The Rise of Omega! (Full Version)

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Scakk -> The Rise of Omega! (4/1/2010 10:04:14)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > The Rise of Omega!
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > The Rise of Omega!
Prerequisite: Level 67

[image][/image]The Rise of Omega![image][/image]

«Scene: Battleon. At any time after the first line you can skip to the War Camp.»

Falerin: I feared as much. The`Galin's armies are drawing us to their attacks elsewhere. The only reason could be distraction.

«Diviara flies in»

Diviara: Am I to presume by this gathering that you do not plan on coming to Tralin's aid?
Falerin: We are indeed going. However, we have more pressing concerns, Brilhado. Galrick, please come out here.

«Enter Galrick»

Falerin: Galrick and I have spotted Ryuusei Cartwright on his way to Greenguard.
«You» The one who orchestrated the war on Paxia? Who refused to follow The`Galin's orders? He is here?! Why?
Diviara: He rarely needs reason. Everything is manipulation. He is the one who tried to have my son abducted, too.
Galrick: An evil man. He serves The`Galin out of entirely evil motives and the ultimate belief that he should fanatically destroy all creation.
Falerin: He is an alien from a race that has been all but obliterated. Due to his own actions Ryuusei serves The`Galin with blind devotion.
Galrick: His loyalty is suspect, though, given his willingness to twist orders to his own ends.
Falerin: He came to Lore waiting for the opening of the door to the Outland and the unlocking of the 9th avatar.
Falerin: That already happened, though in a far less spectacular way then* we expected, and so we knew it not.
Galrick: None of The`Galin's forces would have stopped you in this effort, because it was a sign for his armies as much as for us. Omega is coming-- that's for sure now.
«You» What do you mean?!
Diviara: So it is true, then. Cartwright is a Communicant and is working to enable Omega...
Galrick: You didn't know-- even as a General?!
Diviara: I knew it was strange that such an upstart who was not even a General or Communicant would rise to power so quickly.
«You»: Wait-- Who or what is Omega?
Diviara: When the Avatar began the rebellion among the Faceless, and it was known that those who wished to stop The`Galin were mobilizing--
Diviara: --there were people who voiced that there would come a force to end Creation.
Galrick: He was called The`Galin's Arm, or Omega, a tool who is used to enable him to focus his effort in a narrow way.
Diviara: Omega is The`Galin's response to Lorithia claiming Tralin as her Communicant.
Falerin: No. He is a response but to something else entirely.
Diviara: What might that be?
Falerin: Never mind for now-- just continue.
Diviara: Many believe Omega will be the form The`Galin takes when he arrives.
Galrick: Omega is an Avatar too, but not a Faceless. Omega is the manifestation of the Devourer himself--
Galrick: --and Ryuusei plans on bringing about Omega's arrival regardless of The`Galin's -- or anyone else's -- desires.
Falerin: The point is this. The other armies, while large and destructive, are just a minor force.
Falerin The brunt of that force follows Cartwright and plans to force The`Galin's manifestation as Omega. They are moving on the Cor-Dem Gate.
Diviara: Then he MUST be stopped.
Galrick: Count me in! We can't let him reach the Temple of Hope-- no matter what!!

The Devourer The'Galin has returned to Lore after a thousand years feasting on the elemental forces of hundreds of other worlds. The Devourer's plans to divide the beings of Lore has been failing and even many of his own followers in his Network have been changing sides. And so Ryuusei Cartwright, one of the Devourer's loyal believers in his mission of destruction, will do whatever it takes to complete the plan as intended...
  • To Battle!
  • Back to Town

    Twilly: Oh no's! There are so scary monsters out here today!!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can heal you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!

  • Yulgar the blacksmith has been away from town for a while, helping fight the Devourer!
  • Artix Krieger is a Paladin. He fights for the side of good and unity!
  • The Huntress has been tracking the Devourer's movements for centuries.
  • Diviara, a brave Brilhado warrior, once general of the Devourer's forces, has changed sides!
  • Galrick, a skilled fighter from Lore, visited a world called Terra, where he found a strnge item called a 'T-shirt'.
  • You must become a Guardian to test the Shiny Boy power armor!

    Guardians can refill their potions if they have less than five.
  • To Battle!

    Who will you go into battle with?
  • Artix Krieger
  • The Huntress
  • Diviara
  • Galrick
  • Yulgar
  • Twilly
  • By yourself

    «Full heal after the second battle.»
    «After 200,000 Monsters Defeated»

    «Scene: The Huntress and Galrick, both perspiring heavily, are standing in a field. You can press Skip to return to the War Camp.»

    The Huntress: I see you have broken a sweat in our efforts against Ryuusei's forces!
    Galrick: You caught me! It's hard work, kicking the Devourer's ugly teeth in! I have to point out that YOU seem to have broken a sweat yourself!
    The Huntress: Did I? I hardly noticed. I find my job rather relaxing.
    Galrick: Um, we seem to have some enemies approaching. Looks like a flanking maneuver. Before we get back to the mayhem, though--
    Galrick: -- I wanted to tell you that I hope you, uh, stay. Stay here after this is all over.
    The Huntress: ...............

