RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (Full Version)

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Model Y -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 17:36:05)

i have one question...what's it like on the arch knight game? i tryed to go on it but um *ahem* it's a private game.
You mean the one on AQ's site? Well, if you've ever walked around in Death's Hourglass quest after dying in AQ, just imagine something similar to that... but with Ash. :P

i found out that the game is given to players who help others on forums for a year...too muchwork for me but hay!
wourth a shot! =3
Wait, whut? ._.

SoftServe -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 18:31:57)

wow... page 11.... someone is slacking :O!
Lies, I caught up. :3

oneandonlygammarai -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 19:00:41)

Wow *looks at page number* you have a whole 3-4 days left. This is the most popular MtAK thread I've ever seen @_@
You're making history by constantly posting then? :P But nah, thing's will start piping down now. ;)

There there, its okay. *pats shoulder* It'll end soon. Unless you choose to end it right now :o. Hm... I think you need "Vampimegaeawesomehugglewuggle"
Yay for huggles.

Gratz on becoming AK-inator once again.

You ish gettingk ze laze bug, haffen't you? It iz to beingk okidokee :) It iz underztandable vith all your AK work and this 11page sread.
How is not answering for one page lazy? xD I still get around to all the questions in the end!

I vill haff a ffery Austrian-Vampire rhyme for you!

Roses are red, *like vlood ^,..,^* And violets are vlue!
Did you know I'm getting lazy? And you are too!
Ze lycans got lucky, on that first Darkoffia var,
But next time iz ourz, we'll run zem offer vith a car *metaphorically of course*
Zo herez iz a toast, to all ozzer Vampis out zere,
I hope you toast vith me, or I vill run in zat hole over zere!
Ve toast to your success, oh Vampiric the AK,
You shall help conquer ze world, probably you vill lead ze whole thing, Hay.

Woo, win. Nice poem ;D ... You are so right, by the way: Vampires will conquer!

My head is aching from making all of that fit together properly @_@
Aw *hugs* Thanks ^^

Congratz on AKship once again, and goodluck AKing... *wanders over to the next page* Nuuuuuuuu!
Thanks again :) ... You fell into the void!


edit: Wait, you're Aussie? So we have fairly the same time difference? Woah! Go Philippines/Australia/other countries with the same timezone! I got this info from the last page.
That's classified as a personal question. :P ... But since everyone knows already, yes.

Xeru -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 19:30:39)

rosez smell like blood and violets iz blue
i decided to make a poem like gamma did too
i wont speak in zat accent, and i wont type in green
but as our vampi AK im sure u wont be mean
by now im sure i might be annoying you
so i decided to finish this poem in blue
im sure u will cause spammers, and trolls tons of pain
but i will follow you in your epic vampiric reign
by now im getting tired of this rhyme
but right now i have plenty of time
i am ur knight and u me queen
but i think the hippo is part of my dream
i think i should cut the poem short
because my the shape of my fingers are starting to contort

:o! Yay, another poem! (So many poems in this thread 8D) Thanks, Xeru ^^ 'Tis epic.

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 21:01:30)

Gosh, more page numbers. Of only the computers in school had flash, I could torture post to you every page....
Yep, more. Is that a good or bad thing? :P

Well the language thing was the first one. If only you knew what language it was....
What about language?

So where did you get you're name?
Somewhere in my memory.

Why did you get that name?

Who did you steal that name from?

What's you're favorite real animal?
I'll say a panther for now. :P

What do you think of a cute golden retriever puppy (Answer carefully on this one or I'll find you..)
Amg, those puppies are so cute! Really, really cute.

When do you plan on locking this thread?
When I remember to, or when my week is up.

