Deren Beach (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Deren Beach (4/1/2010 8:23:06)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > Deren Beach
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > Deren Beach
Prerequisite: Level 44

Deren Beach

Flight of the Brilhado

The Devourer, an unstoppable force that eats the life of entire worlds, has come back to Lore to feast again. Our only hope is to unite as much of the world against the Devourer as possible. The 8 prime elemental orbs must be brought together with the Orb of Creation to help accomplish this-- but the orb is broken, and its pieces are held in the clutches of evil Brilhado, servants of the Devourer!

War Camp Picture
War Counter Picture

Click on Nel:
Nel: Your mission is of the greatest importance, friend! Good Luck!
Nel: If you need to be healed I can help you.
*Two choices: Heal me Please or Let me handle this!*

If you click Heal me Please:
Nel: Your Health and Mana are fully restored!

K'eld Ner, the older sister city to K'eld Naer.
These are mountains. What did you think they were??
Darin, Governor of the Drakel city K'eld Ner
The Brilhado name Giliara. Brother of Diviara. Giliara does not follow the Devourer.

  • Back to Town
  • To Battle!

    Temporary Salvation Weapons!
  • Salvation Blade
  • Salvation Scepter
  • Salvation Bow
  • Quest for Permanent Salvation Weapons

    Who will you go into battle with?

  • With Giliara
  • By yourself

  • You fight 2 monsters from this list:

    All monsters are scaled to Level + 10
    Level 24 and Below:
    Brilhado Warrior
    Brilhado Ranger
    Brilhado Mage
    Undead Knight
    Undead Archer
    Undead Soldier
    Undead Moglin Knight
    Undead Paladin

    Level 25-54:
    Brilhado Warrior
    Brilhado Ranger
    Brilhado Mage
    Undead Frog
    Undead Freak
    Undead Skuller
    Undead Knight
    Undead Paladin
    Undead Moglin Knight
    Sand Shark

    Level 55-89:
    Brilhado Warrior
    Brilhado Ranger
    Brilhado Mage
    Pile o' Bones (Undead)
    Undead Mage
    Skull Swarm
    Undead Berserker
    Undead Moglin Demon
    Undead Basher
    Undead Paladin
    Sand Shark

    Level 90 and Above:
    Brilhado Warrior
    Brilhado Ranger
    Brilhado Mage
    Skull Swarm
    Undead Horse
    Fatalis (Undead)
    Undead Warlord
    Undead Basher
    Undead Moglin Demon
    Undead Paladin
    Sand Shark

    After 600,000 monsters defeated:

    You fight 3 monsters from the list above

    Diviara: They come. Do away with them.
    Necromancer: How many more until we finish?
    Diviara: You have such a linear mortal mind. The'Galin has had his hand in every major conflict since before his last coming to this world.
    Diviara: Even when he is not present, his agents manipulate the events of the world. Division is his meat, and many persons serve as his chefs.
    Necromancer: --my Lord?
    Diviara: It will end when our Master says it is.
    Necromancer: I should use The Cold right away and eliminate them.
    Diviara: You will not. My nephew is with them.
    Necromancer: He has been aiding the citizens. He is a traitor and must be put to death!
    Diviara: ..........
    Necromancer: Is something wrong, Lord Diviara?
    Diviara: Nothing is wrong. However, if Giliara is to be put to death, it shall be on MY hand and no one else's. Do you understand??
    Necromancer: Yes, my Lord

    Giliara: We have the first of the 5 pieces of the Creation Orb!

    Diviara appears

    Giliara: Brother, please, I know you have been long lost, but even for you it exists a chance for redemption.
    You: Listen to your brother, Brilhado-- or you're going to force me to kick your feathered butt!
    Diviara: Neither of you are in a position to make demands. This is far from over-- until we meet at the Cigeli Canyon bridge!

    Diviara leaves

    Giliara: To Cigeli Canyon-- and whatever fate may lie in wait for us!

  • Replay
  • Return to Town

  • War info thanks to ZzlzhtT. Monster List thanks to Khold. Links from ont. New location from Rhowena. Typo correction thanks to Mark Chung.

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