Baron -> Staff of Necromantic Rule (2/8/2010 14:50:57)
Staff of Necromantic Rule Also see Staff of Necromantic Persuasion Z, Staff of Necromantic Persuasion, Staff of Necromantic Command, Guardian Staff of Necromantic Control, Staff of Necromantic Domination. Level: 108 Power Level: 108 Price: 240,000 274,784 Sellback: 120,000 137,392 Location: The Bizarre Flecks Saga - Part I - Double Take Type: Magic Element: Darkness Damage: 8-31 BTH: 9 SPECIAL Hits: 3 Type: Magic Element: Darkness Damage: 328% Base and Random each Stats: No BTH: +58 Rate: 12% EFFECTS While wielded, all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials deal 97.5% Base, Random, and (if the attack gets Stats) Stats damage. Once per battle, you "turn undead" if you are fighting a monster with Monster Category "Undead". This occurs automatically the first time that you equip the Staff, or at the beginning of battle if you already have the Staff equipped. When you "turn undead", the monster becomes Afraid* (4 turns, 50% chance of not acting), subject to a save(there is a +20 bonus to the save roll) ** Unequipping and/or re-equipping the Staff automatically ends the fear: Level: 108 vs MonsterLevel Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK NOTE: The save may be bugged and may not be working properly! *The necromantic enchantment on this staff has made your undead foe question it's resolve! **Your undead foe's will proves stronger than the staff's enchantment! DESCRIPTION This Brilhado staff, crafted by Amilara Celegra, is enchanted with necromantic magic that can fill undead with fear and hold them at bay! [image][/image] Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Stats thanks to In Media Res. Message and name thanks to ayashi. Description thanks to Karika. Image thanks to Trans21. Additional message thanks to Overdrive. Save bonus thanks to phoenixfire555 (via Baron). Error fix thanks to TRB1965.