Blarney War 2010 (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Blarney War 2010 (3/20/2010 2:14:57)

Blarney War '10!

Location: Blarney Portal Painting » 2010: Lucky Time Travel!

You can skip the cutscene at anytime.

«A blue meteor can be seen flying over the mountains somewhere over Lore's eastern skies. Meanwhile, in the Leprechaun Kingdom, a rainbow portal can be seen...»

O'Meany: It is working, Uncle! Midas McTouch was right. The Portal OS machine McTouch stole from that Bunchkin be working like magic...
Uncle Sham: Wonderful! I will venture forth into the Quasisemi-demipara-elemental plane of Gold. There, I'll obtain the services of a Golden Quasisemi-demipara-elemental.
O'Meany: Soon, very soon, me Uncle, all of Lore will be Golden!
Uncle Sham: Haha, I can see me golden palace already! I best change for the occasion.

«Uncle Sham leaves the scene. Just as he leaves, the rainbow portal turns golden in color.»

O'Meany: Well... THIS be unexpected, by Ehren. Should I go... Bah, I'll take it a good omen for the portal has turned GOLDEN!
Portal Generator: WARNING. Uncreation energy matter detected in transit stream. Portal overload imminent. Safety system offline. Temporospatial distortion detected.
O'Meany: This sounds like luck is not on our side...

«Uncle Sham returns, wearing his Golden Set items.»

Uncle Sham: What be the meaning of this?! O'Meany, if ye messed with the portal I will dip you! And not in gold either, but in tarnished tin, by Ehren!
O'Meany: I touched nothin', Uncle. The generator just started a-speakin'.
Portal Generator: Cascade failure in progress. Temporospatial claudication loop in progress. Portals cannot override.
Uncle Sham: That sounds poor... by jiminy, I should've known better then to trust ye, Midas McTouch...
Uncle Sham: Now what in the worlds be a "temporospatial claudication loop"?
Portal Generator: A temporospatial claudication loop is a localized transient repeat phenomena.
Uncle Sham: A... what?
Portal Generator: Time will be rewound and replayed, but not for all of Lore -- just for select local events.
Uncle Sham: What "select local events," ye bloody machine?
Portal Generator: Events of some moment.
Uncle Sham: Well OBVIOUSLY they be from some moment. I am asking ye WHICH moment, ye infernal contraption!
Portal Generator: "Moment" in the sense of importance.
Portal Generator: WARNING. Portal generator explosion imminent. Temporospatial claudication loop initiating.
O'Meany: Explosion! I be really not liking the sound of this... Nor the fact that yon portal is wigglin' more than slippery fish that's been caught in me net.
Portal Generator: Explosion and loop initiation now in progress. Have a nice day!

«A short cutscene shows the portal exploding. A time loop occurs, rewinding the volcanic explosion from Blarney War '09, all the way back to where the '09 war started. The Leprechaun mob confronts you and Zorbak.»

«You»: ...Hey Zorbak, did you ever experience déjà vu?
Zorbak: Bah, you want me to say "déjà who?" and then you say "No, I think that's totally different," don't you? Well I won't! Meheheheheh.
Zorbak: Noticed how I totally defused his joke, General? That how ebil I am! Besides... that joke has totally already been told before!
«You»: This is very strange. Uhm... hmm. I totally forget what I was going to say.
Lucky O'LepraKhan: This be where you say "General O'LepraKhan, you're back. Again. What a surprise."
«You»: Er... right.
«You»: "General O'LepraKhan, you're back. Again. What a surprise."
Lucky O'LepraKhan: Aye, me brothers-in-arms are back -- and this time we be prepared, so hand over your gold!
Lucky O'LepraKhan: We may have suffered a... setback last year, with the help of my new Lucky Power Armor we will take OUR REVENGE!
«You»: ... A "setback." Right. That's a tactful way to describe "crushing defeat." So what is it this year, more of your "almagiscichemy(TM)"?
Lucky O'LepraKhan: YES!! My patent-pending combination of alchemy and Drakel magiscience now powers a Lucky Drive within each of the mecha piloted by elite Leprechaun warrior!
«You»: Hey Zorbak? That stuff I said earlier? Forget about it. So, General what color is the sky in this strange alternate reality where you think you actually stand a chance?
Zorbak: Oh, this is going to be GOOD. ...EBIL.
«You»: Look, last year you guys have messed up SO BADLY that you blew up your own base. You're not just 52 card short of the deck like I thought... you are missing the table, the chips, AND a dealer.
Lucky O'LepraKhan: You fools! I know what I'm doing! You will all fall before the might of the new LepraKhan Nation!!!
«You»: Yeah, you said that last year too. Uh... wait... You said that last time too. THOSE EXACT WORDS. ...In fact, this whole conversation feels incredibly familiar.
Lucky O'LepraKhan: Hah! Ye're imagining things, and ye think that WE'RE mad?! If the rest of ye be just as daft, ye'll fall before our might THIS time!
Lucky O'LepraKhan: Greencoats, fall back to our staging area! We will lunch the full force of our army from there!!