Well, congratz on you're mighty AKship.
Thanks :)

(P.S. What does AK stand for?( Probably the first P.S. you've gotten so far, huh?))
AK stands for ArchKnight. (Nope :P)

Crystal Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 21:07:12)

Wart is the little boy from Sword in the Stone. And you were thinking of the Sorcerer's Apprentice short?
No idea. x3

And it would be ludicrous to keep stuffing genderbent doppelgangers into skimpy clothes, am I right?
This is an ambush question, isn't it? :P

If you had the chance, would you keep a pet?
Hmm... Probably yes.

Stevenmwou -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 21:39:38)

Heya Vampi got bored and decided to bug you xD
Alrighty. :P

Are you a Dweller or a vampire?
Vampire. There's a difference between them. :P

Blonde, brunette, redhead, or black hair?
As in...?

Pink or Pink?

Coyote or Azjurai?

Male or female blood?
xD! Male, then.

why is your name hay?
An actual nickname of mine.

Did you know im a vampire 2?
Nope, I do now. Weren't you a lycan?

Want to go hunting?

Are you tired of questions yet?
For tonight, yes. x3

Peregrin = bird right? So are you and elnaith in bird love? xP
'Peregrine' has several meanings. The one in my title is 'wandering'. ;)

Beowolve -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 21:44:13)

Cool an 11th page.
Your or me?
Up or down?
Left or right?
Back or Forward?
No thanks.


tributer -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 21:47:23)

im back with more questions
I see, I see.

1.if you had 20k acs what would you do with them?
Save them for future purchases. Nothing I want in particular at the moment. Oh! I would put some of it towards some of the Tercess items but only after I get all the other reqs.

2.if you could be any mythical creature what would you be? *gives a book of mythical creatures* "that should help"
Maybe a phoenix. Freedom to wander!

3.if you could be any animal for a day what would you be?
Since my "Favourite Animal of the Day" is a panther today... A panther.

4.what is your favorite class in aqw?
Vampire. Wish I had it.

5.have the dragons hatched yet? (Sidenote: when they hatch they'll learn how to be helpful and stuff its so awesome)
In that case, yes, they have. :D

6./me gives hay a vampire bat (from lycan to vampire [:D])
/me takes the bat (^^)

7. whats your favorite song
Don't have a single one. I'm listening to "Morning After" by Chester Bennington and "Over and Out" (remix version from Underworld: Rise of the Lycans) by Alkaline Trio again.

8. ok im going to give you a riddle ok (please answer seriously)
I don't have enough time to work a hard one out though. Dx

Sergi and Sally where sitting in their family room one night. While Sergi was watching T.V his wife Sally was reading. All of a sudden the power went out and Sergi decided to go to bed, but Sally kept on reading. With no use of artificial light, Sally kept on reading. How?

well thats all i got see you on the next page (ill tell you if you got it right on my next post)
It's daytime, no need for artificial light.


PS. i've already tried mentos and coke as in the expirement and the drink and candy
its fun to do really

Isn't that like dangerous?

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 23:32:09)

Hello Hay! :D
Hello! ^^

This is my first time posting in a MtAK thread, don't you feel special? :P
Really? Awesome! *adds Lord Coxy to the list of MtAK newcomers* :D

Why am I crazy?
You're using the Chaosruppted Stalagbite as your avatar. 'Nuff said.

Why did you give me that answer about me being crazy?
Because I feel like stating the obvious. :P

How come 2+2=4?
It evolved.

Which is the word in English that has nine letters, and remains a word at each step even when you remove one letter from it, right up to a single letter remaining. List each letter as you remove them, along with the resulting word at each step?
Startling or splitting.

Why am I not a girl?
Because you're male.

What is the meaning of life?
Something we'll eventually find out.

Why do I have the nickname Coxy?
'Tis awesome?

And Congratz of being an AK and hope you have fun.
Thanks. :)

~Coxy (I dare you to put ~Hay under this 0_o)
~Hay (Dare accepted :P)

Knight of the Dragon -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 2:05:13)

I is back! From the Abyss of the existent 10th page! But I'm on the 11th page? Where do all these questions come from?! (Rhetorical)

Congrats once more of all the congratulations you received! *puts a congratulations in Hay's overflowing congratulations bag.*

Now on to the questions! *pulls out a 1 millimeter sized paper* *takes out a giant magnifying glass*

Do you have a favorite in-game weapon?
Not yet. Actually... I'll say Vampiric Gladius for now. xD

What is your Favorite Color?

