RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07 The Second-Newest DFGD ArchKnight! (Full Version)

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Drahkos -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07 The Second-Newest DFGD ArchKnight! (4/6/2010 11:06:03)

Hiya, congrats!
Hello, thanks.
Which AE game is your favorite, and why?
DF and AQW. DF is pretty fun with it's quests, puns, and collecting and all, while AQW, is AE's first MMO.
What is your biggest goal/project in regards to AE games? (Mine is getting rank 20 in Aeris Battle's painful)
I've hit the goals I've already wanted. I just gather the goals I need just for fun now.
Do you play any sports?
I stopped playing on teams.
What is the oddest thing about yourself that you feel comfortable telling us?
Like what? lol

See ya later. :P

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07 The Second-Newest DFGD ArchKnight! (4/6/2010 18:50:40)

Are you worthy?
I thought of something brilliant!
Get ready to say "oh-no".
Two words.
Acrostic Poem.
I'll have 2 for each post. Try these 3.

Too kind to let go.
Whole hearted and loyal.
Intelligent or not, we'll always love you.
Little Twilly,
Little Twilly...
You are the reason why I wake up in the morning.

Artix was too hard...

So evil,
Every person is too afraid of you.
Poor nightmares that you've caused.
Until the morning, they forgot.
Little kids were never happy
Cuz' you bully them with all your might.
Hopefully one day you'll learn... being
Evil will get you back.
Red and Black, darn, these colors match well alright!

Okays i'm gonna have fun now. I'll be back! (Wait i'm haven't even come there yet! I'm still on the meteor!).
Lol K.

Count Radec -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07 The Second-Newest DFGD ArchKnight! (4/7/2010 14:02:17)

Your still answering o.O
Why wouldn't I?
Warning:The next questions will be wacky and insane.
I see.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?
Google knows! D:
I tamed the Killer Bunny. Wanna see him?
What Killer Bunny?
Have you had any pies stolen by PieRats?
No, don't plan on it.
Where did you get your scar?
Can't you see me?
AK means lots of things, like AppleKiller, AntKing, ArchKniggit or the real, ArchKnight. Which one of them do you like the most?
The last one... we're all apple killers.
I was born on Friday the 13th. Does it mean I will always have bad luck? [:D]
1337 or 42?
Do you think the world will end on Friday the 13th in 2012?
Are you ready for everything?
If so, you wont expect this!
I am! *Holds up mirror to shield the shadow* There, all safe and secure! ~GG
wooo GG
*me casts Solar Beam in SS07s cell*
1 Shadow down, countless more to go...Oops, looks like that Solar Beam reflected off a mirror...*shreaking:my eyes, my eyes!*
hehehehe.... ~GG
Yeah, I'm still unlucky... [8|]
It happens.

Nightlark -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/7/2010 14:58:05)

Hello, and congrats on AKship! I just thought I'd pop by to check things out in the GD section. I'm usually around Q & A.
Mmmm Q&Aer huh?
Twilly or Zorbak?
Winter or Summer?
Dragons vs. Goldfish, who would win?
GOLDFISH! You do not know what they do when you're not there!
Fav quest?
Don't have one... :(
Seppy vs. Artix?
What are you trying to say?
Ermm.... rice vs. sticky rice??
That's a hard one... sticky tastes good alone.
Guess that's all for now, and again, congrats!
Thanks, see you again.

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/7/2010 18:55:57)

I can't believe you did that.
I can't believe you asked me that, it took awhile... x.x
It doesn't have to be serious.
Was it serious? Orly? xD
It can be silly, considering you know how he's like.
You probably made him cry you know.
You know, right?
Wait, what?
Artix you know.
Ah, yeah he's a grown man, he can toughen up about it.
I'll show you an example.

A maniac
Roars of pain come from undead in the day
To slay, or not to slay....
I am scared of him when I wear Deathknight.
X-mas was fun for him.
To me, that doesn't make sense.
See, that wasn't so hard.
I don't understand what you're trying to tell me...
Fun huh. Now on with the quiz show-I mean pain. (Dang it I gotta find out how to cross words out)

I got bored so I got rid of them. x.x ARTIX is TOO hard. Plus it was too long.

