=MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (Full Version)

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Darth Torin -> =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 20:35:06)

Hey guys! Lucky me, answering whatever questions you have. I'll take repeat questions(as long as I can tell its an accident)though you might not get repeat answers.

Oh, and 15 question limit please.

I'll be editing with this color. So BEGIN.

Reaper Sigma -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 20:37:24)

Darth Torin? They made you an AK?
Well, first off, congratulations!
So, are you going to enjoy AKship?
You know it.
Is the cake a lie?
Um...Erm...*looks at avvie* ohh...no.
That's all. Bye
Thanks for asking!

Timhortanz -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 20:38:32)

OMG <3

Thanks! Especially for putting my color here so I didn't have to :)
How many questions are we allowed?
15's the limit for me.
Did the question above this one count as one?
No, it counts as four
How about the one above this one?
negative two
And the one above this one?
Are you seeing a trend?
I have no idea what your talking about
What is that color code? I want to add ur tagz :3
The one you originally had in the next question
Is it perhaps... THIS?!?!
:O How'd you know!?!
Or maybe not. D:

I r haz ur soul?
nupe. But I haz your bacon :D
Wut are you gunna do now that I stole your color?! >:D
Change it. HA!!
Anyways, yeah. Gratz :3
thanks again!
See you on page two... :3

forumlogin -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 20:50:31)

It's the lying cake guy!
No, it's the not lying cake guy cake guy :P
Where did you get your name anyways? I don't recall seeing you in that thread.
There's this thing called Star Wars,see, and I really like it.
Have you ever entertained (doesn't have to be accepted, just entertained) any conspiracy theories?
Like...The Russian and taco operation?
Are you a conspiracy theory?
oh great he's on to me better get him NO
Have you seen any unusual animals?
if you mean like a platypus, no.
Like a platypus?
Besides Perry? Nope.
Did you pet it? If yes, how did it feel?
Soft. Even though I haven't.
Have you been to Australia? If yes, is everything there really trying to kill you?
Nope. But the only thing that kills there are the super koalas.
Do you actually live in Australia?
Naw, mate.

Aww, too bad.
I wanted to know what Australia and platypi were like. :P

.Silver -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 21:21:12)


Did you ever watch Boy Meets World?
I've watched about thirty episodes this weekend. It's intense

Do you recognize me?
I've seen you around here, yea :)
I ask all ak's that.

If so, do you respect me?
You are like a bug under my heel. Of course!
You're the first one I've ever asked that

What are your favorite books? Just name, say... four?
Ender's Game, 1984, The Princess Bride, Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
so i herd u liek mudkipz?
ya rly
What academic level are you right now? High School, College, Masters program, etc
High School
Do you like sports?
I don't have the attention span to watch them pro, but sure I'll play a pickup game here and there. I do fencing for school sport.
Well, good luck. Hope to see you around.
P.S. I once watched every Star Wars Episode I-VI in one night.Fanboys unite!

Captain Kidd -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 21:26:53)

Congrats on being an AK, Darth Torin!

Seeing that your name is Darth Torin, what's your favorite Star Wars character?
Favorite movie?
SW:EpV, though it's a close call between that and The Matrix.
What is the coolest place you've travelled to?
Dunno, but I had plenty fun in Orlando, FL
And last but not least...the question I ask all new AKs...(That will ultimately form my overall thought-process when I read your name [:-] )

Pirates or Ninjas??

Ah, wise choice...[;)]

Have a good one, DT and congratulations again!
Thanks for stopping by!


sacchi -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 21:27:25)

^You better said pirates. And please ignore Crimzon5's post, or at least his comment on ninjas.

And I had thought that you weren't going to do a thread.
When did I ever say that? :/
Gotta ask, was I the first person to congratulate you? Second? Third? I better be in the first ten!
2nd, no prize though :(
By the way, you do realize you just doomed yourself making the thread. You have to edit who knows how many posts. Good luck with that :PAh well. I needed something to do for the weekend.

And you're gonna be AK of the Entertainment Board too? Or just OOC?
I'm pretty sure my power spreads to there too.
From 1 to 10, you'll abuse your power how much?
heheheh...don't worry 4 at most. For now. Until the realization of scary modding powers settles in.[sm=evilking.gif]
...You won't ever send me warnings, right? I was in the first ten! >_>
I don't know what your talking about[sm=icon_twisted.gif]
Alright, that's it. Cya.

