Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/22/2010 19:42:56)
Hey Hay, Do you like eating hay, if not Hey!, don't you love me? :P/ Icky, hay can't taste nice. Especially if I'm hay... That's just cannibalism! Why, of course I love you :P Well congratulations first off! Super Duper Special Awesome mode. Thanks! So, you like cookies no? Depends on the type of cookies. Well, you can haz one. :D No wait, nevermind, I take it back! :D D: No wait, thats mean, here you go. *snatches* Thanks :3 You can eat it now, now here's a glass of milk. Pfft, milk is for Santa Claus. :P Well done here for now Hay, have a wonderful time Aking! Thanks, I'll try ^^ Wait, I have a poem for you. Yay! Poetry! - Hey, its Hay! The one person who made a MTAK, today! Well, that made by day, Hay. Don't you like the weather? Because its May, have fun in the sun, ride the waves. Here, have some chips, maybe a Lay, or lets get some Burger King, "Have it your Way." Well almost done here Hay, might as well give you a gift, should it be made of clay? Well I'm done here Hay, I'm off for now, doing other things, but lets meet up later, ok? o_O Hope you like it! [:D] Haha, very nice. So catchy! ;D