix drive a jeep or did drive a green jeep?
Artix drives a sword... Through undead corpses!

Finally... this may sound weird... but does Artix live in a development (all the houses around him are the same or VERY similar)?
Artix lives in an armor... He's wearing! :P

*Emerald Wizard realizes no one is manlier than Coyote other than Chuck Noris (although that is debatable) and settles for being just as manly as Coyote*
Ah, the secret to happiness...

Where do you find your AQW character ID #?
Not sure. Usually you can just use your username, though. Or, if you type /house [yourusername] and check the room, the number after house- is your char id number, I think.


Wings Of The Fallen -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/31/2010 9:05:57)

Do You Like Scones?
Not too much.

Thats all, good luck (your gonna need it ^^)

vezha -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/31/2010 13:47:18)



How long has this thread been up? =p
Some time.

Ever gonna lock it?
Probably not.

*noms a Tolan and LordTomato sammich*

*fleez while rickrolling Tolan*
*Smites again.*

Ganden -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/31/2010 15:12:14)

Bah you all and your questions.

Updated after being lazy again.


Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/31/2010 15:18:57)


Just popping by to congratulate you. ^_^

'Sallright. :P


wolfencreek -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/31/2010 15:24:11)

Sooo Tolan hows it going
Pretty good.

If you could destroy any staff member who would you destroy and why XD
Now why would I want to destroy one of the coolest people in the world?

lonewulfy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (1/31/2010 15:36:23)

I'd congrats you on AK... but...

*Reaches for cane*
*Whacks his hand away.*

See? This is what happens.

If it hurts when you do that, don't do that.

Stop plz! I has concusiun!
... No. No you does not. *Dangit, you messed up a joke.*

Srs srs is srs.

So how often do they feed you?

You ever tried steak? If so, did you like it?
Yes and yes.

A corporate lawyer comes by and tells you your name is trademarked. What do you do?
Say thank you and give him the account number to mail the check to.

*Not serious*
Silleh silleh is silleh.

How many people (besides me) have you smited so far?
Oh, I should keep track shouldn't I... I want to say 25-ish. Unless repeats don't count. In which case maybe ten-ish.

*Dangit, I told you to stay unconscious!*
No you didn't.

*Ahem, where was I?*

If you could pick one staff member besides Artix to replace whoever pays the rest of the staff, which one?
... I have no idea what you just asked.

Oddest person to come in this thread?
Well, there was this one guy called lonewulfy...

(If not I don't know) Thanks!
You're welcome. :P

*No... must... torment... Tolan...*

.... Maybe I'd better go. Gratz on the AKship.

[img][/img] rawr.

Dangit, Tolan, the asterisks indicate a comment.

Boom u doom -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/1/2010 2:01:07)

Hi [:)]

How long does it take u to say: Pie monster eats waffle golems and super awesome big fat cake lord?
That depends, how fast am I saying it?

If 1=5, 2=12, 3=34, 4=1543513454, then 5=?
I agree completely.

Do u want to ride a dragon?
Who doesn't?

What do u call a chicken on fire?

Hip hop flip flop, figgy the piggy dances around! <--- What does it mean?
What indeed? What indeed...

Bye [&:]

Nebula -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/1/2010 14:58:35)

Hey there.

I decided to post here once again.

Do you mind if I talk in 1337?

Well, I'm gonna do it anyway.
Don't make me smite you.

a+a+a+a = l6, but what does s+s+s+s+a/l6 = ???

Wh0 4r3 y0u 0n 4QW?
See? I told you not to do this.

I'm N3|3u14 0n 4QW
It's not a good idea.

I'm g0nn4 m4k3 7hi5 p057 5h0r7, I'm |30r3d.
Always results in unrelated answers.

|34i. :)


seventy two -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/1/2010 20:32:59)

Congratulations on your Akship. Also I liked you article in the Zardian.
Double thanks!

liangwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/2/2010 4:16:35)

Yo tolan
Word, dawg.

congratz on your title

just 2 question
1.What made you become a archknight of AE GD
Well it all started with this radioactive gerbil...

2.Did you see a lan of basket of food over there are you going to eat.

gtg now
see ya next time


Deathwalker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/3/2010 21:51:06)

Okay, here is another post. Too lazy for the tags this time. Put em' in yerself.

1: What is your AK color?
This, obviously.

2: *steals Almighty Cane, pokes Tolan twice in the ribs with it, gives it back to Tolan*
Now what for would you do that?

3: You don't really seem to be getting the joke of how much more "MANLY!" Coyote is than we are.
Nope. :D

4: I will now post 10 Chuck Norris "Facts".

When Chuck Norris was denied an Egg McMuffin at McDonald's because it was 10:35, he roundhouse kicked the store so hard it became a Wendy's.
Sounds like an improvement to me.

When taking the SAT, write "Chuck Norris" for every answer. You will score over 8000.
Yeah... About that...

Chuck Norris has the greatest Poker-Face of all time. He won the 1983 World Series of Poker, despite holding only a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
True story.

Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.
Yes, but what kind of gun was it?

In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself.
Also true.

Chuck Norris counted to Infinity. Twice.
But the papers didn't cover it, for some reason.

Scientists have estimated that the energy given off during the Big Bang is roughly equal to 1CNRhK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick)

Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Only when he decides to divide at all.

Chuck Norris once shot down a fighter plane by pointing at it and yelling, "Bang!"
Wouldn't you crash if you heard Chuck Norris yell bang?

# A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.
Good luck with that one.

Enjoy. ;)
I did. :)


Still here, aren't I?
Think so.

Not gone yet.

Still here.

