EinhanderX01 -> RE: MQ's Low Popularity (9/25/2010 12:41:26)
Better Cutscenes: If you scuffle over to DragonFable, you'll see that they often have varying cutscenes, usually with 2 in every quest. Cutscenes in Mechquest are far and in between, as well as when we do get one, it usually is just a person talking through a communicator window, which is just loads of text. In summary, we should have more action cutscenes. I have no issues with this. quote:
Less Rares: This is the best way to draw in a larger audience. Previously stated, new players don't care about what happened in the past, they only focus on what's available to them now. Even if we have so many rare weapons and mechas, new players wouldn't care if it wasn't available to them. Increasing the expanse of the permanent part of the game makes the game seem larger to new players. That's what rebalancing and revivals were supposed to cover. But AFAIK, they're still on hiatus. quote:
SC-Monthly Mechas should be changed: There are several ways of going about this. We could, from this point onward, make each one permanently located in the SC Lounge. That way there is a growing expanse of SC Mechas available to every player who upgrades; not just one mecha. This would also make a bigger incentive to upgrade. Also changing the SCMs to bi-monthly gives the staff time to focus on the storyline, and give out more quests, not just equipment. I have to strongly disagree. Weaker, but better balanced versions should be added yes, as a way to cover the lacking amount of SC-exclusive Mechs, but w/o making the originals become worthless. It's part of the reason many SCs still hold on to their original versions, because they were powerful and unique. Weaker and better balanced versions still allow access to the same visual mech, but not the former "OP" versions, keeping both parties (new and old SCs) happy. The only mech that probably would pass for being included w/o alteration is the "Skysplitter", due to it being over-balanced. quote:
Better Quests: If you look at some quests in DragonFable, some of them don't even contain drops. If you have an engaging quest or storyline, players enjoy it better, cause it's always entertaining. Most of the quests in MechQuest often just involve killing mecha after mecha. If you have an engaging or hilarious storyline, along with 1 or so drops, it's much better than flat-out 3 weapons and a monotonous barrage of mecha-fighting. Given the tone of MQ, more engaging but somewhat serious storylines are needed, though I'm not against some humor inserted at the right time. An outright joke storyline can happen once in a while, usually for holidays, just as long as the puns and jokes aren't lame. quote:
Make Leveling Easier: It is harder to level in MechQuest compared to other AE Games, like DF or AQW. I propose a 20% increase in EXP and Credits to all players, in order to take the stress of leveling. I'm not sure that it's still true, but the last I've heard from blues regarding this was that it's designed so that leveling up past level 60 or so should get easier. The current rate just allows players to build up enough cash to purchase what they want, while building up enough reserve so that once the EXP gain gets faster, they'd already have the monetary base to work with. And besides, there's the Permanent X-Boost for that.