RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (6/1/2019 4:13:18)

1). Captain, AFAIK in the past every year, there was during December Event
"all Artix Points Packages gave an extra 10% bonus Artix Points"?
I've purchased a lot of Artix Points Packages for my EpicDuel chars, but I'm inactive for years.

2). Does the during December Event still exist
"all Artix Points Packages give an extra 10% bonus Artix Points"?

3). Instead of an extra 10% bonus, an extra 25% bonus Artix Points for the during December Event?
That would be awesome and much appreciated.

4). Summer Sales Event "all Artix Points Packages give an extra 10% or 25% bonus Artix Points"?
That would be awesome and much appreciated.
Otherwise, how about from the next year?

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