RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (Full Version)

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Timhortanz -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/25/2010 11:28:54)

Bwaha, 15 questions! You shall feel my wrath!
Bring it on! :P
1. Are your eyes brown?
Cuz I'm cool like that ;D
I thought I already said that somewhere...
Gosh, I hope that worked in the context of your answer.
Maybe... >.>
2. Bagels or English Muffins
Both, from time to time...
3. Can you name the ingredients of the human body? And the amount of each ingredient?
Not from memory, no.
4. Did you get those ingredients off of FMA?
Nope, my Frost Moglin Armor has nothing to do with the components of the human body.
5. Do you watch Anime?
Answered, but no.
6. Lies?
Nope, is teh twoof! I svears it!
7. Juice Box or Water Bottle?
Depends on the type of juice...
8. I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my THESAURUS! Please?
9. Pen or Pencil?
Doesn't matter to me...
10. Did you notice the wires yet?
What wires? o.O
You know, the wires!
11. The ones that are implanting false info into your brains, slowly turning you into a banana?
I would be a yummy banana...
Yeah, those ones.
Oh, right.
I wonder if that one worked in the context of your response... Probably not.
Hard to tell...
12. I r haz ur Soul?
Nope, my soul is currently property of Eukara, with a portion on loan to Nol.
13. Cereal or Toothpaste?
Depends on what it is being used for. I wouldn't want to brush my teeth with cereal!
14. Lets say I gave you a free trip to an exotic island, but the plane crashed and you are all alone on an island made of puppies that floats in the Caribbean. If you were allergic to dogs, would you stay on the island? Or try and swim away to a boat that looks about 5 miles away?
I would build/find some sort of flotation device and swim.
15. *Hands Pliers* Take this sandwich, and eat it when you get thirsty. ONLY When you get thirsty. Understand?
Yes. *nodnod*
Too bad.
Anyhoo, bai bai ;D

Anyways, I've heard you do... Hit missions... <.<>.> I need you... to... poke... Seahawk... With this hawk sensitive explosive *Hands HawkSensitive Explosive* ... and than put... this document *Hands document* in front of him... I can't find the avatar I submitted, and it's been a while, and it's within all the rules, and it's epic sauce.
Patient, young Padawan. All things will be done in time.

Edit: Curses!!! I missed the fourth page. TT~TT

DanteRulez93 -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/25/2010 14:49:22)

Im back for more idiotic questions

Banana or Apple?
Do you like Shredders?
Nuuu! OFF with their heads!

Whats 3+33+5^7?
/me passes a cookie
/Me takes gratefully.

I g2g


Did you notice I stole your color xD
Nonsense! >.>

Beowolve -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/25/2010 16:30:00)

Hey look! A 5th page!
O.O Where?!
If you could add any word to the dictionary, assuming it is made up, what would it be?
What would it mean?
How did you choose your name?
If you could be any other person on the forums, who would you choose?
I am quite content as myself, thank you.
*sees something shiny on the next page and runs off*
There will be no next page. [;)]


Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/25/2010 18:07:38)

YES! Fifth page!
Errr.. *thinks for an awesome question*

Take this!
Ooh! Pretty colors!
I thought of one!
No wait.. it's gone.
Wait, err!
How many times have you been muted in a row in AQW?

This is boldly, underlined, italic purple writing!

<insert question here>
<insert answer here>
This is underlined, bold, italic strikeouted orange writing!
Is "strikeouted" really a word?

That's all I can think of now.. not them being questions.
See you on the sixth page, or if you're not mentally insane yet. [;)]

EDIT: New additions. XD


Rhenroh -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/25/2010 19:44:12)

Let's see, let's see, what to do...

Anyways, first time I've have ever posted in a MTAK thread.
Really? They're quite fun no?
I offer you a cordial welcome to the AQW QandA section. Hopefully you can help alleviate the massive overflow of questions here.
I cannot reduce the number of questions, only try to impose some order on them.
1. /e Vaguely wonders why everyone thinks that repetitive or strange questions can drive an AK mad...
/Me wonders the same..

2. Have you found out/ enjoyed the madness that is Tercessuinotlim yet?

3. You've said that you have limited experience with AQW. So why is it that you have been selected to AK on the QandA, of all places?
I honestly have no idea. You should go ask Nol...

4. Slightly random one.
Would you accept a third pair of Shackles?
Possibly, depends on who/where was asking.

5. What is your favorite place on the forums? Your boards don't count.

6. Food for thought.
Let's say your most favorite food in the world is embedded inside of your most hated food in the world, and the only way to get it out would be to eat it out. Would you attempt to retrieve it?
Nah, *holds up chainsaw*

7. Let's get serious.
Compare the way you think and look at things to someone else. Do you find yourself to be drastically different, or eerily similar?
In comparison to whom?

8. Do you have a preferred lock-down signature? Like Coyote's Pokelock?
Not really...

Well anyways, have fun rapidly locking down every question and answer that this thread generates. Mayhaps we shall see one another again.

And with that, I bid thee a good day (or night [or morning {you never know}])
Oh look, Kirbies.

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/25/2010 21:26:47)

Page Five Finally >_>
/Me Snugglehugpouncesattacksgraspshugs Shredder ;D
/Me feels left out, and wonders who this "shredder" character is, to receive to much attention...
Question numero uno:
What country do you live in?
I live in China, but right now I'm visiting my aunt and grandparents in Texas.
Question numero due:
You disabled mah trap, you are indeed a master did you know :P?
Question numero tre:
Whats your favorite form of poetry?
I don't really have a favorite form, some poems just appeal to me more than others...
Question numero quatro:
Did you see what i did thar ^^
Question numero cinque:
Do you think I am from an Italian heritage?
Mebbeh... >.>
Question numero sei:
What is your favorite classic cartoon? Mine, Dragon Ball Z >:D
I loved the classic Scooby Doo cartoons, too bad they screwed that whole thing up big time...[:(]
Secret Message For Teh Win?
You DO realize that when I edit your message I see that right?

