Lt. Krath (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> Lt. Krath (5/12/2010 16:45:47)

Lt. Krath
Type: Guest
Location 1: Hangar Deck > Stormfront > MISSIONS > JAILBREAK > Break out Ba'Tokk! > Fight alongside Lt. Krath!
Location 2: WarpGuardian Tower > Warpguardian Missions > Inspection

Base = 0.3 * (4 + 0.5* PowerLevel + 0.005 * PowerLevel^2) (not rounded)
Rand = 0.3 * (13 + 1.25 * PowerLevel + 0.005 * PowerLevel^2) (not rounded)
Stat = 1.875 * (0.6 * (100 + PowerLevel * 4.4))% (not rounded)
BtH = PowerLevel / 4 (Always rounded down)
SPCost = 0.13125 * (38.1 + 2.3375 * PowerLevel + 0.001125 * PowerLevel^2) (Rounded to the nearest 1)

Hits: 2
Damage (Total): 110% Base and Random plus listed Stat
BTH: +0 plus Stats
Element: Earth
Type: Melee
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Damage (Total): 110% Base and Random plus listed Stat
BTH: +0 plus Stats
Element: Fire
Type: Ranged
Rate: 50%


Thanks to AVA. Numbers thanks to Aelthai

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