    «The Huntress smiles»

    The Huntress: I have never thought about stopping my mission a thousand years. I never thought I could be happy doing anything else. But now-- maybe-- maybe I can.

    «Galrick smiles»

    Galrick: Hehehe! That's all I needed to hear. You just made my life worth living! Now let's go deal out some doom!!

    «Full heal after the second battle.»
    «After 550,000 Monsters Defeated»

    «Optional full heal after every other battle. Automatic full heal after all other battles.»

    «Enter Auricarus»

    Auricarus: My master has instructed me to hold you here as long as possible. Your defeat of my forces is impressive.
    «You»: You look different than the other Brilhado! Who ARE you?!
    Auricarus: Commander Auricarus. My family line is quite unique, and contains many great scholars and warriors. I am one of the last Goldwings. Our origins are deep in the past.
    Auricarus: Suffice to say that our supreme and many talents have been called upon by generations of leaders.
    «You»: I would think your vast intelligence would help you realize that your talents could do so much more than simply serve a force of chaos such as the Devourer.
    «You»: Think about it: Your family line is obviously special, and yet you are nothing but a soldier. A good one, I'm sure. But you should be the master of your own kingdom, not a servant for another.
    Auricarus: ..............
    Auricarus: I owe you no explanation. I owe you nothing unless you can prove yourself my equal!

    1 BATTLE
    Commander Auricarus

    «You»: Will you listen to me now? Your boss is losing. The Devourer's plans aren't working out the way they were supposed to. Too many of us are unifying.
    Auricarus: My "boss", The'Galin, is not evil. He is-- necessary. To serve him is to serve a higher purpose. But-- what you say is true. Though it is not HE that is your immediate threat.
    «You»: What could be worse?!
    Auricarus: A servant with great power, who is willing to do whatever it takes to make his master's plan succeed-- whether the master wills it or not.
    Auricarus: As for me-- I-- I can no longer remain here. There is too much for me to contemplate....

    «Auricarus flies off. The scene changes to Falerin and Galrick»

    Falerin: Delay Cartwright. It's time we act. I will do what I can about the other matter we discussed, Galrick.
    Galrick: Okay!

    «Falerin vanishes»

    «You»: What other matter was Falerin talking about?
    Galrick: Not right now-- Cartwright is just over there!
    «You»: Maybe we should wait for backup...
    Galrick: We can't delay this-- We have to face him now!

    «Scene: Ryuusei in the forest»

    Ryuusei: The Master's Communicant is now home as is proper. A debt is owed for his safe delivery.

    «You and Galrick enter»

    Galrick: Ryuusei...**********«You»: Cartwright--
    Ryuusei: And now the manifestation will proceed.
    Galrick: You will fall, Twain!

    «Ryuusei turns to face Galrick»

    Ryuusei: Never call me by that name. The persona of Robert Twain is as dead, as is my foolish stepfather.
    «You»: You want to use Galrick as Omega?!?
    Galrick: Not quite.**********Ryuusei: HIM?! No, never...
    «You»: ...................
    Ryuusei: He is a traitor and his fate shall be obliteration, not uncreation, for I wish society to remember you as the failure that you are.
    Ryuusei: NOW!!

    «Ryuusei steps back»

    «You gain Galrick as a guest. Full heal after each battle.»

    «Ryuusei returns»

    Galrick: Thought you could trick us, Twain?? You thought wrong!

    «Galrick starts attacking Ryuusei, but Ryuusei's arm transforms into a black claw. He impales Galrick, whose sword flies from his hand and lands behind him. Until the end of the scene, you can gain Galrick's Blade by clicking on the sword.»

    «You»: GALRICK!!!!

    «Galrick reaches towards Ryuusei, but collapses»

    «You»: Galrick--?
    Galrick: ...I am dying, as I knew I must....
    «You»: No!
    Galrick: I am afraid so. I knew that I would not survive this war... It's okay...
    «You»: It's NOT okay-- You helped us all!
    Galrick: Everyone dies eventually. He won't last much longer than me.
    Galrick: Just-- one thing--
    «You»: What?
    Galrick: Please ... remember me for the good I did. In the end. Do not judge me for my mistake.... Now take my sword. Do me the favor of running him through with it.
    «You»: This is not right--
    Galrick: Falerin told me once that life rarely ever is .... I think I actually managed to do pretty well for

    «Galrick's eyes close, and his body glows and vanishes. Ryuusei laughs maniacally, as the screen slowly fades to red.»

  • Golden Wing [L. 11]
  • Flaxen Wing [L. 29]
  • Gilded Guardian Wing [L. 55 G]
  • Golden Wing Z [L. 55 Z]
  • Gilded Wing [L. 55]

  • Aurous Wing [L. 70]
  • Auric Wing Z [L. 82 Z]
  • Auric Wing [L. 92]
  • Panchaloha Wing [L. 114]
  • Guardian Orichalcum Wing [L. 136 G]

  • Guardian Yliaster Wing [L. 147 G]

  • Agony Shield [L. 40]

    NEXT: The Manifestation
  • Replay
  • Return to Town

    Thanks to whackybeanz and Rhowena.


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