Hogo -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (3/28/2010 16:07:11)
Hi Scar!!!! Hey Hogo!!!! First of all, congrats! (or second, the Hi was first really..) Doesn't matter.... as you said congrats... :P Do you have a crush on me? You totally copied my colour!! :P What? Other than my love for penguins, no. What colour are your shackles? Someone painted them green. You are the pilot of a Boeing 747. The plane is travelling from Chicago to Auckland(New Zealand). The total air speed is 4000 kmph. On flight there are 723 passenger, this includes a party of 47 priests, 22 nuns, and 15 babies. On the flight there will be served breakfast(continental), lunch(a sandwich of choice), a snack(peanuts with a beverage of choice), and dinner(lamb chops with mashed potatoes and gravy or steamed fish and vegetables or Potato Rosti with a salad). The in-flight movie that will be shown is "A Clockwork Orange). The time at Auckland is on arrival will be 7:24am. The question is, who is the pilot? Didn't you just say I was? How come more people have been to the moon than the deepest place on earth? We decided to go outwards instead of inwards. Where do babies come from? Watermelons. Believe it! Why do we die? I'm a Buddhist. So we'd incarnate into other beings. No, I meant, in the game...? Oh, cuz' we're playing the game of life. What kind of shadow is a scar? No no no the scar is the shadow. What kind of scar is a shadow? No no no the shadow is the scar. If you could have one object in this world, anything, what would it be? Object huh? AportabletelecommunicationdeviceabletotransportmewheneverIwantbackintimeorinthenearfutureifpossibleandusuallygivesmelemonsonadailybasis. If the world were to end in 20 days, where would you go? Who would you see? I would be behind somebody... >.> No one would be seeing me, so I would be seeing everyone. Mario or Sonic? Mario, his mustache is considered the hottest of all staches. Would you like a fish? Shur. Do you believe in Aliens? Can't tell you that. Do you believe in God? A god. If you had the power to change one thing in this world, what would it be? That I can never die, age, or suffer. If you lived in the multiverse, who would you be? And what would you be doing? I would still be a shadow and... I would be following victims...? Is Pluto a planet? When I was your age, Pluto was still a planet. Favourite AE game? DF-AQW. Favorite other game? I don't have a favorite lol. Favourite movie? Looking back to the first few posts, I think I'm objecting with what I said there. Visual Arts, Music, or Theatre? Visual. How do you feel on becoming ShadowScar07 the AK!? SO GREAT! Has a nice ring to it doesnt it? Wait... wait... yeah! Like penguins? Definitely. Naruto or Sasuke? That's a hard one. Probably Sasuke to make ~Sas feel better. And I am done! For now... Muahahahahahha!!!! Yes! Who knows how long I've been answering here! Enjoy! I did! -Hogo. -ShadowScar07.