tflo -> Intruder (3/1/2010 0:28:17)
Intruder Location: Dropship -> Sys Zero -> Intruder Objective: Great Work! You dispatched a Shadowscythe stowaway on board the ship! Requirements: None Release Date: - Enemies: Shadowscythe Pilot NPCs: Sys Zero Dialogue: Sys Zero: <Character>. People are reporting strange sounds coming from this section of the ship. Sys Zero: Due to a severe radiation leak, this sector has been closed off for over a month... Sys Zero: No one should be down here! I'd like you to search this area and see if you find anything. Sys Zero: Here, take my Energy Blade. It might come in handy if you find a stowaway... or something else... Sys Zero: Good luck! Sys Zero: This is not good! That was a Shadowscythe Pilot! It must have sneaked onto the ship at our last stop! Sys Zero: I am going to increase security patrols on this ship. In the meantime, keep an eye out. Sys Zero: I don't want to alarm any of the students just yet. It is best to keep this situation quiet for now! Sys Zero: Thank you, <Character>! Please accept this payment for your duties! Rewards Shop: None