Tiny Terrors In Town! (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> Tiny Terrors In Town! (1/22/2010 14:53:59)

[image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DA.png[/image]Tiny Terrors In Town!

Location: Amityvale (Books 1 and 2) -> Zorbak -> Quests -> Tiny Terrors
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Moglin Seeking Queen
Release Date: January 22nd, 2010

Objective: Zorbak is taking his babies and taking over the town hall meeting! Can you pacify the villagers before they hurt the babies?
Objective completed: Take home a pet baby dracolich today!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(3) Brave Town Defender
(2) Fierce Town Defender
(3) Town Defender (1)
(3) Town Defender (2)

Wednesday / Mayor

Baby Dracolich Pet (All Versions)

Baby Dracolich Waterbowl
Baby Dracolich Chewtoy
Baby Dracolich Leash
Golden Baby Dracolich Waterbowl
Jeweled Baby Dracolich Leash
New Baby Dracolich Chewtoy
REALLY Special Dragon Chow

Zorbak: Mehehehe! The time has come to attack the heart of town! Everyone is at the town meeting, so we'll strike there.
Zorbak: Prepare yourselves, my bony babies! On your mark, get set, ATTAAAAAAAAAAAACK!
<Character>: *cough* Zorbak? I think you're scaring them.
Zorbak: *grumble* Fine, fine. *quieter* Babies, lets go overwhelm the townspeople with your terrifying cuteness!
Zorbak: Well, hello people of Zorbakville!
Ian: You! You're the one behind all the recent chaos in town!
Mayor: <Character>?! What are YOU doing with this little furry fiend? You're supposed to be on OUR side!
<Character>: Well, uh, you see... it's not what it looks like!
<Character>: I have a REALLY good reason to be helping Zorbak! Honest!
<Character>: He's got these cute little babies, see...
Mayor: People of Amityvale, DEFEND YOUR TOWN!

*After you fight the villagers...*

Villager (1): Prepare thyself, <Character>!
<Character>: People of Amityvale!
<Character>: See why I have been fighting! Do you REALLY want to destroy Zorbak's army when it's made up of such cute little babies?
<Character>: Are you that heartless?
Villager (1-3) (in unison): Aww!
Villager (2): They're adorable!
Villager (3): Look how cute they are! We can't fight those!
Child: Mommy, can I have one? Pretty please?
Mother: Oh my yes, dear.
Wednesday: I think we ALL want one!
<Character>: ...
<Character>: You all would adopt the babies?
Villager (1): I want one!, Villager (4): Oh yes! Yes, indeed!, Villager (5): Give me one!, Villager (3): I'll take one home, too!
Zorbak: What's going on over here?
<Character>: Zorbak! Look! A happy ending!
Zorbak: *screech* Wait wait wait, what?!
Zorbak: What are you people doing with my army?! That's MINE!
Zorbak: You leave my terrifying babies alone RIGHT NOW! I will magic you so fast that you won't know-
<Character>: Give it up, Zorbak. Look how happy the babies are!
Zorbak: Pfft. It's MY happiness that matters!
Zorbak: Lieutenant Nana, have FAILED me.
<Character>: I have never and will never answer to Lieutenant Nana. Go back to plotting, Zorbak. Don't you have undead to raise?
Zorbak: *grumble* You just wait until my NEXT plot comes to fruition.
Zorbak: There'll be no place for you the next time I raise an army!
<Character>: Cheer up, Zorby ol' pal. Take a baby dracolich as a pet. A REAL pet! I'm certainly going to.
Zorbak: *mumble grumble*

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Complete this quest to unlock Cutest Legion EVER badge.

    Thanks to
  • Nightly for entry reformat.
  • The Erosionseeker for reward links.
  • hogo_69 for link.
  • Dragonblade for information.

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