RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (Full Version)

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DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 11:51:35)

Hiyas, Darth Torin

Congratz to your ArchKnight title ^^
Thanks :D
I really don't know what to ask or so, but I'll give it a try.
Why did you wanted to be an AK? For the powerbecause I enjoy making the world a better place :P
Why OOC? I the community here I guess.
Do you like NES, SNES or other game consoles from nintendo? :P
I used to have a N64. Now I have a Wii.
Yeah, as I said.. I gave it a try ^^

PS: the color trap is activated >:3


Timhortanz -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 12:13:48)

<3 Next page :3
And ur jealous.
Okay, let us begin.. Young padawan...
What? Now I am the Master

Do you watch anime?
Not much.
Favorite type of kitten?
Pretty much any type that's nice to me. Not a lot of them.
OMG 0MF6 D4R7H 1 R C4N H4Z M0DZZ?!?!?!??!/
Don't hurt me?
Wait, did that qualify as a question?
So does this.
The cake is a ____
Oh. Darn.
The answer was Magic.
Oh duh. /facepalm
Too bad.

One last question, are you ready?!
Don't answer the rhetorical ones.
But I like rhetorical questions!
Anyways, yeah. Question.

Shoe is to feet, as pants are to ____!!!
Hint: The answer is plural.

That's all for me <3

See you on the next page >:D


Ohyah, did you see waht I did thar? >:D YA

Shreder -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 12:22:06)

Hey shred!
I've already said this, but congrats!
Thanks again.
Notice I put in tags for you. [;)]
I appreciate it ALOT.
So how's it going so far?
Not bad, not bad at all
Favorite book/author?
Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card
Favorite poem/poet?
Bah, poetry.
Favorite color? (May already have been asked, I'm too lazy to go back through...)
Favorite food? (Same as above.)
Fried rice
Well that's all, congrats again!

BadHulk -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 16:04:39)

Do you like your chains?
Just hand me the laser pen, will you?
Congratz by the way.
Thanks alot.
You never saw me.

Ubear -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 17:32:59)

Hey hey hey
Hey ubear!
Congratulations! :D
I heard the cake is a lie
Looks pretty tasty, though.
I don't post much in OOC so I haven't got much to say...

So yeah congrats, again, and hope you have fun [:)]
Yup. See ya around!

tflo -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 17:34:38)

favorite genre of music?
Anything really. Maybe Rock or Pop.
favorite game system?
Wii. I enjoy the sword motions.
call of duty?
Black Ops looks pretty interesting.
if they call it tourist season, why can't we shoot at them?
You mean you're town doesn't?
if you get scared half to death twice, what happens?
Nice try. 1/2*.5=1/4 So you end up 3/4 dead.
am i cool or what? what. JK cool :)

in a thesis essay, please explain why you wanted to be an archknight.

I'd love too, but...*Poofs away*

I -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 18:03:44)

Hello (Important person here) Yes, yes I am.

Thanks! Cake will be served at the party.
How're you doing?
Do you like mudkipz?
ya I like mudkipz
Is obama really black?
who's obama. I only know Obama.
I'm not an OOC-er,so i'll just leave now,have fun.


Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 18:10:33)

Time to confuse you :O *Reverses*
!oY(wait, that spells oy. lol)
seviG* a *eikooc
*mon mon mon*
tsuJ tnaw ot yas ,stargnoc ,kcul doog dna evah !nuf D:
knaht ouy
*Reverses back*
well, that was fun.

Valosity -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 18:29:32)

Hiya! Just a comment:



Yep thanks!

Xplayer -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 21:46:20)

Hey you're that...that guy!
Are you sure you're not confusing me with THAT guy?
Congratulations on ascending the ranks as part of a master plan to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
*evil laughter*
Favorite Cake?
Well, I know this Russian lady who makes some amazing Russian cake. But usually just chocolate.LOTS of chocolate.
I choose you, Salamence!
Go! Magikarp! :D
I summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon!
I lost my deck along time ago!(starts to run away)
I just got out of school!
See you around...(and another anticlimactic ending to a post).
I'll do it *blows stuff up*

Circe -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 23:26:54)

Hiya Darth Torin!
Hey, Circe!
Welcome to the OOC! Please deposit your sanity into this basket as you enter!
There's not much to deposit :)
What is your favorite color?
Crimson red, though I'm fond of this shade of yellow too.
Who is the fairest of them all?
me, of course
What's a Torin?
A completely pulled out of thin air fantasy name.
Welcome again! We're so thrilled to have you on the team. :) Have fun and enjoy the shiny new toys!
So..many buttons!

