RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (Full Version)

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Ghengis -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/27/2010 20:47:55)


Yes, the staff created the MWP so we all wouldnt notice a decrease in war participation. [/facepalm] Think about your logic there.

[8D] I can see your logic, everyone participates in the war to a degree, reads the forums, and owns a fully functioning estate so that when they look at the war meter they can /facepalm like you and go ahhh the war meter isnt as really as high as it is due to this... Yeah its not as if only a small portion of AQ actually read the forums let alone visit it, and that only a few people in comparision to the entire active AQ population actually have an estate and know how it impacts the war... So yeah I can see how your logic is much more better than mine.

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (2/28/2010 23:28:26)

I would sugest trimming back your estate resourses on the first day and then going all out on day 2 or 3. It seems we get the most charater wins on day 1 the combined number of a huge amount of charater wins, army wins and guard wins all at once might be what cause the war meter to do a "Jedi trick" when the staff/boss call in reinforcements or death lets some of the monsters we killed return to the land of the living or some Neromancer reanimates the undead we pwned.

Another option is keep triming back a little each day until it looks like we're almost there then use the rest of your resourse for the last push

Anyway what are the chances of getting a war this week?

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/1/2010 8:24:06)

Most players should have had full resources for a few days now. So a war would be good this weekend.

However the Blarney war is due soon so who knows, maybe we'll have to wait for that?

I would not mind waiting for a War if we had a new building to upgrade.....hint, hint. [;)]

Come on AQ staff, let the customers have what we are asking for.
Museum Update.
Underground plots of land.
Buildings for the underground.
Basic Resource Building No2.

Pieces -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/4/2010 15:22:18)

Germination, Plantation War

MAXED resources - sent half waves at minimum reputation and level 10 portal (400 attack power) - 7000 of each resource, using highest level trade hut, leaves me with ~100 (91 after 3 small trades of 50 for 47).



186 Half Army Waves
1183 Army Wins
255,550 XP
87,642 Gold


6.376 Army Wins
1373.92 XP
471.19 Gold

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/4/2010 16:13:49)

183 Kairula Half Army Waves (400 power)may have miscounted a few but it is close)
1142 Army Wins
264,200 XP
90,620 Gold

320 resources remaining

JMill -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/4/2010 16:22:38)

Thanks for posting that Pieces, as I found comparing our results very useful. Here's what I got (using same assumptions as he did). I did not keep track of how many waves I sent unfortunately (although I would assume we sent the same all things considered), but our results can still be compared.

1150 army wins
277,740 EXP
95,310 gold

This very interestingly gives some evidence to a speculation of mine that XP/gold rewards aren't necessarily directly correlated with army wins. If you look, Pieces got 33 more army wins than I did, but I gained 22,190 more XP than he did, and 7,668 more gold as well. I know a lot rewards comparisons in the past have been done by comparing army wins, but this shows that it may not correlate with the actual rewards you receive (which is what I'm assuming most people care about). So for future reference, I think it'd be better to compare different reps/guard tower/levels using the actual rewards gotten, not simply just the army rewards.

Edit: Oh, that's good to know. I knew about the the extra gold for people at the level cap, but never heard anything about rewards being based on level. Thanks etching.

etching -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/4/2010 16:52:40)

^^^ FYI: The gold/XP is based on your character level and rises slightly as you level up.
Pieces is level 112, you're 124. At max level, you get additional gold (around 10-15%) to compensate for no XP.
Army wins though appears to be independent of character level.

bad old lady -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/5/2010 10:12:19)

This is your intrepid reporter giving you the latest expose from the front lines. These are my observations of three characters fighting in the war. (I use the term character intentionally :P)

L99 character (use as my main) using MWP / half waves / 2 storage buildings / full resources / 8 reputation
sent out . . . . 132x
waves . . . . . 1004
gold. . . . . . . 69980
XP. . . . . . . . 203840

L78 using guard tower / half waves / 1 storage building / resources almost full
sent out . . . . 27x
waves . . . . . 209
gold. . . . . . . 12170
XP. . . . . . . . 35500

L63 using guard tower / half waves / 1 storage building / resources almost full
sent out . . . . 18x
waves . . . . . 84
gold. . . . . . . 3820
XP. . . . . . . . 11150

Sadly my other two characters have an estate but no buildings yet. I am waiting until they obtain level 50. By that time they should have built up enough tokens for guards allowing me to only have to purchase buildings.

Overdrive -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/5/2010 21:40:12)

I guess I'll post up my MWP results as well.

Using my Level 135 main, half waves, 2 Storage Buildings with full resources, and a rep. of 8:

104,890 gold

305, 990 XP

I sent out 1154 waves.

ayashi -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/6/2010 0:11:53)

Lvl 132 , full all 7'000 resources. lvl 10 portal, Half wave at 8 rep:
Xp: 304,760
Gold: 104,480
Wins: 1173 army wins

Lvl115, full all 6'800 resources. lvl 10 portal, full wave at 10 rep:
Xp: 205,310
Gold: 69,730
Wins: 790 army wins

I find myself more and more enclined to lower my alt rep to 8 and go for half waves too. I mean, seriously +50% XP ?

twillyth3slayer -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/6/2010 0:22:01)

2 questions. Im going to buy a mega world portal soon. What painting is better? The Trescol one or the Kairula one?
Also, is an estate required to use a mega world portal?

paladin37 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/6/2010 0:38:32)

They both have the same power, Trescol uses more energy and Kairula uses more food. And as for the second question, Yes, the Mega World Portal is an estate building, therefore requires an estate.

