RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (Full Version)

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king thieuw -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/11/2012 4:08:47)

yeah, hes right

kartron -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/14/2012 19:49:26)

not just that, i even wanted to be an oversoul founder but i cant because it doesnt have the phone company ''Digitel'' payment option

BadWitch -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/15/2012 12:51:26)

What can i do if boku took my money and give me no points?

Or how can i prove that they took my money and gave me no atrix points,i only have a confirmation sms in my language and i can send it to you.Pls tell me what 2 do

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Sasuke_kool1 -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (1/26/2013 3:43:45)

Lately I made a purchase using Boku for mobile payments for UAE, they said to get points worth 60 AED I should sent 6
Messages with a YES on them to a certain number, I sent those 6 messages but they had it written for them that they received 3 of 6 even though I sent 6, I contacted them and they said I should wait
For about 24 hours, I got the points later but I only got as much as paying for 30 AED (3 messages) although I sent 6 messages, so I received only half what I paid for and I don't know what to do.

darklordpx -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (1/31/2013 13:52:04)

i payed using boku and sent all sms but i have waited a month and still dont have any points but the charges have been aplied, how can i solve this problem?

ZanTo_ -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (4/6/2013 13:33:24)

Hello, I come to see if you may enable the Mobile Phone SMS service in my country.

My country is Uruguay, and not enabled, please enable it and hopefully if possible with the company Ancel

rampileo -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (5/12/2013 11:04:48)

they dont have from the phillippines

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (6/8/2013 19:15:15)

Hey uhhh, the only Mobile phone SMS service for Ireland is Boku...and whenever I put my network and number in and hit continue it says Boku is not available for BattleOn...It's always worked before this as it's the only way I can get Artix Points. Any idea why it's not working?

timmys -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (7/8/2013 9:18:34)

Please Support india also for phone payment coz m from india and cant get membership via bank or any other way.....

urmomk -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (8/13/2013 11:06:02)

hi i have problem with boku im in lebanon and its not working it says coming soon not avilable now plz fix it i want varium

ammarez -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (10/4/2013 2:20:51)

In my country I am not able to use boku (Jordan) it is available but it gives me this message "Sorry, JOD1.800 is not supported on your mobile network. " but I have 11.6 JD ( I checked it )is it the problem of JOD and JD? but they are the same thing. and boku is not responding please I need it fast I need to buy things from quibble (aqw)

DeltaReaper41 -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Mobile Phone SMS (10/31/2013 7:42:52)

I have problems with boku. Im using boku for years not only for artix points, but now I purchased two times and I didnt get my points but I lost my cash. What should I do?[:@]

danirasab -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Mobile Phone SMS (10/31/2013 13:55:55)

If you brought it recently (like today) then wait for a day. I once purchased artix points and received after a months later, strange ;/.

chris46036 -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/29/2013 21:20:06)

should make a payment system in Costa Rica for acs member or as many do not have a credit card or paypal account

Samuxex -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/13/2014 13:31:57)

Hi, Im From Venezuela. What others payments with SMS can I use? I see Boku doesnt be avaible and i cant pay with dollars (My Country is a huge economy crysis)

Siedgrief -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (7/17/2015 20:52:44)

^ dont work? it says:

"Server Error"
"404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."

Im from Chile, i have used it in the past to buy AP, but right now i cant, dont know why, any solution?

Leg3ndary_hero -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/20/2015 4:43:51)

Hi all, I would love to gather Artix Points through this "SMS/phone" service I think it's a great deal to most players.

But it is not available to all countries including the one I'm located in.
AE team please find a way to get availability in other regions especially in this country..

Thank you and all have happy postings!

monji black -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (1/23/2016 20:20:16)

Win artix points in the forum?

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (2/5/2016 14:16:04)



Effective March 7, 2016
Boku will be ending support for Bulgaria, Chile, Egypt, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Mexico, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia (PSMS), and South Africa.

There are still too many [Mobile Companies] using connections that underperform and do not meet our standard of quality. These connections typically utilize older, less reliable technology that frequently frustrate consumers. While this decision will have an immediate effect on the level of market coverage Boku services provide, we do intend to restore these market segments over time. Boku is actively looking to secure the kind of connections that will meet or exceed the level of performance we expect from carrier billing today. This will be an ongoing process with some connections getting restored faster than others.

Bailey Hudson -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (9/3/2016 8:57:07)

Hmm, ... I'd love to buy some AC packages etc but i was wondering if the country i wanna use is available or not
So, is Ghana available on Boku or any other platform which can be used to purchase ACs/Membership through SMS etc.

Dr Disrespect -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (9/3/2016 11:06:08)

As far as I know Ghana isn't there on the list of countries supported by Boku.

Bailey Hudson -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (9/3/2016 14:34:35)


As far as i know Ghana isn't there on the list of countries supported by Boku.

Oh, then that sucks.

hidan_orochimaru -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (7/6/2017 13:44:36)

Is AlloPass no longer an option to choose when buying points by phone? I just noticed that it disappeared from my option list and the only one remaining is Boku,which says "Not available".

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (7/10/2017 13:33:54)

Allopass is no longer available.

Guiore -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (1/16/2018 16:15:21)

I would like to know when the cellular operator "Claro" will return for the purchase of Artix points via sms in Brazil

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