Icy -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 23:36:27)

O hai Darth Torin!
hai Icy!
Welcome to the AKs! Nice to have ya on board. :)'s the OOC treating you? :|
with lots of cookies :)
If you could travel any place, mythological or real, where would you go?
Coruscant. So I could raze it to the ground have fun doing tourism stuff.
How many languages do you speak?
Well, English, Latin II, even though it's dead.
Is Darth Torin the Sith in Star Wars 7? :o
He's also Luke's sister's adoptive aunt's bodyguard's father in Ep 8 :P
Would you prefer Fried Strawberries or Blenderized Shrimp?
Deep fried Strawberries. I wonder if they have those in Texas?
'tis all for now! Good luck! :D

Leumas Dragonsword -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 23:40:26)

Hot soup!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, new and inovative questions coming at you, hopefully. -___-

Greek or Roman Mythology?
Roman, even if they are basically the same.
Who would win in a Mud Fight, Captain Kirk or Anakin Skywalker (Pre-Vadar)
Rugby or American Football?
Just non-American football. Or football. Not into rugby.
Telekinesis or Teleportation?
I'll hopefully have more, if you want it to be so, I didn't realise that asking questions was this hard.
Thanks for stopping by!
See you around, hopefully.

Oh, and congratulations, I hope you have a good time and enjoy yourself. =)

Kaelin -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 23:53:29)


Hello, Kaelin :)

Genoclysm -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/10/2010 23:59:22)

If I told you I was lying, would it be the truth?
Just because the lie is truth doesn't mean the truth is always truth. Sometimes lies are the best truth....What?
Why did you do what you now wish you didn't?
Because my brain is conspiring to kill me.
Where's Waldo?
Hiding in a cardboard box in New Mexico.
Why didn't you do what you now wish you did?
Why did you ask this question? AHHHHHHH
What is the answer to life, universe, and everything?
Fortay TOOOO
What is the single most beautiful thing you ever heard?
It was either the orchestra, or the whoosh of my fan sometime one winter night.
What is a box without hinges, key, or lid but has golden treasure hidden within?
Are you home or is home elsewhere?
Home is where the heart is...So I guess my homes hiding somewhere in a secure lab 12 miles under Lincoln, Nebraska.
If someone smacks your forehead, what could you have had?
Coulda had a V8 :D
Have you ever had a hope crushed?
Not a real, honest to goodness hope. But I may have crushed someones hope before [sm=icon_twisted.gif]
How do you get the Javelin II or the Zodiac Spear? (I'll accept either one.)

Have you ever had a dream fulfilled?
The one about being a Jedi riding the toy horse from Toy Story has yet to be fufilled.
Why do they sell Oreos as they are when they know everyone gets them for the icing anyways?
People don't JUST get it for icing; they also get it to pull it apart and then lick the icing on both sides.
Is hope an evil, a crutch, a necessity, or a gift?
Hope is a girl on the soccer team at my old school.
Where in the world is Carmin Sandiego?
Last I heard, she was in the Garden State. :P I liked that game.
Oh... and this was because Circe totally told me to spam you. At least it's interesting spam. He'll get his *muahahahahahaha*

Glais -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/11/2010 0:05:47)

Because I am in a particularly...averagely opaque decent mood, I am gonna ask all 15 questions! Yay!
Oh right, congratulations!
Thanks, Glai!
Notice that every of these questions has a right and wrong answer...WHAT A CONCEPT! but if any are wrong, or are marked with worms(but who would do that?) then your next cup of drink(TM) will explode...
That was supposed to be dramatic or something...

Uhh, let's just begin...

1.Why did you choose that color for editing? It's a bit a good way, I think...
I don't know. It just...It's not my favorite or anything, but I like it *shrug*
2.Imagine one day you woke up and you were... THIS GUY!-----What do mean that "isn't a question?"
...Ew. Can I be some... less ugly star wars villain type?
3.Darth Vader says "NOOOOAOOOAOOOOO!!!" strangely, is this the truth...or a mere....opinion(DUN DUN DUNNN!)

4.Assume Grimlock hired a Fat Guy to shut down the cage....keep in mind that Jurassic Park is frightening in the do you react if you're there?
I'm sorry, I've completely forgotten the answer, since now I'm paralyzed with fear of the thought of RAPTORS.
5.Mace Windu vs Jango Fett was a bit unfair don't you think?
A complete downer. GL apparently has a problem with giving Mandalorians cool deaths(I mean really, Blind Han beats Boba?)
6. Why the heck does he talk like this?
Cause it's supposed to be scary?
7.Do you like martial arts? Or know who Tony Jaa is? If you do or don't I recommend... THIS and AND THIS!
Never really got into them. But cool.
8.I have no idea who you are...IDENTIFY! And uh, this is completely somehow a question, in fact if you get this one wrong...beware the goats man....
9.Do you like TransFormers? Oh well, This is awesome, it cannot be denied, just like Ice Cream and Count CocoFang.
Mostly outgrown it, but yeah, I still like it.
10.Is this questioning odd?
No. But what's with...Ok never mind he quit swinging the monkey.
11.Is CheeseCake a good food?
Why Yes.Yes it is.
12. This is possibly the single most awesome Vampire in existence, do you agree?(and I don't even like Vampires...)
Lol, agree!

