=AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Evo -> =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 17:19:08)

Well since it seems to be the new hot topic and there is a few threads running at the moment I figure we could use one thread that can cover all the different areas of the game for new art.

So what shield , monster , weapon , armor , pet or spell do you think can use new art in the game?

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 17:21:20)


These are probably in most need of an art-update.

Demonic: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=553185
Daulfin Rider: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=87128 (Just the armor you're wearing.)
Dragonscale: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=545927
Dusk Robe: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=553105
Flight Armor: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=1760593


Holy Water: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=670111
Ice Blade: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=445725
Ice Shard: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=565132
Icebolt Crossbow: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=603968
Hotshot Sword: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=670135
Juicy Fruit: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=747200
Book of Death: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=200006
Dark Blade: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=553669
Dark Angel Spear: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=112185
Darkhammer: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=445750
FireBlood Blade: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=1608456

Einwill -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 17:22:53)


With the recent art updates of both Grand Sphinx and Hellhound what monsters need to get a Graphical update and why? I would like The Ruby and Emerald golems to get a update, I feel like the should be more... crystal like.

@Chansey: Changed it to Monsters that Need a update.

EDIT: Request from author: This thread Is for discussion of monsters You think need an art update. no complaining about Art updates please Thanks. Respectfully, Raylas.

ANOTHER EDIT Final angry request: IF YOU DON'T LIKE ART UPDATES DON'T POST ON MY THREAD Thank you goodnight, respectfully the rage filled author of this thread, Raylas

otwm -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 17:25:41)

Well, I believe only one person has noticed this. :P But, Snayle (and other varients) has got a (slightly disturbing) new look!

Nightly -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 17:26:33)

Okay guys if you plan on posting in this thread, make sure to label it. That way it'll be easier to keep track of. Thanks!

Jakau Ryuu -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 17:27:37)

Okay, now that anything can be mentioned... *thinks*

...Maybe the beginner spells in Warlic's shop?
- Especially the humble fireball, as that's likely to be one of the first spells an aspiring mage will grab. And it just looks like a red, pulsing ball. Not very fiery. :/
- Rainbolt
- Whirlwind
- Frost
- Lightning doesn't need it quite so much, but I'll add it in anyway.
- Ray of Light
- As Ubear said, the Tendrils of Darkness.

@Below: I was quite the fan of the Tendrils of Darkness spell when I was a lowbie, admittedly. Funny thing: The lowest-level version of the Undead Paladin casts the spell too.

Ubear -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 17:36:43)

@otwm: I think they got updated some time ago :P

Oh with what Jakau said, it reminded me about Trendils of Darkness, or whatever it's called. I had that spell up until I was like 70 XD and it's got bad graphics...

Epsilon2012 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 17:38:56)

I know this is above art...but I don't remember the last time I played with sound effects...

-Elemental Seeker
-Any Beginner weapon in Yulgar's
-Beginner spells from Warlic's
-Guardian Plate should look like the one that Wun-Eye wears...
-Pally plate should look like the one from that Pally summon guest...
-Steel Plate and Sword could look better
-Guardian Blade looks like a metal thorn...
-Any monsters made in 2007 or before
-The whole Ranged shop from Robinia

Dejay11chris -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 17:44:00)

I think the Banshee could use an update, there's monsters that need it more but I just happened to notice because I'm fighting one.

otwm -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 17:49:45)


I think they got updated some time ago :P

Really? Oops. :P

Dejay11chris -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 18:23:14)

The MaelStaffs need new art, I have both the water and energy versions and they look weird next to everything that has better graphics.

Necrophades -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 18:27:58)

I thought the max page count was 30? In that case, maybe you should instead do a thread merge.

A shield that needs new art would be Undead Terror.

ringulreith -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 18:38:45)

Nope, it's thirty page lock for tagged threads.

Actually, I think most Yulgar's beginner shields need an update.

PieLover31416 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 18:44:03)

Armor of Sensing
Big Red Button
Breakneck Robe
Canine Warrior
Cloth Robes
[element] Plate

I may do some more later...

Dejay11chris -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 18:50:55)

Monster Claw is a shield that needs to be updated.

Travis Touchdown -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 19:12:46)

Most of the things level 30-, be it equipment, quests, or monsters, needs a huge graphical overhaul. Yes, some things could be perserved for the sake of history, but... I could see quite a few newbies running for the hills just because the graphics aren't up to snuff. Sad but true.

ringulreith -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 19:55:15)

The werewolf form from Willow Creak needs updating, along with the monster. To be quite honest that entire quest needs updating (the monsters in it), seeing as it's one of the first quests a new player will do.

Edit: The monsters/backgrounds from the crossroads, too, because that's also a low-level quest.

raylas -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 20:01:03)

I found a monster in the encyclopedia, the Demon panther

Bisser777 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 20:04:38)

Update the Long Sword for god's Sake!!!

raylas -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 20:10:58)

Found a weapon that could be really awesome if the art got upgraded: The Lightning Grip Axe .

Randomnity -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 20:23:11)

The Long Sword's actually pretty alright. You can't really upgrade such a sword anyway.

aeromancer7 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/7/2010 20:50:43)

well the graphics of the long sword could look like the drakel enforceror the enforcer blade but one question why does it have old graphics when i remembered it having an update???

ringulreith -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/8/2010 1:11:13)

It got a stat update, not an art update.

dunner87 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/8/2010 2:07:47)


Spell Blocker
Siege Tower Shield

I mean, these are two of the best shields in game, and they are just a plain gray chunk of metal, and imho in need of an update.

Baron Dante -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate New Art for AQ Discussion Thread (3/8/2010 2:37:14)

Monsters: Magman/Magman Superior. It's just... eww. And what's that pulsing thing in it's stomach anyways? Uggh.

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