Captain Davey (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> Captain Davey (3/5/2010 19:42:53)


Captain Davey

Location: Pirate Attack, Aboard Alone, As You Lie Dreaming..., Rescue!, Nightmare, The Bottom

Quests given

Shops owned


Pirate Attack

Captain Davey: It's a sad day when an undead such as meself can't even rest his eyes without his ship being boarded by thieves!
Captain Davey: I've come fer me locker and me key. There will be no rest until both are in me boney grasp again!

Captain Davey: What kind of fool, do you think me to be, eh? I care naught for this pile o' broken ships.
Captain Davey: I want me locker back, fool. Or this tiny, blue girl be facin' the consequences o' yer actions.

Captain Davey: Bring me the key and me locker, or she'll go the way o' the rest of the elves did.

Captain Davey: Back when me skin was me own and not food for fishes, water elves filled these 'ere waters.
Captain Davey: 'Til they were cursed by the Great One...

Captain Davey: No more questions out of you, blue ears. My key and my locker, bring them to me.

Captain Davey: Then ye better find it, fool, if ye want to be seein' Ms. Blue Ears again.

Aboard Alone

Captain Davey: Come on out, ye *(mutter)*...

Captain Davey: Arr... hehe, no I won't hurt ye.
Captain Davey: Much...
Captain Davey: What sort of trickery be this? Where are ye?
Captain Davey: OW!
Captain Davey: Ye better start playin' fair or ye be in fer a terrible surprise when I find ye, blue ears.

Captain Davey: Yikes!

Captain Davey: Hmm..
Captain Davey: HA! Ye missed!
Captain Davey: Ye be gettin' on me nerves, blue ears.

Captain Davey: Arr.. Now where could that little barnacle sucker have gone?
Captain Davey: ...
Captain Davey: What in the..
Captain Davey: ...
Captain Davey: This puny cage won't be holding the likes of me..
Captain Davey: AAhaahahaaahaaaa!
Captain Davey: ImmA GOnna feEEEelll THaaaAAat onne FOrrrr a whillliiiiiiilllllee...
Captain Davey: ...
Captain Davey: Oh, COME ON!!!
Captain Davey: P-P-P-play nice now.. ok? Yeah? We’re friends right mr jellyfish?
Captain Davey: OW!

Captain Davey: HAAAHAaaahahaaahaa!
Captain Davey: Ye gave me a good goin' over but now I've got ye.
Captain Davey: An' if that hero doesn't bring me locker soon, ye be joinin' the rest of yer kin.
Captain Davey: AAAHAAAhaaha!

As You Lie Dreaming...

Captain Davey: Now there, Blue Ears, ye be stayin' in that there bubble...
Captain Davey: Or I'll make sure ye go the way o' the other elves!

Captain Davey: Sweet dreams, little one.
Captain Davey: Hahahaha!

Captain Davey: HAAAHAaaahahaaahaa!
Captain Davey: What?
Captain Davey: No, I do it on me own time... I need to get me locker and me key.
Captain Davey: NO, I say. You cannot have her yet.

Captain Davey: I want me locker back.
Captain Davey: When that landlubber bring me it and me key, then I'll give you both.


Captain Davey: Jus' what do ye think ye be doing, landlubber?
Captain Davey: I told ye, bring me my key and locker or blue ears here be facin' the consequences.

Captain Davey: Hahahaha, ye remind of me meself, back when I was younger and crazier.

Captain Davey: If ye think ye have any chance against me, then come on.
Captain Davey: I be warning ye though, best be beating me quickly if ye think can...

Captain Davey: Cause there not be much air left in little blue ears bubble...
Captain Davey: Hahahahaha!

Captain Davey: No. NO!
Captain Davey: Ye foolish kids! You don't know what ye have done...

Captain Davey: ...
Captain Davey: Arr! For now, we flee.

Captain Davey: I tried!
Captain Davey: I had the girl! I wanted me locker! I know he/she has it! Ye should have helped me...
Captain Davey: No!!
Captain Davey: No... Please!!


Captain Davey: ARR! That be good, lass. Ready the next group with a ration of waterbreathin' potions We're gonna hit em' where it hurts!

Captain Davey: Come now, men, we have what we came fer.
Captain Davey: Let's head back to the ship before he arrives.

Captain Davey: HAHAHAHA! I... I did what ye asked! Now get out of me head! I have yer Orb in me locker and I'll use it if I have to!

The Bottom

Captain Davey: Hahahaha, why should she trust ye, <Character>?
Captain Davey: ...Ye be well on your way joinin' our side.

Captain Davey: He'll be very pleased ye brought blue ears. Did ye even realize that?
Captain Davey: Hahaha, ye brought the whelp right to him.
Captain Davey: Ye cannot resist him.

Captain Davey: Don't ye get it? All yer plans. All yer "heroics". It be nothing.

Captain Davey: Even I held out for me locker.
Captain Davey: Ye be weak.

Captain Davey: Have ye told her yet?

Captain Davey: Hahaha, poor blue ears.
Captain Davey: Ye still have no idea and ye "friend" there is still keeping ye in the dark.

Captain Davey: Did he/she now?
Captain Davey: Yet here I be, right where he/she brought ye....

Captain Davey: Ye think ye can resist?
Captain Davey: Hahaha, ye became his long ago... and so will the little one.
Captain Davey: Tell her, <Character>.

Captain Davey: Tell her... what happened to the other elves.

Captain Davey: Aye, he/she does.
Captain Davey: It be so sweet, he/she tryin' to spare ye feelings....

Captain Davey: It was ye's fault!

Captain Davey: Are ye really going to trust them, blue ears? Ye have been lied too...

Captain Davey: Ye didn't even tell her all that she did, did ye?

Captain Davey: Hahaha. Poor blue ears. I think a reunion be in order first.

Captain Davey: Hahahahaaaa, ye be the one that brought her!
Captain Davey: Blue ears, ye poor soul, look at what ye have done to yer own people.

Captain Davey: What do ye think ye can actually do against me, fool?
Captain Davey: The Old One already talks through yer dreams. Ye be mortal and weak!

Captain Davey: What do ye filthy mutineers think ye can do?
Captain Davey: Ye ran before and abandoned me crew and look where it landed ye, cursed fools.

Captain Davey: Ye be cowards.
Captain Davey: Ye ran before and ye will run again.

Captain Davey: Then I be the one that will end it.

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