EDIT: Wait! You're not gonna get a custom avvy?
I'm trying to decide a custom avvie. But maybe not.

alexmacf -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 21:31:48)

DARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Gratz!

*gives cookies*
mmmm*munch* Thanks!
What's your custom avvy going to be?
Either cake or Star Wars, unless I find something else I like.
Well, see ya around!

draketh99 -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 21:34:59)

torins an AK??? dang.... congratz man!!!!
question one, its become my suspicion that they make the people with the coolest names AKs or mods, do you confirm this or deny it? ;)Deny. You have to show you're responsible AND have an awesome name (jk)

2. have you seen green girl ( i dont remember her new name, but she tends to have a habit of editing MTAK threads.....)
No idea.
3. fave AE game?
Dragonfable. Though I spend more time on the forums than the games these days.
4. This statement is false
^ is the above statement true or false?
The answer to the question is found in this statement.
5. vegeta! whats the scouter say about his AK power level?
OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![:D]
6. what else should i ask?
Before you ask, I don't take yoga :/
well thats it for nao. peace and congratz again
Thanks again for stopping by :)

edit: hi crimz!!!!! you get cookie points for the ninjas!

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 21:35:37)

Heyas Darth Vader Torin!Hey!

Ignore Sacchi! Say NinjasNEVER!!

1) What made you choose that font color?
I used it a while back on the AQW forums.
2) Favorite book/author
Ender's Game/ Orson Scott Card
3) Favorite pie flavor?
Apple. I'm more of a cake guy :D
4) Want a Happy Meal?
5) What do you think of spin-offs? Personally, I only like a few
Same. Some good, some bad. Very few ever truly as good or better than the original
6) Why isn't the cake a lie?
Because the number 4 isn't red :P
Anyways, I'm off to go uhh... somewhere. Buh-bye!Yep ^.^

Josh -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 21:48:36)

Ooh, a new one. Congrats :P[:)]

How's the cell?

One thing. When Vaka gets back on here, feed him chocolate. Loooots of chocolate. In no way does it lead to anything bad.
I promise you.

That's it really :P Just...don't delete the OOC rules like I did once...:O

lonewulfy -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 22:07:24)

The Vital Apparatus Vent will deliver a Weighted Companion Cube in three, two, one.

This Weighted Companion Cube will accompany you through the test chamber. Please take care of it.
*Grabs Companion Cube and uses for stepping stool*
No one will blame you for giving it up. In fact, quitting at this point is a perfectly reasonable response. Quit now and cake will be served immediately.
But the cube had food and maybe ammo and immortality. And the Cake is a-
I have a game for you. Who uses this color?
Who edits like this? This?
shreder110 and The Shadowed1(Yea, I totally looked at your spoiler :P
I tire of this game. Have you ever heard of Super Mario Bros. Z?
Made of Win right there.
Then go watch it right now. No matter what.


It was home-made. Don't you want a nice, homemade cake too? All you need to do is incinerate the Companion Cube.

Just incinerate the Companion Cube, and there will be cake for all.

Armakuny, shreder110, TheShadowed1, found by personal experience and being used to spriting.

Apocalyptic Silence -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 22:18:54)

Thou hath been captured. ;p

Congratz Torin!

No questions here, have fun! ;)Thanks :)

toidiedud -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 22:27:43)


I have one question and one question only.

A man claims his great great grandfather spoke to and knew well James Buchanan's(15th President of the US)wife to a doctor however there was one thing wrong with this.

The great great grandfather had one of these mental illneses.

A- Insanity

B- Schizophrenia


D- Drain Bramage

Now then after you answer this then tell me why that is the right answer. I'm thinking B(Drain Bramage though, lol) seeing as Buchanan never married.

WA -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 22:42:19)

I have one question... for now...

Is there a question limit?

See you later...15 at most

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/9/2010 23:00:42)

Boo! :o
Did I get you?
Well, welcome to the team! :D
How does it feel to polish my axe? :o
It's old and chipped. You should think about a replacement.
Eh, I'm not going to bother you anymore... you need to get back to polishing! n_n
Oh fine.
Congratulations, and welcome to the team! :D


FC -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 0:44:45)

Holy shizzle!

You an AK!?
Grats * snuggie*
*death grip hug*
I kinda knew this would happen, and yet I am still suprised.

