oneandonlygammarai -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/26/2010 19:00:41)
Wow *looks at page number* you have a whole 3-4 days left. This is the most popular MtAK thread I've ever seen @_@ You're making history by constantly posting then? :P But nah, thing's will start piping down now. ;) There there, its okay. *pats shoulder* It'll end soon. Unless you choose to end it right now :o. Hm... I think you need "Vampimegaeawesomehugglewuggle" Yay for huggles. Gratz on becoming AK-inator once again. Thanks! You ish gettingk ze laze bug, haffen't you? It iz to beingk okidokee :) It iz underztandable vith all your AK work and this 11page sread. How is not answering for one page lazy? xD I still get around to all the questions in the end! I vill haff a ffery Austrian-Vampire rhyme for you! :o Roses are red, *like vlood ^,..,^* And violets are vlue! Did you know I'm getting lazy? And you are too! Ze lycans got lucky, on that first Darkoffia var, But next time iz ourz, we'll run zem offer vith a car *metaphorically of course* Zo herez iz a toast, to all ozzer Vampis out zere, I hope you toast vith me, or I vill run in zat hole over zere! Ve toast to your success, oh Vampiric the AK, You shall help conquer ze world, probably you vill lead ze whole thing, Hay. Woo, win. Nice poem ;D ... You are so right, by the way: Vampires will conquer! My head is aching from making all of that fit together properly @_@ Aw *hugs* Thanks ^^ Congratz on AKship once again, and goodluck AKing... *wanders over to the next page* Nuuuuuuuu! Thanks again :) ... You fell into the void! ~OOG ~Hay edit: Wait, you're Aussie? So we have fairly the same time difference? Woah! Go Philippines/Australia/other countries with the same timezone! I got this info from the last page. That's classified as a personal question. :P ... But since everyone knows already, yes.