ToxiCleen Z (Full Version)

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Scakk -> ToxiCleen Z (3/18/2010 0:20:37)

ToxiCleen Z

Level: 60
Power Level: 73
Price: 2,750 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 2,475 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours; then 1,375 Z-Tokens
Location: Germinator: Plantation

Element: Water
MP Cost: 253

Hits: 2
Element: Water
Type: Magic
Damage: 23-69 plus 147% Stats each
BTH: +18 plus Stats each
Effect: If at least one hit connects, you attempt to Poison the enemy*. The monster can resist this Poison**. If one hit connects, +0 save bonus(Normal save). If both hits connect, -10 save bonus(Hard save). The Poison lasts for 10 rounds. Water-basted monsters****, "undead", "golem", "robot", "mecha", and "incorporeal" monsters are immune to this Poison***.
    Level: 73 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: 165 vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

*The monster must not have read the instructions -- it drank some of the cleaner!
**The monster resists the effects of the cleaning fluid!
***The monster is immune to poison by its very nature.
****Watery foes are immune to this poison.

Dirty monsters got you down? Get tough with ToxiCleen! Absolutely no natural ingredients. Gets out the most stubborn stains! This spell is as powerful as the Level 73 spell - but easier to cast!


Numbers thanks to Scakk. Image thanks to dragoncrazyxp. Description thanks to SysRq. Messages thanks to Overdrive. Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Poison status update thanks to In Media Res.

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