* Uncle Ben* With great powers, comes great responsibility*/ Uncle Ben* Do you fell mighty with all the new buttons and features?
Once again, congrats :3Thanks!

The Forgotten -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 1:48:48)

Darth Torin!

Gratz and welcome to the AKs!

No questions from me.


Yammka -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 3:08:09)

I was looking for this thread to show up. As a fellow Star Wars fan I have several questions to ask you.

1. Which Star Wars movie is your favorite? Answered . . .

2. Are you into the Star Wars Expanded Universe, and if so, what's your favorite series/book/game/etc.?
Video game:Either KOTOR or RepublicCommandos Books were the RepCom series too, but they kinda lost their appeal to me near the end.
3. Trivia question: What is the native language of the Wookiees called?Shyriiwook?

4. Another trivia question: Which Star Wars book series does my screenname come from?
I honestly don't know...*sob* I'M A FAILURE
5. Would you advocate a 7th movie bridging the two trilogies? I, personally, would.
Thought that was somewhat bridged by games like TFU and maybe some other books. I'd like a KOTOR age one, only if it's better than the prequels.
6. Moving away from Star Wars, what is your favorite genre of music?I really listen to anything, pop, rock, classical, but NOT rap.

7. Favorite TV show?Mythbusters. I don't watch alot of TV.

8. And lastly, my most ridiculous question, do you shoot small animals for fun?The only time is in video games. I'm not very cruel in RL.

9. Oh, wait, one last question: Why Darth Torin? Why did you choose that name?Torin's the name I use for the protagonist of any fantasy I dream or any game I play usually.

Congratulations again, Darth Torin.

Oh, and by the way, "The OOC Room. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. You must be cautious."snicker

sean.2 -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 3:26:05)


Wow, a lot has happened since my last visit!

Major congratz Darth Torin :D
Thanks :D
Two questions...favorite console?
PS3 is great, but I really enjoy Nintendo games alot...
And secondly, fav game you've evar played?
Mario Galaxy. First game I played on the Wii, it blew me away.
Once again, congratulations and enjoy smiting all forumites AKship!Oh, I'll enjoy it alright(the question is which of the two I'll enjoy more >:O

SoulWing -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 3:53:13)


How did I get here?

Erm, favourite digit in Pi?
the 1 in 3.14 :/
Favourite Looney Tunes character and why?
Elmer Fudd, just cause of the way he talks.
...I can't think of any questions today!


D: Stop pointing that lightsaber at me!But it's fun!

*backs away*

Yea like I'm gonna fall for...DID YOU SAY BACON?*turns around*
*throws a tub of yogurt at Torin, and runs off*HEY THERE'S NO BACON[:D]

Baron -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 7:05:49)

Hey Darth Torin and congratulations! Thanks, Baron

I definitely saw this one coming :)

Favorite drink?
tequila sweet iced tea
/me gives Darth 50 <enter favorite cookie flavor here> cookies as a congratulations gift!
Peanut Butter!*nomnomnom*
Good luck!

/me congratulationsgoodbyenightsnugglepouncetackles Darth


Neopie -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 7:24:09)


Nice job.
You want out of the Ak room?
Hows the shackles?
Mine have humiliating pink flower patterns :P

GameSuper Mario Galaxy

Ender's Game, though I just read Princess Bride and thought it was really good.
The ones that aren't evil(wait a minute)
The big one.
my index

Pokemon. For manga too. I never really got into either much, so the only one I ever saw was Pokemon.

Digital X -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 8:58:57)

Gratz on your AKship ^_^ :D

Thought of any fancy titles?
I sorta have one now
What's your post locking phrase, if you have one?
Oh right, I need to think of one...um...huh.
Reaction when you got the PM?
oh look a warning for some post of mine they deemed inappropriate...oh wait. [:)]
Have some Truth Cake, as the other peice is a lie. I assure you that you don't want that peice :P
If you ate a slice of truth and a slice of lie, would it be zero cake?
All from me at the moment, i might be back.

Sgtbobbycar -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 11:45:04)

Oh Hai thar HAI

How is being an ArchKnight
Archknight-y. Which is pretty good.
Congrats on becomming one aswell
You know not enough people say tata anymore
personally I'd like to hear forsooth or prithee :/
I think it is because Hannibal Lector said it

well tata now tata for now

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