Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/25/2010 21:36:23)
Dang it! I go to sleep and go to school and when I come back there are 4 extra pages. Well anyway, xD I will not speak to you in random languages and see how you're translator works for best spelled languages. Y'know, somehow my intuition is telling me that you're not telling the truth. xD Dzien dobre, Jak jestes? Knew it. Potete capire una di queste lingue? Err, yes, I understand this language? Ich hoffe, sie können, bzw. ist dies wird kompliziert ..... Mhm. Ce este cu aceasta "placinta este o minciuna" diverse chestii? Yes, diverse indeed. Guess which one I know how to speak without using a translator? One of the above. What do you think of the excuse "MAGIC"? What's so awesome about magic? Hey,hey, I'm no rhyming man, but sometimes, I just can. :P Thanks for being tortured letting me know you today. Bye now ^^