KKBAIZ!!! Or not.... *shifty eyes*


Also, I ish not a Chuck Norris worshiper, I just think the jokes are funny. And you should change you title to "THE". And when people ask "The what?", you say "I'm THE Guy with the cane." :P

Nah. I like my title. :)

icysinner -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/3/2010 22:32:46)


How are you?

I think this is when I start asking questions, so here we go!

What is your cane made of?

Is it one of those cool transforming canes?
It has some transforming ability, yes.

Is your cane actually one of those disguised swords?

Favorite basic RPG class? (Mage, Fighter, or Rogue)
I like mages, but fighters are more my style.

Mages are cooler, but I like the simpler smash-n-bash.

What is the answer to everything?
I agree.

And...bonus question!

Is hell exothermic or endothermic? (Click here for answer, if you have a facebook account.)

But, see, it's a location, not an animal.

black knight of holy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/4/2010 3:53:08)

hi guys im new here and i would like to ask y'all how to put
Unneeded space is unneeded.

a pic on ur forum thingy
Image tags unless the image is too large and stretches the screen. Unless you mean sigs, in which case you should see the sig rules for guidelines, or if you mean avatar, in which case normal members can't.

[sm=AngelWrath.gif] battleon!!

Carly9467 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/4/2010 18:40:08)

Hallo kitty...


Generally, whenever you're stuck, trapze around in the iron boots and something will happen.

yeah, Ive tried that, but i haven't played in awhile. so ill try again, and, i kinda got myself stuck
between a wall and a fire sprayer thing _^^_
Oo, always fun.

yeah, i know, i was exploring and got myself stuck.........hehe.....kinda..errr...not helpfull to finishing the game. ^^
Good luck!





not milk



Are we all putting our sentences vertically now?

kitty warriors.
Death by cute.

p to the u to the d to the d to the i to the n to the g.


don't you love my siggy?(Note: is it to big?)
I honestly don't know. I believe there's a topic for such things, though.

bye for now kitty~!


getefix -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/6/2010 7:44:23)

hi im back again!!

how do I upload my own picture on this forum? i heard u have to be helpful?
Indeed you do.

and how do I become helpful? edit stuff on forums?
You have to earn a title, which is done by being a generally nice/helpful/otherwise example-worthy member. It's nothing you can really try for, aside from just being your best self.

ever heard this song?

u like it?
... I'm not sure.

fav area in AQW?
Hm... Not sure.

u think they should add 'Ichi Goes' mentioned in Dragonfable in the actual game?
... No idea what you're talking about.

maybe u can become a shinigami?
A what now?

fav class in dragon fable?
Soulweaver. Or ranger, if it must be released.

mines frostmoglin armor XD

if you were stuck on a desert island with your almighty stick thingy would you eat it to sustain yourself?
No, I'd use it to teleport off the island. Duh. :P

lonewulfy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/7/2010 1:50:22)

I'm back with all new questions!
I'm back with more than one original question!
I'm back!
Fine, I've been here the whole time.
Silly. Thanks for half of the tag, by the way.

I have something from last time.

/me tosses Tolan 2 raw steaks, then charbroils them in midair. Rawr.

1. If you picked who gave the staff their check (and the amount on it) besides Artix, who would it be (Zorbak has complained about his puns, but stopped so he'd get a paycheck)
Artix. sorry. The guy's just awesome.

2. Which is more awesome? Chuck Norris with a cane sword, or you with the Almighty Cane?
Chuck Norris, but only because the Almighty Cane is banned from awesome comparisons.

3. Between outmanlying Coyote and eating dirt, which one would you pick?
The former.

4. Korin or you, who's funnier (to look at/listen to)

5. *Steals question from someone else, with same answer* I was considerate to put the color tags in for you, this time.
Thanks, as I said.

Well, I never did congratulate you on it...


You'll never catch me alive! *Seppuku's*
Well that's your fault.

jae566 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/7/2010 16:54:48)

Thanks for the great advice tolan. [:D]Goodbye *NEW* must be awesome for u . I am glad for u.
No problem, and thanks!

Altair185 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/9/2010 11:29:13)

Congratulations. I have a question.
Ask and ye might know.

What does the almighty cane look like?[>:][8|][>:]
Like an almighty cane, of course.

Also, do you watch House MD?
Not as much anymore, but I did for a while.

Soph the Crazed One -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/9/2010 14:19:48)


I brought you COOKIES!!! (I bet you have LOTS of them... Anyway, I brought you one box in case someone hijacks and steals your cookies... Lol)
I think I shall call them Bill.

This time I only have 1 question... I think it's enough since I can't bother my mind to think of questions that will bother you.

So, here it is:

Fave imaginary creature? (Mine are dragons and, um... Undead, especially Dracoliches! That's weird for a girl like me, isn't it?)
Have to say... Probably Winged Unicorns. Phoenixes are really close, though. I suppose that's weird for me, 'cause I'm a boy, but I maintain anyone who considers unicorns frail and feminine has never had the business end of an 8-inch sharp horn pointed at them.

That's all for now... Bye and congrats again!


Ganden -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/11/2010 19:56:56)

I gots me a promotion. Woot!

Bumped for change of forum and adding of new abilities. Read the first post before you post!


Burning Skies -> RE: =MtAK= Meet Tolan, the Newest AE GD ArchKnight! (2/11/2010 19:59:59)

Hi! I'm sure you must know me, the talking Fire Elemental!
Or were, when you made this post, yes. I noticed. :P

What's it feel like to know you control all of us lower forum peoples?
Sorry, you seem to have me confused with Landis Circe Alac yourself.

How do you do?
Pretty good.

What is the meaning of this? *Shoots at Tolan with fire*
Sorry, Talking Elemental status does not grant you smiting by fire privileges.

Haha, since you are a flaming cinder now, i'll let you smolder in peace.[:)]


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