I leave you alone with this madness.
Now during this break, I will ask you questions.
I guess.
Serious question now.
Do you think that warpforce is taking a turn to mechquest now? With all the technology.
Don't know.
I also think that theres sci-fi and a medieval theme for a walkaround system and a AQ type of walkaround for both also.
I see.
Walk-Dragonfable (Medieval) MQ (Science Fiction)
What are you telling me?
AQtype: AQ (medieval) MQ (Sci-fi)
Doesn't it make sense?
Kind of...
Well i'm done. I'll redirect the coarse of this meteor to Planet star (Where Edward, Jonas brothers and all of those people live) so I can type more! Yay!
See ya soon.

Icecannon -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/8/2010 9:30:40)

GREAT JOB!! You're a Archnight! Hope you can make some changes in the bugs. (sqash them down to size)!
Thanks and no. Just by reading that I know that you really didn't care to learn more about me. D: I work in the DFGD.

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/8/2010 21:25:51)

iRed that.
So do you sing?
Not the twilly type of singing.
If you would ask "whats twilly singing, or what type of singing is that?", I'd have to answer "You really don't wanna know.".
Now it's AP time. (Acrostic Poem. I'll be sure just to add two.)
ogawd nooooz why!?

Already asked...

Colorfully green!
Yogurt is what he eats.
Singing is what he'll do!
Everyone gathers near him.
Rolith too! He is one of the best
Opera singers I've ever heard of. Oh Cysero...
K. That was fun.
So how long have you been a AE'er?
It's okay if you forgot.
No worries.
How would you react to A kitten reading a book?
Imagine if you saw a bunny holding a stick, standing writeup, healing you, and talking. Who's name is Twilly on a log in the middle of a town called Falconreach.
It's not a bunny...
I see him everyday.
Me too.
So do you?! Yay! Here's a brownie.
Hey if your a shadow, how do you eat cookies/cakes/brownies.
I devour them. NOMNOMNOM
*Grabs Destiny Axe and slashes Shadowscar07 while he takes a bite out of the mentioned above.*
Sorry, I'm behind you and that will do nothing!

Black321 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/9/2010 17:23:33)

I'ma do an acrostic poem too. You know I'm the literate nerd! ;D (I hope you do at least o.o)

Fiery and uber.
All happy and joyful.
Loling in the chatbox,
Lmaoing with every joke they say.
Everyone sharing their thoughts and posting.
New with every aspect,

Looking throughout the boards is what they'll do.
Epic is what they are!
Green was rarely seen
Over dramatic sometimes...
Never will they fall.

I personally don't get it.

That was mean wasn't it? ;D
Last poem I'll be doing in this thread. :P

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/9/2010 19:48:09)

No Poems.
Not at all.
I see.
I promise.
It's time

Octopus... x2!
Mooin' cows!!!

K. Well you did ask for it.
Phrases of random words, yes.
K Congratz on AKship.
Thanks again.
See ya soon.
Bye. I also took off around 2/3 of your questions because I only allow 14 now.

True Mortal -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/10/2010 11:18:30)

Aaarrrr ye landrot.
Congratz, but prove to me ye be a swabber, Aaaarrr
I like art... you?
Have you seen my art lately?...
All of them, yeah.
If not you should be ashamed... Not to be rude ofcourse... visit the suggestion discussion thread ^^.
Ashamed huh? How nice of you.
You better do it now.. because I need some advice.
I suggest the gallery! :D
Nuff" said
For what?
WAzaaaaAaah... bai.

Orrin8181 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/10/2010 11:40:47)

How are you?
Not sure.
Really ain't sure.
Don't know.
Ask again later.
alright, cya!