«As the Leprechaun mob leaves the scene, Greencoat sings...»

Greencoats: Take my clover, take my pot, take me where the weather's too hot. I don't care, I'm still wealthy, you can't take my gold from me...
«You»: Wow. You know, in hindsight -- wait does déjà vu count as hindsight? -- I was pretty rude to him.
Zorbak: What? Meh, whatever. The important thing here is there're gonna be some leprechaun corpses to reanimate -- it must be MY lucky day!
  • WAR!

    The Leprechaun Nation is back for Round 3... or is it 2? Maybe it's 2.5?! When they first appeared, they accused us of stealing their gold. Next, their leader Uncle Sham tried to tax all of Lore. Then they joined forces with a rogue Drakel named Lucky O'LepraKhan with a plan to turn their excess gold into fuel for war machines, and finally last year they're back again with more advanced weaponry! This year, er... wait... Didn't we already fight this war?
  • To Battle!
  • Shelayleigh Weapon!
    ******Guardians: You now have a Shelayleigh! It will disappear when you log out.
    ******Adventurers: If you become a Guardian, you can use this Shelayleigh!
  • Leprechaun Power Armor! - You have equipped a special Leprechaun Power Armor! It will disappear when you log out.
  • Explore Camp - 1 Leprechaun shot gives +0.1% Ranged Attack Bonus (up to 20% maximum)
  • Back to Town

  • 4-leaf Clover - Full Heal
  • Leprechaun Hat - You are now wearing a Leprechaun's tophat!
  • Potion Bag - Guardians only; Refills potions if they have less than 5 on hand
  • Treasure Box - Guardians only; Zorbak joins you in battle.
  • Click on Robina's bow if you want her to join you in battle!
  • Robina has joined!
  • Click on Captain Rhubarb's hat if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Captain Rhubarb has joined!
  • Click on Warlic's crystal ball if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Warlic has joined!
  • Click on treasure chest if you want Zorbak to join you in battle!
  • Zorbak will join you in the battle!
    To Battle!


    Level 0-14
    Am-Bush (3)
    Am-Bush (3)
    Baby Earth Dragon (6)
    Cyberchaun (10)
    Cyberchaun (10)
    Cyberchaun (10)
    Deathwood (2)
    Frogzard (0)
    GO-LD Walker (15)
    GO-LD Walker (15)
    Giant Cyberchaun (12)
    Giant Spider (1)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (14)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (14)
    O'Teeny (5)
    O'Teeny (5)
    O'Teeny (5)
    O'Teeny (5)
    Owl (10)
    Razorweed (15)
    Seed Spitter (2)
    Stone Golem (9)
    Werewolf Warrior (5)
    Wolverine (8)

    Level 15-39
    Am-Bush (40)
    Am-Bush (20)
    Chomper (19)
    Chrask (13)
    Cyberchaun (25)
    Cyberchaun (10)
    Cyberchaun (25)
    Deery (32)
    Deery (12)
    Ferocious Chrask (29)
    GO-LD Walker (35)
    GO-LD Walker (15)
    GO-LD Walker (35)
    Giant Cyberchaun (27)
    GigaWorm (30)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (29)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (29)
    O'Beany (22)
    O'Greeny (20)
    O'Greeny (20)
    O'Meany (25)
    O'Teeny (5)
    O'Teeny (5)
    Owl (28)
    Razorweed (35)
    Sneak (25)
    ToadZard (15)
    Whomp (15)
    Wolverine (25)
    Woodland Pack (15)
    Young Earth Dragon (19)
    Young Minotaur (20)

    Level 40-59
    Am-Bush (60)
    Am-Bush (40)
    Am-Bush (40)
    Chimera (60)
    Cyberchaun (55)
    Cyberchaun (40)
    Cyberchaun (25)
    Earth Dragon (39)
    GO-LD Walker (75)
    GO-LD Walker (55)
    GO-LD Walker (35)
    Giant Cyberchaun (57)
    Giant Cyberchaun (42)
    Gizzard (45)
    Green Knight (40)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (52)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (52)
    Minotaur Prime (60)
    O'Greeny (35)
    O'Greeny (50)
    O'Greeny (50)
    O'Greeny (35)
    O'Meany (55)
    O'Meany (40)
    O'Meany (40)
    Owl (58)
    Plodd (34)
    Razorweed (55)
    Slattwob (45)
    Sneak (35)
    Szniflip (38)
    Terropain (36)
    Wolverine (55)
    Woodland Pack (35)

