RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (Full Version)

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ChainSword -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/17/2010 13:30:15)

*thinks* Zhukai's thread... ShadowScar's edits... Zhukai's thread... ShadowScar's edits... Zhukai's thread... ShadowScar's edits...
*thinks* ChainSword's responses... ShadowScar's edits... ChainSword's responses... ShadowScar's edits...
*tries to figure out what is going on*...*fails* *cries*[:(]
*well, I guess I just have to play along* Hi! Congratz for being AK!
So... what are you gonna do now? Challenge Circe?
About CodeMonkey Challenges... did you know that... well... they are sorta my fault...?
Oh... REALLY!?
Darnit! I missed.
Well, I don't have much else to say, except...
GreenGirl!!! Beware the day when I raise to moderator level!! I will hunt you down!!

Sgtbobbycar -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/17/2010 14:35:49)

this is confusing. I sent 5 posts on ShadowScar's post, but only 1 now on Zhukai's. Can I add them together or do I count them seperatly.
Count them altogether.
Well congrats on becomming an ArchKnight again
how is it being an ArchKnight
It's good.
did you get cake when you became an ArchKnight
Yep! :D
was it a lie?
No, this time... surprisingly... it wasn't.
maybe you are a lie
Ouch. That hurt.
battlefield or call of duty
if you chose battlefield, well done you can have some cake. if you chose CoD you get no cake and this is no lie
Lol, alright.
tata now
no one says tata enough
Than you're considered different.
you should say it, ok?
I do, go back a few pages.

Womba -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/17/2010 14:41:52)

time for round 2!!
You have a new avatar again. xD
Jacko-Lantern or Jacko-Lettuce
Lantern D:
does my dragon strike fear into you?
No, I strike fear into him.
Doomknight upgrade rocks, did you get it? [:D]
Get Artix...
to win 1 and 100 battle's is not the highest skill to subdue your foe without fighting is the highest skill....that being said...we should steal seppy's NBoD [8D]
You could, or he could rip your head off.
who would win, Courage the cowardly dog, or a really (not-so) scary potted plant
Oh, I remember him! xD
NSoD or BoD?
mmm shiniez,
round 3 shall come soon....perhaps.....

Xtremebob -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/17/2010 15:12:44)


Burn -> RE: =MtAK= Zhukai! A New DFGD ArchKnight! (4/17/2010 15:15:43)

Nice to meet you! Good luck with the forums, I know that they can be a handful but I'm sure you will do great! Its not like forumers bite.... well most of them.
I remember you! :D Thanks and wouldn't want that. >>

Womba -> RE: =MtAK= Zhukai! A New DFGD ArchKnight! (4/17/2010 15:22:28)

Round come's switfly unluckily for yah.... you are NOT prepared!!!
Was the size 3 font really necessary?
Pillzbury doughboy is awesome.....just don't poke him...he recently just ate a nuclear launch button
Oh dear lord...
Ferari or Lambourgini?
I'M A PIECE OF CANDY!!! [sm=twill11a.gif][sm=twill10a.gif]
my questions are annoying right?
Not really.
so a horse walks into a bar and goes to the bartender....what does the bartender say?
them shackle's blstering you yet? go see twilly if so i hear he heals good although he goes....a...bit far sometimes...
Can't leave... Hel...
your a MILLIONARE now....*hands a giant check*
I'm already a Millionaire o.o... yes! I'm a millionaire x2!
i lied it was just a crudely painted check made from styrofoam
why is my backpack ticking...? O_o
Get away! D:
my avatar get's bored alot sometimes thats why it changes so much [:D]
I see.

chisagen -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07 The Second-Newest DFGD ArchKnight! (4/17/2010 19:21:44)

*tries to make a cool entry again but breaks his face again*
haha you thought I would not come back but i did aahaha
Oh, welcome back. :D
u want some chips?
or how about fish with chips?
If Hogo was here, sure.
do you like roller coasters?
bye for now that is until I strike again!
K, later.
P.S could u send an ambulance XP
No problem.

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07 The Second-Newest DFGD ArchKnight! (4/17/2010 21:30:37)

Well I know noticed a couple of other of reasons why you can't be SS07.
Care to share?
1.On SgtBobbyCart's post, the first questions answer means that there IS a Zhukai.
I see. Keep going.
2. Your color and boldness.
If you haven't noticed... it's the same color.
3. "< Message edited by [bold]Zhukai[/bold]" is written on the bottom of this post (I hope).
4. And you answer at different times. SS07 usually answers around now.
Like now?
K i'm done with proof.
DOOOOOM or Destiny?
Say Age. Say it now.
Hey you said my name!
*Zhukai summons Age, Age looks around the cell, thinks it needs more blue, makes it blue and bright, and releases Zhukai so SS07 can come back*
We're different.
Well here, have a Extra mega super duper extra FUDGE mega pound of pure Goob (Opposite of Ebil)!
*Hands the released Zhukai a *mentioned above*.
Ah, I see.
Hey can I call you Zhu for short? Well yes or no, Bye!
Sure, go ahead.