Question numero sette:
Do you like my signature? Do you see where the reference is from?
Hehe, I've heard that song a few times...
Question numero otto:
Have you thought of a custom lock?
I've thought of a couple, but not really started using any yet.
If you ever need help on AQW, Drop me a PM I'll be glad to help ^.^
I'll keep that in mind, thanks!
I wish you good luck with the AKing here.
/Me loosens Shred's chains.
/Me hopes Eukki and Nol don't notice...
/Me leaves a cookie and walks away.
/Me snatched cookie before Lazy can steal it.

ultimate leg -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/26/2010 4:15:46)

I've seen you locking some posts an awesome job so far, Hope to see more of you :)
Thank you. :P

Jun...... -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/26/2010 4:49:35)

So, we meet again.
I bet you know where the coordinates to the hyperium, DON'T YOU?
Maybe... >.>
Will you tell me?[:)]
Do you cook pie?
I have on occasion, yes.
What's your AQW name?
Would you shred Drakath into pieces if you had the chance?
Maybe... >.>
That's all for me for now. See ya later, shreddernater.

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/26/2010 8:39:58)

Wow Q&A MtAk threads always progress so far ... Oh teh noes I double posted
/me throws 7.5 cookies on the table and runs.. I had 8 cookies but I eated half.. *puppyeyes*
/Me snatches cookies and writes Jonzee Boy's name down in THE BOOK.

Black Arrow -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/26/2010 21:07:08)

Whut? Gah, I've been away for too long.

Ohaider Mr. Shredder.
Err.... Shreder.
That's better. :P
So, whats hanging?
Eh...not much.
Eukara or Lazy?(I think thats your term for Lady Azura, Azjuria, Azjura- Gah. Nevermind. ._.)
Now do you really think I'm stupid enough to answer that? XD
Soo... Do you have a pet?
My family has one dog, three cats, three rabbits and four fish.
If so what is it's name?
*Deep breath* The dog is Molly, the cats are Nutmeg, Mama Missy and Sino, the rabbits are Esmeralda, Misty and Muffin, and the fish are Clarence, Bob, Joe and I forget the name of the last one.
What's your favorite smileh?
Feo Err, sorry wrong person, tlfo or the one who made you an AK?
Again, I'm not stupid enough to answer these sorts of questions. :P
Question, I've been away for too long I can't remember what's up here in the forums, so is tflo still here?
Yep, he just recently became head mod of MQ Pedia.
Who are the AKs that've left already? O_O
I don't know how long you've been gone, so I can't answer this.
Okay, that will be enough, for now.
Alright then.
See ya!

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/27/2010 4:26:05)

/spins in a wide, meaningless circle
/Looks confused.
Hiyas and tagged!
Hi! And thanks a lot!
Which is better? A kite (the shape)... or a rhombus?
Does it really...matter?
"You learn something new every day" True or false statement?
Perhaps "every day" might not be entirely correct, but in general I agree with the idea that we are constantly learning.
Trajan is Trojan misspelt. True or false?
What exactly IS a "Trajan"?...
Do you prefer loose change (i.e. coins) or notes?
You has happy fun time with Q&A thread? :D
Oh yesh. :P
I'll be sure to pass on the renovation/extension plans for your cell to the builders - don't want to prolong your claustrophobia :o Bye now! ^^

Crystal Lion -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/27/2010 7:16:59)

Oh, hello.
Do you like lions?
They're pretty cool, yes.
Are you Chinese?
No, but I have lived in China for most of my life.
Do you like to eat potatoes? What about chocolate?
Both are foods I enjoy. [;)]
I hate seafood! Do you?
Yeah, I'm not too fond of it either...
Would you like to read my story? Click on my sig.
Maybe some other time, if I remember...

Shynk -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/27/2010 13:44:54)

Well...these questions were originally for Leu but since he locked it and didn't finish answering the questiosn mine never got answered.....but then you came along >:D
These questions are EXTEREMELY random and kind of dumb... :D this is because i got bored T-T
Anyway....We might as well get on to the questions...
Ok then!
I'm back (how many times have you seen that so far 0.o)
Many. :P
What is your way of getting money on AQW?
If a rampaging bunny was coming after all of you AKs, which AK would you trip in order to get away? Explain who and why :D (told you i ask dumb questions ._.)
Why would we be running? The rabbit wouldn't stand a chance. XD
If you found Cysero's precious left sock in the middle of an open field would you go grab it or think its a trap? Explain why and what Cysero might do.
I would grab a nearby stick and poke it to test for traps, and if they weren't any, I would take it and give it back to him.
If you were sneaking into Beleen's room and her pancake chinchilla hugged your leg (and got stuck on your leg and the floor from the syrup) what would you do to prevent yourself from being caught?
Why would I be sneaking into Beleen's room? XD
What is your favorite pokemon?
Don't really have one...
*gives Shreder an intermission cookie*
What is your favorite type of grass 0.o
Um...The green kind?
How can woodchucks chuck wood?
If i gave you another cookie what would you do with it besides eat it :o
Eat it Keep it for later.
If Yulgar died and gave you all his money he had what would you do with it?
Put it in the bank and donate the interest to charity. *Nodnod*
Which weaponsmith do you perfer? Cysero or Lim?
Both make good weapons, but Cysero is so random I think he wins...

Shreder -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/27/2010 16:19:46)

It's been over a week, and with that, this will be locked.

I'll leave it here for a few days so anyone who wants to read it can, and then I'll move it over to the Archives.

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