Do you have a Favorite TV Show?
None. I just watch whatever shows up.

What is your favorite movie?
PotC, Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton's stuff basically, an assortment of other flicks etc... I don't have one xD

Favorite Actor/Actress?
Do they have to be good at acting? :p

Oh a Bunneh! Oh a Monkey! AH! A Chaos Psycho Ninja Monkey! *gets attacked by it*
*sends a vampire cupcake after it* *vampire cupcake activates destruction mode*

Why is that the easiest question in the world is 1+1=2?
But it isn't.

Any Quotes of wisdom from you?
"Vampires will conquer!" ... An extract from the original message I had posted in the Lycan/Vampire War Design Notes. Nah, just kidding. I do say 'wise' things from time to time, but I tend to forget them. :D

Is this a Question?

Is this a Statement?
It wishes it was a statement.

Why am I running out of Questions to ask that I ask questions that seem to use up space in my Question limit?
No one told you to Dx

Well that's all for now! *puts away the magnifying glass*
Congrats once more! *sees Hay's Congratulations bag explode*
Thanks! :D
~Knight of the Dragon

Kururu -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 2:20:05)

O Hay there again, i got some questions like everyone else,
Hey :) Okays.
why are you a vampire?
That's just how I am.
why is your skin pale?
Why not?
do i have anymore questions?
Apparently so.
Hay wait a minute i found some more
I know. :P
Is this Green?
Is this Red?
Do you take pills to become a vampire?
What if they made AQW into a comic ( :O )
"Congrats/nice work, AE" :P

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 2:24:46)

Saidre is nut
He has a rubber but
Every time he turns around it goes put put.

Kevinza -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 3:40:55)

I found the back page of my silly book of silly questions (In all seriousnessless I won't be posting here for a while, if it gets to 15 pages then we'll see)
It won't get quite THAT far. :P

Where have you hidden the plans to the super-awesome-mega-super laser?
Hint: It is hidden in an extremely obvious place, so obvious that no one would think to look there. OR, it's hidden in an incredibly hard-to-find place, so hard that people don't look there.

Where would you hide the plans to the super-awesome-mega-super laser? (If you answered no to the last question)

Is this promotion the first step to world domination?

I saved the best for last. (Yes I know the questions are bad) Good luck with your thread. (The rhymes are getting real weird)
Thanks! (Ha :P)

Saidre -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 3:43:02)

*lights Jonzee and his post on fire*
Tags! *watches* o.O

I was thinking 'I kinda want to be an AK now' a few days ago. Then I looked at all the spam questions.
Spam is salty.

This isn't helping is it?
Probably not. :D

johnny701 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 5:28:04)

Hello i back again to pick your brain about things that make absolutely no sense
Oh dear.

I am currently level thirty now
Congrats! (EXP Boost... or no boost? :P)

Congratulate me
Already done.

Accept the Darkness
As always.


red guy 100 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 5:57:59)


you didn't edit our posts for hours so i didn' post this yet..... watcha doin?
I've done a few more, but I'm a bit busy and can't mass answer these at the moment. :P Alrighty, here now.

i don't understand ur avatar..... (the one before the girl that glows)
It was my "I am not a haystack" image.

do you have any gaming consoles?
Hmm, if I haven't misplaced it, I still have that DS Lite I received for Christmas like... 4 years ago? Or whenever it was released. Besides from that, nope.

if so, what is your fav game?
Don't play video games much. Only AE stuff, mostly. x3 Oh wait! The internet on DS is pretty handy. ;D (I've seen Cooking Mama too... It makes me hungry x.x)

what if zorbak gets all of them for a week, will you still befriend him?
Maybe. Good luck with finding them at all, Zorbak! :D

Bye ^^

/wave /backflip

Axilmeus -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 9:22:09)

Hey Hay, back again!
Welcome, welcome! Ah, glad to see the tags returned too ^^

What is/are your favourite bird(s)?
Ooo, probably an eagle. Beautiful and powerful birds, they are. ;)

What is/are your favourite reptile(s)?
Uhh... Don't have one. :P

What is/are your favourite insect(s)?
I don't like insects.