Womba -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07 The Second-Newest DFGD ArchKnight! (4/17/2010 21:38:22)

i return a 4th time mwuahahaa
Mmmm... cookies.
my dragon named Corona if you can guess what that is you will live....for today
Sorry, don't know.
some monster just stole my candy!!
hmm i think i'm forgetting something...[>:]
Same here.
really long scythes or really phat chainsaws
Well... I have a dual BOOM-STICK!!!
what the ticking i can he- OMG *boom*
OMG *boom*
you've just been injected with 20cc's of OMGIMDEAD thats science tak for you become my mindless zombie slave in 5 hours
you didn't expect me to come back AGAIN though didn't you...?
I can hardly understand what you're trying to tell me.
i bet ganondork will beat you
okay i shall leave...for now...
and don't cha come back now ya hear meh?
no really i will....
naw but hope you enjoy being an archknight slave hope you do well, maybe you'll be better than Landis!
Thanks, and nah.
i hope he didn't see that last sentnce <_< anyway byez
Mmmm bye! ^^ I also removed one. It was 15 questions.

Wilfre -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/18/2010 13:30:42)

1. Who is the spy?
You mean who isn't the spy.
2. Are you SUUUUURE?
Yes, I'm sure.
3. Do you use Gimp?
Not anymore, I still have it.
4. I can haz ak?
Excuse me?
5. Swords or daggers?
Swords as daggers. xD
6. What is your favorite DF npc plushie?
lol... not sure.
7. Who is the almighty ShadowDragonLord and Deity of Time?
I am! :D
If you didn't get that right, it was me.
8. Seppy or King Alteon?
9. Blade of Destiny or Necrotic Sword of Doom?
Sword of Doom.
10. If were supposed to STOP seppy, and be all good-destiny-like, why do we have the abilty to be a DoomKnight?
Cuz' he got lonely. D:
11. You are trapped in a room, that is slowly being filled with water that has no windows, or doors, with me, Cysero, Artix, Beleen, Rolith, Alac, Galanoth, and Twig. You can save all but one person. Who do you leave behind?
Ummm Cysero. He's an expert at getting out of these.
12. You have 5 apples. I ate 3 apples. How many do you have?
5. You ate your own.
13. What is the #1 killer in the Universe?
I am! :D
14. Do you like my sig?
Very nice.

Sgtbobbycar -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/18/2010 13:31:18)

alright this is my 7th post all together, my 5th post on ShadowScar's and my 2nd post on Zhukai's
No need to keep track.
you are quite strict you know, but is that good or bad?
Not always.
TM is very good at creating weapon designs, did you know that?
His work is never too good for CC.
alright, me has a riddlez
*googles for a good riddle*
Oh, nice.
alright, this one will do

"there was a duck floting on top of the water and a cat sleeping in her tail then the duck jumped in the water. what happened to the cat?"


he gets wet

Whoops, read the spoiler before the question.
I was going to ask another question but I forgot
tata now

Starstruck -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/18/2010 19:41:13)

I sense a disturbance in the Force!
Same here.
It's a trap! Oh noes!
Thought of a new question!
What do you do when your king is captured?
And...(drum roll please)
When do the bread and water come down? Is the water chewy or stale? Is the bread weevil-infested or termite-ridden? And are you sitting in a pile of Gorrillaphant dung? So much to know!
Yep. Oh wait... Gorr.... OMG!

Mareth -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/18/2010 20:11:23)

A word of Advice...
Which is?
Beware the retribution cross...
It will find you,
and when I do, I will stab your left cornea.
and help chainsword hunt you down.
she/he's on my side! D:<

speddy -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/18/2010 21:07:22)

1. LOZ fan right? (if no, skip question 2)
Ehhh I just play.
2. Any favorite of the series?
I find them all the same.
3. SOOOO... how was your day?
Good! Thanks for asking. ^^
4. Who's stronger? Ash Dragonblade or Toon Link?
Ash Dragonblade.
5. ... /me ran out of questions?
...the apocalypse is coming...
... i need more gum even though i just chewed through some 40 tiny juicy fruit pieces in half a day (the ones in the container)
Stride lasts all day, everyday.
Well congrats with the promotion and GL

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/18/2010 21:37:23)

Hey look!
Omg where!?
A Penny!
*Zhu picks up penny*
I did?
Too bad it's a bomb and it just exploded
Whoops I guess I forgot to mention that.
Ahhh good times.
So flashlight huh?
I'm not dark anymore.
So are YOU a shadow of a scar made in the year '07?
Maybe... xD
What are your in-game pets?
Golden Tog, Box, Butterfly and Chickcalf! :D
What are your out-game pets.
So what's your favorite Musical Artist?
I don't have one.
Hey look a penny!
Omg where!?
Do you imagine (not) your thread becoming 30 pages? Well Bye!
Nope, I'll be ending it soon. ^^

Womba -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/18/2010 21:47:22)

i come back a 5th time...but in many purdy colorz
That's considered spam.
Mirror Shield, Hylian Shield, Tower Shield, or SimplePunyWood Shield
SimplePunyWood Shield! Why? Give em' splinters! D:<
What time is it? (read spoiler if you can't figure it out)

