Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (Full Version)

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Deimius -> Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (1/27/2010 17:49:59)

Lucian Official Questions and Answers/FAQ

All Comprehensive Forum Rules and Paxian Forums Rules apply here.

-AE Forum & Lucian private forum Related Questions-

    Q - I'm new to the Lucian forums, where should I begin?
    A - You should begin by posting your character name and id on the Lucian Roll Call thread and also registering and introducing yourself at the Lucian Newcomers thread on our private forums.

    Q - Does the Lucian Clan have their own Private forums?
    A - Yes, right here ( ).

    Q - Does The Lucian Clan Have a clan Website or Newsletter?
    A - Yes, The Guiding Light. However, it is still under construction.

    Q - Where do I go if I wish to speak to members of other clans?
    A - Most clans have a "Cross-Clan Communications" thread. You can express your ideas there. However, remember to be courteous and respectful to everyone, regardless of clan.

    Q - Are outside Clan members allowed to post on threads besides the Cross-Clan Communications thread?
    A - Yes. Usually it will just be to give their opinion on a matter.

    Q - Am I allowed to use signatures on the Lucian forums?
    A - Yes, you are allowed to use Signatures anywhere unless the thread specifically says you cannot. Remember to use it only once per page, not more.

    Q - Writing is my passion. Is there any place where I can write stories about this clan?
    A - Yes you can. It's not allowed in here though. The Legends and Lore Forums and the Lucian Clan Stories are the correct places. The Lucian private Forums also have a sub-forum for creative writing, here.

    Q - I have some suggestions for the clan, where do I post them?
    A - If you have suggestions on how to improve the in game Lucian you should post them on the AQ Suggestions forum. If you have a suggestion on how to improve a specific thread, just PM the thread creator. There is also a suggestions thread on our private forums.

    Q - Where can I find the private forums of other clans?
    A - All private forums are listed here.

    Q - What should I do if I see anyone breaking rules?
    A - The Paxia Forum ArchKnights are Baron and Ultrapowerpie. If you see a post that breaks the rules, they are the ones to PM. If they're both unavailable then you may then PM the Paxia Forum Moderator, Scakk.

    -Lucian Groups and sub-divisions Related Questions-

    Q - What is the RoL / What does it stand for / What do they do?
    A - RoL stands for Representatives of Lucian. They manage the Clan's members and sub divisions and are similar to a Clan Head Council.

    Q - If one of the division leaders/RoL members tells me to do something, do I have to listen to them?
    A - No one in any position in the clan has higher authority than anyone else in the clan, unless of course they are an AE ArchKnight, Moderator or Administrator.

    Q - How do I become part of the RoL?
    A - We hold elections for several positions every February and August.

    -Lucian in-game Questions-

    Q - What is the name of our leader?
    A - The NPC Lucius, the Pegacorn.

    Q - What is a Pegacorn?
    A - A cross between a unicorn and a pegasus.

    Q - Can I attack the other clans now?
    A - You can by going to Paxian Defense which gives you the option of either defending your clan or attacking others. Travel Map --> Sail East --> Paxia Clans --> Defense Forces.

    Q - What is the name of the mountain that the Lucian base resides upon?
    A - Lucian Peak.

    Q - Why does Lucian not have any Clan armor, shields, pets etc ...
    A - Unfortunately the staff have not made a lot of Lucian Equipment yet, but hopefully they will get to it once they have more time on there hands.

    Q - How many different clans are there?
    A - 8 (including Lucian), one for each element (excluding Void and Harm). Q - How often do new clan events happen?
    A - No one except the staff know the answer to this question. There could be two a week or two a year.

    -Lucian IRC related Questions-

    Q - Does Lucian have an IRC channel?
    A - Yes, #lucian on the server, .

    Q - How do I get onto this channel?
    A - Here is a short guide on using IRC. If you're new, I suggest using webchat instead of a client as it's slightly easier to get started. Navigate to this page and click webchat. Type in a nickname for yourself (this is what other people will see you as) and once you've connected type: /j #lucian.

If you are unsure on something, questions are allowed here.

Obviously not every question has been covered, so if you have a question you think should be added or if any information on this thread is incorrect or outdated, don't hesitate to PM me.

Other helpful Threads:
  • Lucian Private Forums.
  • AQ Q&A Forum.

    Thanks to ...

    Beta Dragon Rider for Question #13 and other suggestions, as well as re-creating the thread and managing it while I was away.
    Ricobabie first thread approval and FAQ.
    Baron for thread approval and FAQ, number 2.
    Crimzon5 for submitting Question #8
    Joshuatks for submitting Question #9
    keukelie for submitting Question #11
    kandymine for submitting Question #12
    narutofan1 for some a few edits and corrections.
    SIGMUND for broken link reports.
    DigDog for the original banner.
    drummy for several corrections and additions.

    and all the continuous supporters of Paxia and Lucian.

    New thread :D Pinned and FAQ'd. ~Baron

  • SIGMUND -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (1/27/2010 19:39:53)

    Some of those links need updating Deimius. We have newer welcome Threads on the LPF.

    Deimius -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (1/27/2010 20:05:00)

    Oh thanks fixed. :D

    I also added a small section on IRC.

    drummy -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (3/2/2010 11:41:00)


    Q - Can I attack the other clans now?
    A - No. Only in clan related events that allow it.

    Actually, we can now by going to Paxian Defence. Old news.


    Q - How do I become part of the Clan Council?
    A - At this time there is no set way of becoming part of the council. Often they are chosen from members who participate actively in clan affairs. If you wish to apply for a position though, just ask a member of the RoL.
    If Clan Council refers to the LPF leaders and such, we hold elections for all positions every February and August now.

    and you should see about closing the other FAQ thread in the non stickied section.

    Deimius -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (3/2/2010 12:56:23)

    Thanks a bunch Drummy. I can't believe I didn't pick up on those.

    I don't see the old thread anywhere? :L


    drummy -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (3/2/2010 16:55:18)

    Change the date filter, its too old to show up normally.


    Q - Writing is my passion. Is there any place where I can write stories about this clan?
    A - Yes you can. It's not allowed in here though. The Legends and Lore Forums and the Lucian Clan Stories are the correct places.

    We have spots on the LPF for it too.

    Deimius -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (3/12/2010 15:33:50)

    Thanks again and updated! ^_^

    Acient J -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (6/25/2010 7:15:40)

    A few quick questions about Paxia clans in general (I'm not sure if the Paxia FAQ allows questions). On Paxia in Clan Defense, what do the numbers for each clan represent? Is a positive or negative number better? Are the numbers updated in real time? If not, how often? I've got a good hunch to most of these questions, but I want to make sure.

    drummy -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (6/25/2010 9:53:23)

    The numbers represent the number of battles fought in clan defense minus the number of battles fought attacking that clan. Positive numbers are god. The numbers update in real time, but there are two servers that have to synchronize every so often, I'm not sure when that happens though.

    DigDog -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (6/25/2010 10:37:44)


    there are two servers that have to synchronize every so often, I'm not sure when that happens though.

    I think nobody is. The only thing that we know is that they don't synchronize that often which sometimes leads to jumps in numbers.

    Acient J -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (6/28/2010 11:19:21)

    Thank you both for your answers.

    Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Lucian Official Q&A/FAQ (7/8/2013 23:11:18)

    Theosenia will be updating this thread soon. One addition that needs to be included is links to Lucian artwork.

    Specifically, the older Lucian Artwork, and Lucian Clan Art, and Lucian Clan Art II threads, as well as the current Lucian Artwork thread.

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