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/6/2010 4:18:38)

twillyth3slayer go with the Kairula painting.

JMill -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/6/2010 4:47:28)

Very much disagree. As far as estates go, with the mega world portal, there really isn't a difference, and absolutely 0 difference when you get your trade hut up and running. Trescol has the better items that you can get from the planet. In particular, the Scrumptious Bora'jee makes a wonderful addition to any inventory.

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/6/2010 16:38:46)

Okay so here is my view.
If you can only afford one Planet Portal then buy the Trescol picture to go on the Quest to get the Borajee Misc Item for its healing power.
If you can afford both Planet Portal pictures that is great.

Get your Reputation on one or both planets to level 8.

Buy a Mega World Portal and upgrade it to level 10.

Use your Trescol or Kairula Army with strength 400 and send Half your Army. This will give you a range of results.
If you see a low result trend. Switch planets.
Stop sending the Army and go back to your Estate.
Trade a few resources using a level 12 Trade Hut to trade 300 for 300 resources.

Then when you return to the MWP to send more armies, the low result trend should have changed.
This may or may not be a real phenomemon to affect the results ...but it works for me.
See my battle record.

maikiejj -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/13/2010 5:24:22)

well. .

last night while trying to fall asleep i was thinking. .

I thought it would be really coowl if you could have "castle" with all your char's combined. .

That you could use all the Z-tokens and gold what your characters had collected and that you could combine it to buy 1 big "castle"

that way there can be a whole new load of fun. .

special war's for you only and stuff like that.

infuturity -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/13/2010 6:17:49)

While that's an interesting idea, I see a couple of problems, one of which is a BIG problem.

1) It unfairly penalizes players with only one character.

which could be overlooked, but then...

2) Guardian characters, whether they have one character or a thousand), are given FULL access to the game and releases. This is the same issue that came up with the release of the Eevolu series of weapons. One of them required that a player had two or more Guardian-ized accounts in order to purchase the weapon. Guardians everywhere united (and rightfully so) to complain that that broke the Guardian Contract, so it was changed to be accessible by tokens instead.

maikiejj -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/13/2010 6:40:33)


This would be the same as having a big estate.

You just have to have enough Z-tokens.

You can buy it with 1 character.

But you need enough Z-tokens and gold to be able to buy it.

So if you have multiple char's then it would be easyer and cheaper. .

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/28/2010 7:36:46)

Has anyone else noticed that we now have the perfect workforce for the underground expansion of the Estate Building plots?[:D]

New Workers

Okay I know we already had the Worms but wouldn't it be good to have Bun-bits working for us in a safe protected environment?
They would no longer need to fight for a place in our world. We would happily pay them to be our colleagues and workers.[8|]

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/31/2010 12:59:29)

@SIGMUND: Bun-Brain looks as a better energy producer (and guard).

Well, it seems there's nothing on houses right now.
I do wonder why they released the museum before they even knew when it's features would be released.

The Silver Prince -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/31/2010 13:12:53)

That is a good question dwelling dragonlord. What's funny about the situation is that Cappy knows what those features are. It's not like the staff has no clue what to do with the museum. It's just that they are completely understaffed, underpaid, and overworked. And if that isn't true, I bet I'll see pigs fly tomorrow morning. lol, ok, maybe I'm taking that a bit far, but it is kinda sad that this game takes so long to update a seemingly big part of the game. Of course, the sweep takes the cake for extremely long updates, lol. In any case, I'm just glad that they at least are taking note of how long we have had our museums and will reward us for it when the features do come out.

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (3/31/2010 17:17:27)

You are probably right about the Bun-Brain. I was just suggesting a few workers from what I had seen upto that time.

If they are not workers I hope that at least two of them can be made into new House Guards. I would certainly pay 2000 Tokens for a level 115 Bun-Archer or Bun-Basher House Guard.

bad old lady -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/13/2010 16:47:15)

Since I have not been able to play AQ much lately* I have been spending my free time thinking about the game, ie., changes I need to make in equipment, my stats, etc. So of course it wasn’t long before my thoughts turned to my estates. I began day dreaming about the function of the .... museum. I'm hesitant to bring it up but I thought I would share my dreams and hopefully others will share theirs. I know everyone will give fun, creative ideas and not criticize the staff who works so hard for us.

So I was picturing my museum as a place I could display some of my older rares. This would free up room in my inventory to purchase more stuff. Being female I love the idea of buying more stuff. So how would we use all those “blanks” we are earning. My thoughts are that the “blanks” would allow us to upgrade those items we place in the museum. It would take so many “blanks” plus a set amount of tokens to upgrade one item. I guess we should also pay the gold cost of the item. To keep people from being too greed, the we would only earn a certain number of “blanks” per month, maybe enough to upgrade one item a month. This would mean you could still use your favorite equipment, think Frostval, even after you level up.

So what do you think? Could it work? Do you have a better system or idea?

*storm = no wireless yet

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/13/2010 16:58:24)

@bad old lady: I'd love to put my Ice Shard collection somewhere, without it taking up inventory space. It probably would've saved my Paxia War Trophy from being sold. Some bonusses from the rares we have stalled out would be nice to.
Perhaps a something like 25 gold/trophy for each visitor we get.

JuliusCaesar -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/15/2010 4:14:48)

will MWP always be more effective than the guard tower?

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