True Mortal -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/10/2010 14:29:53)

~Hi again
Hey you!
~You're pretty cool huh!?
You're pretty cool huh!?
~I read that your favourite weapon element is energy... mine's energy too!
~Now, up for some questions?
Sure thing.
~Are you obsessed with goldfish..?
I... er... well...
~I don't believe you! Or do I?
Do you?
~*alert, serious question* How to make a gallery o.O? There you go.
~Am I annoying you?
I don't know, are you? o.O
~That was all, gratz again and c u around ^^.
Bye. Later.

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/10/2010 23:43:12)

Meow, Arf, Moo, Teehee, Dingdong.
Favorite artist?
Depends on what you mean by "artist".
So only 14 questions?
That will resolve in me adding a post every time someone else posts.
I see.
Be warned. Or not.
Other way around.
But thats no way to start off a conversation.
Yay you just realized!
But this isn't a conversation.
Actually, it is.
4 more questions.
I mean 3
I see.
Now it's 2.
Okay, stop spamming. xD
Nevermind. Good luck Mr. Shadow. May the light finally reach you and show you a whole new life or Destiny. Or not. Bye!

Count Radec -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/11/2010 6:03:20)

*in a serious tone*You passed my test(with some help ofcourse)!
What... test?
*gives SS07 a jar of cookies*
Anyway, aren't you getting tired of answering questions?
Okay, I'm out of questions.
Oh, I see.
Oh well, cya later on the forums!
You too.

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/11/2010 13:41:16)

K i'm back.
So you say that pie is a lie right?
So is the pie that Rolith is chasing after is actually a lie set up by the togs?
And by artist I mean musical artist.
Don't have one.
Which quest chain is your favorite so far? Ravenloss or the water orb saga?
Don't have a favorite atm.
So what do you think of my brownies?
Why did you choose the number 07 in ShadowScar07?
Used to be my favorite number.
Read any good books?
No, not really.
What's your favorite book/book series?
Really not sure.
What is your favorite anime?
Death Note, I'm in Bleach right now.
DOOOOOOMO or Destiny?
What is DOOOOOOMO...?
I have already chosen Destiny.
I see.
Will you join our side of justice...?
Justice is also bad. :D
K Bye!

Where's Shadow Scar??!!
Who's that?
What have you done with him.
Sorry, don't know him.
Oh well.
Congratz, new person.
See ya around I guess.
You too.

Einwill -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/15/2010 20:09:50)

Never saw you around,but I expect you deserve being made an AK.
I've never seen you around either, literally.
THe shackles are tight, and the cakes are a lie. Yup,life is hard.
*sigh* you got that right.
No more questions. Just congrats, and lets hope you do a good job.
Let's hope? Thanks.

BlueKatz -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/15/2010 20:20:23)

Funnily, I totally forgot about you
xD Hello!
TLoZ fan? You know some time, he's right-hand too?
I guess. He's mainly left handed.
If u really played them, what's ur favorite series (top 3)
I'm not a fan of all of them.
OOOOOOO, right when U typing this I have to go, so see ya

nn1234 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07 The Second-Newest DFGD ArchKnight! (4/16/2010 8:13:15)

congrats again
Thanks again.
have u had a name change or something
Huh? What makes you say that?
on the menu it says meet zhukai and on the page it says meet shadowscar
Yeah, I've noticed.
which r u
Which am I?
anyway b

Icy -> RE: =MtAK= Zhukai! A New DFGD ArchKnight! (4/16/2010 12:16:36)

Hiya! Congrats on your new position! :D
How's them shackles? What color are they?
I don't know... there aren't any lights down here.
Ins't it azmnaig how you can raed tihs? It's an aswmoee ticrk of the mnid. :P
Anyway, good luck to you!
Thank you. xD

Eric Greydawn -> RE: =MtAK= Zhukai! A New DFGD ArchKnight! (4/16/2010 14:40:34)

ZOMG!! I understand now! Once you become an AK you have been seeded!
Good job Eric. You've finally understood.
How long did you have to stay in the larval state?
4 years, 7 months, 32 day, and 12.5 hours.
What did you do with Shadow Scar?
Whose Shadow Scar?
Is this the secret plot of the AK? To slowly and assiduously assimilate everyone?
*slips away quietly to barricade door against alien invasion from the AKness

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07 The Second-Newest DFGD ArchKnight! (4/16/2010 14:43:16)

Since you got a name change I get another post!
How's the AK bizz treatin' you?
Fine alright.
Why did you become an ArchKnight?
I recently gave up on DF a bit, but once the offer was for being one was given... I thought I might give it another chance. So far it's good.
Why the name change?
It's cooler. <<
Legend of Zelda or Call of Duty?
COD, Legend of Zelda beats COD 5 though.