/me gives Hay three blood-flavoured ice creams!
/me noms

I liked the vampire cupcake avvy better.
Bleh :P

That's all for now, bye!


I -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 9:34:17)

Back again
I see, I see.

I believe I'm the main person spamming up your MtAK :o
One of them, me thinks. :P


No comment.


A tad bit late. :P


Got nothing to say..
I think I noticed.

I r be back on the next page with pictares.
Wewt, pics. :D

Dentan47 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 10:04:26)

hey its me i have a question.can we have a contest plzz......plzz if u like me make a contest
Hey :) A contest? What kind of contest? I don't make 'em. xD

Aguila -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 11:24:57)

Hey Hay!

Do you like Pie?
I'm neutral about pie.

Do you like cupcakes?
They're okay... in small amounts.

Congratulations on your promotion!


Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 11:40:00)

What's your favorite species of coyote?
Aren't coyotes a species themselves? o.O
Have you ever watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog?
Never heard of it. Sounds dangerous.
...I'm out of questions. Bye!
Alrighty. See you! ^^

sleddyboy3 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 18:26:10)

Hai der!
Congratz =3
Thankies. :)
Bye now.

Thoru -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 18:30:06)

Would Coyote look funny in a dress?
Would you really like to see me in a dress? =P ~Coyote
No, he would look just like every other Lorian.

Doctor Who: Watch it?
I was persuaded into watching just one episode in the past. It was about these little balls of animated fat coming out of people and taking over the world o.O Which, y'know, is just slightly weird.
Okay then.

outcastxeno -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/27/2010 19:00:14)

I'm back with randomness!!!!!!
Oh joy. D:

Marvel or DC?
Eh, whichever. :P

Tacos or Poop?

Cheesey goodness or Creamy goodness?
The latter.

Would you rather eat your hand or your foot?
Hand... if I absolutely had to.

As a vampire have you ever gotten sick for drinking someones blood?
Never. ;D

Giant radioactive clones of you are attack Squirrels, what do you do?
I would be betting on the squirrels.

What do you do with a drunken vampire salior late at night?
Capsize them.

OMG, Chipmunks have taken over Battleon, Swordhaven, Shadowfall, and have eaten Yulgar's beard!!!!
Chipmunks are better than the Sneevils =p

[sm=flowers.gif] Please don't drain my blood, I have things to do like............ conquer Battleon maybe, and steal Yulgar's floor boards.
His floor boards? There's something special about them? <.< >.>

[sm=animal-smiley-025.gif] <---- look a kitty!!!!!!!
Aw, da kitty!

Vampire sneevils are better or worse then vampire bananas?
Worse, much, much worse. At least with bananas, you can pack them in a crate and send them off. Try doing that with the sneevils and they would actually enjoy the boxed experience.

As a vampire how do u feel about soy sauce?
Soy sauce is a great excuse/cover-up story.

Sand, harmless powder or tiny glass knives?
Tiny glass knives. Why bother hide the truth? :p

Bye! ^^

Hello again, I forgot my keys
Don't you have a spare one?

Did you take my keys?

Oh look pancake goblins are eating your shoes!!!!
What about your keys?

Would you rather be a cucumber vampire, or a pickle vampire?
FIND YOUR KEYS. Neither. Why would I want to become a vegetable? xD

Bye Hay, and Happy Birthday[sm=biggrinparty.gif], if it is your birthday.
Bye ^^ (Haha, nope, but thanks? :P)

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