13.Too many of my questions are based on whether you agree with me, are they not?
I disagree! Oh wait.
14.I am running out of questions, oh no! At least I'm not walking out of them...
You could try riding them.
15.This interrogation has ended, did you answer the questions correctly?
Oh well, I'll spoil it, sorry but...
This was your fate, so sad....

Ok, I guess you can have a...
good fate

All I saw were sharks :P
This concludes the interrogation.

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/11/2010 14:56:35)

Hiyas. =)

No questions from me. Just stopped by to say congratulations and have fun. ;D

Thanks for posting!
Sorry about the lazy post, though. =P

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/11/2010 21:25:56)

Hey, Ebil.
Please tell me you have mastered the art of not being seen.
I have mastered the art of being unseen
Or expected the Spanish inquisition.
NOBODY Expects the-I'll come in again.
Or know how to defend yourself against fresh fruit (they're horrifying to fight!).
Yea. Kill all watermelons :P
Okay enough of that.

Hm....what's one of your favorite mythological figures or creatures?
RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!! Not all that accurate, I know, but it was pretty awesome.
I hope you're not in Soviet Russia right. For you see, in Soviet Russia, MtAK thread edits YOU!!
In Soviet Russia, witty responses fail at YOU.
Got any good quotes hanging around that would be fun to quote right now? ;)
My two favorites:
God is dead. ~Nietzsche
Nietzsche is dead. ~God

Um...yeah. I guess that's it. Can't think of anything else, so welcome to the fold, and I hope your trip into this fold didn't result in too much sanity loss. ;)
See ya around!
So have fun!


demolitiondragon -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/12/2010 1:32:52)

Greetings and good luck.

OmegaBreak -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/12/2010 19:23:49)

Congrats, broski

Thanks alot, Omega!

IceGems -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/12/2010 20:25:35)

hai Darth!

Congratz on the AK thing. I wonder how many Ak there are on here..
Thanks, IceG!
1.) do u like pie?
More of a cake type, but yea.
2.) Do you like egyptology?
3.) you from canada or U.S.A.?
The one with less curling.
4.) you have any pets in real life?
5.) ever been in a violent storm?
I was in a blizzard once on a highway. an 18-wheeler jackknifed 2 cars in front of my family and slid...several meters. Pretty freaky.
6.) do you like Adventure quest?
Sorta. It's too big and complicated for me, compared to DF or MQ.
Well bai Now I'm out of questions to ask ._.

~IceGems gothca again! or did she..? Oh Rly?
Ya Rly

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/13/2010 6:41:48)

Oheya Torin, didn't see you there.

1) What do you prefer to be called?
Don't care. DT, Darth, Torin, whatever.
2) Would you prefer tags/no tags?
again, no preferences
Now.. on with the questions.

3) Where the previous two lines questions?
Why yes, yes they were.
4) Am I question?
No, you're the problem. The problem I'm about to correct [sm=fantastisch_05.gif] false alarm.
5) How would you define question?
Is this a question?
6) Define coherent.
well ordered, clear, concise, etc.
7) What number can you count too in 0.9321749284237834598432 seconds?
I can count to...3? .14159265
8) Define oblique in non-mathematical terms.
But I like math! Oh. It's a muscle. That too.
9) Which Greek language(s) did the word did English relate too?

10) How many times do you use Google in an average day?
About 8. Unfortunately, not many people realize you can google stuff you don't know(sigh)
11) Find the average:
50305, 58290, 424358923, 3, 6280

aghhhh. You like math apparently. 84,894,760.2 :P

12) Do you watch television on a daily basis?
Not usually during the school year, but now that it's summer I just found Doctor Who and I like it.
13) The cake is a lie!
Even though, y'know, there WAS cake at the end.
14) Was number 13 a question?
15) How was your day? :3
Good so far.
Have fun, enjoy yourself, congratulations,

Myra -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/13/2010 7:15:03)

Hi Darth Torin!

I guess with an MtAK in the OOC, you get a lot of questions ... :)

So I'll just say Congrats, and have fun here!

My work here is done, yours just started :p

Oh joy, work. But thanks, Ranger!

MechaMistMage -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/13/2010 7:50:01)

Why do you get to be a head honcho? Ha! I called you a head honcho!
Not really a head honcho, but yea, I have some powers now.

*falls off cliff*


seventy two -> RE: =MtAK=OOC's Darth Torin (5/13/2010 19:57:39)

Congrats, have fun with your new power.

Thank you, seventy two :)

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