    Level 60-84
    Alpha Werewolf (60)
    Am-Bush (80)
    Am-Bush (60)
    Am-Bush (60)
    Behemoth (65)
    Chimera (60)
    Cyberchaun (70)
    Cyberchaun (55)
    Cyberchaun (55)
    Deery (62)
    Earth Dragon (71)
    GO-LD Walker (95)
    GO-LD Walker (95)
    GO-LD Walker (75)
    Giant Cyberchaun (72)
    Giant Cyberchaun (57)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (74)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (74)
    Minotaur Prime (60)
    Nogh'da (60)
    O'Beany (67)
    O'Beany (67)
    O'Greeny (35)
    O'Greeny (65)
    O'Greeny (65)
    O'Meany (40)
    O'Meany (70)
    O'Meany (70)
    Razorweed (75)
    Sneak (75)
    Soralag, Drakel/Dragon Hybrid (60)
    Wolverine (75)
    Woodland Pack (65)

    Level 85+
    Alpha Werewolf (90)
    Am-Bush (100)
    Am-Bush (80)
    Am-Bush (80)
    Cyberchaun (85)
    Cyberchaun (85)
    Cyberchaun (85)
    Cyberchaun (70)
    Deery (82)
    Earth Dragon (91)
    GO-LD Walker (115)
    GO-LD Walker (115)
    GO-LD Walker (115)
    Giant Cyberchaun (87)
    Giant Cyberchaun (72)
    Herd Boss (100)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (89)
    Leprechaun Power Armor (89)
    O'Greeny (95)
    O'Greeny (95)
    O'Greeny (80)
    O'Greeny (80)
    O'Meany (85)
    O'Meany (85)
    Owl (78)
    Razorweed (95)
    Sneak (90)
    Woodland Pack (85)

    «After ??? monsters were defeated...»

    «Optional Healing after every other battle»

    «Deep within General O'LepraKhan's hidden secret liar, in the heart of inactice volcano south of Battleon...
    ... Yes, THAT one. The same one they use last two years... »

    Cyber O'Sullivan: Aye lads! We will have all the power we ever neeed! Yet I cannae help but feeling this won't end well...
    Cyber O'Sullivan: Still... Gold... Gold... I must have it... More Gold! I have the fever and the only cure is...
    Cyber O'Sullivan: More... er... gold.
    Junior Leprekhaun: Its certainly not leaving the middle of this active volcano, right above all this molten lava.
    Cyber O'Sullivan: This is very odd... Well nothing for it. O'REILLY! Bring the next load over. And be CAREFUL this time!

    «O'Reilly runs in and bangs into O'Sullivan, knocking a pot into the volcano... again.»

    Cyber O'Sullivan: This be more than Unlucky Charms breakfast bars. That tall fellow was right, I remember this all.

    «The scene shakes.»

    Cyber O'Sullivan: Oh-no that means that next...

    «The scene shakes again, several leprechauns fall to lava.»

    Cyber O'Sullivan: Oh boy... not AGAIN...
    Cyber O'Sullivan: ...AGAIN...

    «Scene: The lava rises>

    «You»: ...What is going on here?! The secret base exploded JUST like last year! ...Well, okay, the last two years. but EXACTLY like last time.

    «Gereral LepraKhan enters»

    «You»: I'm not going to even bother lecturing you. General. You didn't learn the last two times you tried, you won't learn anything this time either.
    Lucky O'LepraKhan: Again with your silly nonsense. Well, nonsense will not save you. It's not over yet!! My cyberchauns may be blown up, but you will feel...
    «You»: No! No! No! No! I heard the pun last year, and I won't put up with it again. Let's just get this fight over with. It will heard less!

    1 BATTLE
    Level 0-14: General LepraKhan (12)
    Level 15-39: General LepraKhan (24)
    Level 40-59: General LepraKhan (48)
    Level 60-89: General LepraKhan (72)
    Level 90+: General LepraKhan (96)

    Robina: You did it!! O'LepraKhan is finished
  • Rewards!

    Get War Reward! - Opens Past Blarney Rewards shop
    Skip Reward/Already Have It

    Robina: Phew! They must have stolen less gold this year, because explosion wasn't quite big enough to create time portal like last time. I wonder what they'll try to do next year!
  • I can't wait!

    You return to Battleon

    Entry by Bratac.

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