N Zero -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/16/2010 17:47:58)

Hello, I'm N Zero and this conversation will be recorded.
Everything you speak, hear, and think are recorded by me.
Now that's that's out of the way, I have a couple of questions for you.
Yes! :D
1. What is you Element?
If you mean by mine, I'm siding with energy.
2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of DF, or any of the AE Games? (Most important Question to me.)
3. If you don't know what an Edgemaster is, do you want me to explain via PM? (Second most important Question to me.)
Someone's already pmed me about it.
4. Do you play Soul Calibur 3 or 4?
5. If 4 is yes, do you have any Custom Characters?
I kinda said no.
6. If 5 is yes, can we see some Screenies?
7. What is your Dragon's element?
8. Do you believe the power of the human spirit?
In some cases, sure.
9. What is you Base class of choice?
Warrior. Simplicity is mainly what I look for.
10. Are you a tratior to AE, by playing any other Online RPG's/MMO's?
Not at this time.
11. What is Cysero to you?
A gold statue god.
12. Gorrilaphants?
What about them? (They're pretty ... unique. I'm talking about their appearance.)
13. What are your feelings on The Ebil Togmaster, Rolith, the Tog Challenges he continues to come up with, and Togs in general. Also DOOOOOM it's #13!
That's about it. Congrats, and as my sig says...
Come back again! ^^

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/16/2010 18:05:54)

So really, what happened to SS07?
I will find out.
But I just to... K.
Or not.
That works too.
So you still have the 14 question rule huh?
Well you know how I know your not the person who was here before?
Oh, how can you tell?
Your writing.
I see. You can't really see how I write, you must mean how I type.
You have it too bold and too dark of an orange.
Of course! Finally someone who realized. ^^
And when you check who edited what on the bottom of the post, it said SS07.
Which who I am not.
Hey do you like acrostic poems?
No thanks.
How about brownies?
Fudge brownies are really good.
Here you go *Gives brownie to Zhukai*

Starstruck -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/17/2010 1:01:55)

Shackles...tight? Yes? But are they pretty like iChar's?
It's too dark down here to tell. I can feel rings around it though.
If you were in a tight spot...
I'd pull out my handy funnel.
would you rather have plutonium cookies or chocolate chip ones?
Plutonium is the way to go.
Grammar or Speling?
Grammar, and you just spelled spelling wrong. xD

But wait...there's more!

Have you ever accidentally typed "clucky" when trying to type "clunky"?

If your funnel was stuck in your pocket...

If your king is captured...


Womba -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/17/2010 1:11:43)

evil cheese or holy cheese
Evil cheese... moves.
if warlic felt like it hecould end us all with the flick of the wrist....would you have second thoughts of slaying him?
He'd die too.
mmmm candy....
Oh yes, candy....
bring me a typhlosion for all of my vast candy treasures [8D]
Feraligatr rocks Typhlosion's socks off.
KISS or the beetlez....?
Tough one. KISS seems more well known...
if you chose KISS than rock on if you chose beetles than you shall be disintegrated with EYE BEAMS
have a free sample of my super freeze breath,
*pushes a big shiny red button* woops.....atleast it didn't say "Do Not Push"\
do you think think artix is a total psychopath in the undeads eyes(sockets)
Definitely not.
Undead Galanoth Vs Dragonoid Artix,
Dragonoid would look better.
hope those shackle's don't cause blisters lol,
Hope not. x.x

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