Adventure time

If you can read this next sentence you can get a button...and no it's not a nuclear launchable
B33r & Phat L3w1 1$ aw3$0M3 Did you see it Yes = Yay buttonz No = Look a little harder lol
I'm editing your post, of course lol!
If a blaziken, typhlosion, and infernape all were in a fight and they all used Earthquake at the same exact time...Who wins? (see spoiler for answer)

None they all one-shotted eachother lol

You didn't think i'd return again huh...?
I never think whenever someone returns again...
Lol i just realized i stopped using purdy colors but who cares....some of tem are bad for the eyes [:D]
Glad you care about me! T.T
Is Ganondorf captian falcons father? tthey're moves sure have extreme simularity's
Not sure... but I love that move! :D
Are those shackle's anything like the minotaur's from MinoTorture? if so i'll break them....maybe....
Can't. If you do, I lose my invincibility... x.x
BANANA PHONE!!! (again)

Orrin8181 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/18/2010 21:50:40)

Woof woof!
Moo moo!
What actually happened to Shadowscar07? I'm confused now. Or did you change your name?
He passed away.
I'm so confused now.
No worries.
*cries aswell*


AEgamer15 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/18/2010 22:06:03)

*laughing so loud,diabolicaly and with ebil while ripping seppy's head with the helm*
What's a........THREAD?
Pull a string off of your sweater. There you go! :D
Already know it b4 you answer,tnx
Do fishes winks? *wink wink*
winks? Maybe.
Monitor or Keyboard?
How's the day?
Got salary or bonus?
What did the mouse said to the cat?
also when the mouse is next to the keyboard?
said? It cried moo.
Sony or Canon?
Not sure...
Anyways that's for all. i'll be back (LW gave me a favor) *seppy's head rolling*
KK thanks! Deleted some making it 14 question.

Veya -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/18/2010 22:50:24)

Let me start...
Who would win in a all out battle between Goku and Vegita, when both are in SSJ4 form?
Can you tell me your power level?
It's ^9000!
Oh, well, i am sleepy, can't think in any more DBZ jokes/questions...
Lol alright.
And, by the way, ChainSword is a guy, i saw you refering to him as "She" somewere in this topic >.>
Oh really? Glad to know.

Vadron -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/19/2010 1:46:15)

Wait! Don't go away yet!
Alright. :P
I have a surprise for you!
It's this Mega Copycat Raygun!
After I fire it at you, you will copy everything I say!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...
I didn't get it. xD

BadHulk -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/19/2010 3:26:17)

I helped y00.
Mhmm, can't forget about that.
I like poetry, do you?
I dunnu much more to say but: Hows the chackels comming along?
I'm not sure what chackels are.

Firefox26 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/19/2010 7:18:43)

Ok first gratz on becoming a df ak
Now for the Questioons Hope your rdy!
What would you do if all the weapons to your element disappeared?
O.. never. NEVER SAY THAT.
Cysero,Xan,Sepulcher,Nytheria,Warlic,Zorbak,Twilly,Vayle,or Aquella ?
What about them?
new element(if you had too)?
If I had to what?
Artix vs. Valmor?
Fav Pet?
Final Question Why DF?
If you were more specific, I'd tell ya. :P

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= ShadowScar07! (4/19/2010 16:46:56)

Why did you pick DF as your forum AK's thing?
I didn't get to choose which board I got to be in.
Is DF your favorite game?
One of.
HUP! (Holy Ugly Pineapples!)
You going to close the thread soon?
Then I must get to know you better.
No more time for dilly-dallying indeed (Sorry I've read all the books I can and have been reduced to reading 100 year old books and Harry Potter).
Oh, wow.
So I have to know what happened to SS07.
You're the master of time. Go back in time and find out.
What is your favorite (Real) animal?
Red Panda!
What's your favorite Art Artist?
Flash wise, Miltonius.
What's your favorite Number?
You just don't get quality questions like this anymore do you?
Why, no I don't
What is this "Real Life outside of the moniter" I keep hearing?
Do you know what a sun is?
No Rely.
Rely? lol...
Well See you soon. Oh and *You picked up the penny and it exploded again* You have GOT to stop doing that.
Darnit! Cya.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =MtAK= Zhukai! A New DFGD ArchKnight! (4/19/2010 17:11:24)

Hi Zhukai
Heyas AVA
Good luck!
Thanks again!

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= Zhukai! A New DFGD ArchKnight! (4/19/2010 17:39:49)

Wow you work fast.
I am quick.

You're the master of time. Go back in time and find out.
I know what happened to him. I did that already. I also knew you were going to say that if I wrote that, so you would admit i'm the lord of time.
Master and Lord is different in my view.
Wow that was a mouthful.
Yes, it was.
You know, all of the times I typed to you.
Well, what do you think of puppies?
What do you think of flowers?
What do you think of Seppy coming out and destroying puppies and flowers?
Oh wow... that's just... evil.
Do you think 7 is a lucky number?
Did you play the release today?
The doomwood map?
What do you think is Hunters Paradise?
A hotel.
What's your favorite TV show?
Sorry, don't really have "favorites".
What's your favorite video game?
Well this is my 14th question. Bye?

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