RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (Full Version)

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Chrome Warrior926 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 2:29:29)

HEY, HEY, HAY! (Phat Albert FTW)
*blinks at all the coding things* Amg, I have no idea how to edit this. xD Your second font colour is really similar to mine too. I'll tag all my responses then. :P

BTW, First post of 7th page! (ZAOMG 7 pages? Purr you.)
Mhmm, is there much more to go? *peeks* Can't see, my internet is playing up so only your post loaded. :P

The Utterly Important Questions to Ask an AK:

+Shadow Guard of Miltonius or Shadow of Miltonius? (Which one first?)
Shadow of Miltonius? ~Hay
+Have you stopped with Tercess? Or not? Why?
Nope, haven't stopped with Tercess! I still need to get that OboM and the Talons... maybe throw in the Shadow Spear as well. Lots of nice stuff to grab from that zone. ~Hay
+Favor horses? That like Hay?
Wait... I'm supposed to edit your messages under the questions? xD ~Hay
+Right NOW, which has more value to you? Diamonds of Miltonius, or REAL Diamonds?
Real diamonds! 8D ~Hay
+I suggest you make an avatar that is Vampire + Void Knight + Cupcake?
Yeah, I think I'm going to leave off the cupcake theme for awhile though. :P
Geez, that's alot of editing/answering you do in this kind of thread,
Is that why you didn't make one right away?
Not really. It was more that other people were looking forward to this thread that made me wary. xD Naw, not really. I didn't know if I would have enough time earlier to reply - didn't want to end up with a stack of pages to go through in one go. Imagine if I had 7 unread pages. :P Also figured that I should probably do a bit of AKing before making an AK thread. Oh, and get the green lights to make one. ~Hay
Enjoy the AK-ing! If its any fun at all.

@OOG: You seem to depict Hay as somewhat a maid. O_O (And who is her Master?)

"Maid Sama!",

You should watch that, Hay,
If you are planning on to take on the life of a Maid in a Maid Cafe.

(ZAOMG! It rhymez!)

@ above section: I have no idea what's going on. o.O ~Hay

@OOG (again): I tried. But it still doesn't feel right. Anyway, can't wait for Hay to Answer?

Answered! ~Hay

Woah. Take a look at the 'Edit' page. This post is insane.
INSANE??? I'll give you INSANE! *Waits for next page*

red guy 100 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 2:33:16)

hi hay!

i didn't see this MtAK... when did you start it?
Hm... *flicks back to page one* It's still quite new, only it's second day of existence. ^^

congrats AK hay!
Haha, thanks.

do you like watching TV?
Occasionally. Depends on what's on.

if so, what do you watch?
Whatever is on the screen, I suppose. I don't routinely watch at certain times. :P

if you were an animal, what would you be?
Apparently a wolf.

that's all, grats again!

(sorry if i repeated some questions. i am in a hurry.)
(You didn't ;D Take care!)

oneandonlygammarai -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 2:38:21)

Finally! The 7th page!

Edit this
Trying to make me edit? >.> <.< :P

First of all, Imma put the tags here to lessen the burden.

Thankies ^^

Guess what? More rhymes! *I am enjoying this*


Oh Hay,
One day,
Probably in May,
You'll see a guy that's gray,
And you will make him smile, cause you're cool that way,
You'll probably bring a tray,
Filled with food and drink, and you make his day,
Oh Hay,
Kind and awesome-est AK!

I bring food and drink... and he's not suspicious at all XD Haha, nice poem. :)

Weee! Imma getting cheesy! Well, time to wait for the next page*hopefully*, and hopefully you know who I am*Gammarai*. That's all, see ya next page.

>:) Yep, I remember you ;) Tercessuinotlim thread bonding, ftw.

~Hay (you missed a tag :P)

edit: Oh and, you wouldn't believe how many times I edited this just to get the tags right xD
Aw, thanks for the effort! I appreciate it.
edit2: Chrome, of course not. I just thought it would be tiring for her to always put the tags. Oh, and she specifically said "1 post per page and 10 questions per post"
edit3: Jonzee, duh, thats the point of my rhymes. Quickly-thought-of and always rhyme with Hay, since its HER MtAK thread.
edit4: Chrome, its called Edit or Delete. You can Delete a post. And edit your first post.
edit5: Chrome, well, I put "edit this" so that she won't have a hard time holding down backspace or having to highlight long statements and then backspacing them. I'm just trying to make it easier for her, AKs have a hard time as it is.

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 2:50:56)

7th page;D
Isn't 7 like... a magically powerful number or something? Hmm.

Dear Gammarai
Your rhymes are nothing but childs play
Rhymes such as mine own at life
They never cause anyone strife.
You need to lear to use such things
The words and rhymes don't come like ping
Take your time to truly rhyme ;D

No poem feuds! D: Both of your poems are nice, m'kay?

I r teh ownage poet.

Back to homework.

Chrome, Double post much?

TheMipeidan -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 2:51:57)

Do you like or hate pink in anyway?
I like some shades of pink.

And no it was not meant to make Beleen mad in anyway.
Of course not. x3

You read these all the way through before commenting or you go along as you read them?
I go along as I read them.

You overthink stuff from time to time?

What's your favorite part of this job?
That's a good question. Probably being able to keep the forums clean so it's easier to browse. :) Oh, and I've also developed a thing for periodically updating the "List of Usernames" thread. xD

Random question: Who do you think is Gravelyns mom ( O_O ).
*goes to look for sound theories* xD

There a limit on these wishes?
These are wishes?


Well that's all I can think up of and no the random question wasn't needed to be answered, The friendly Werepyre slayer signing out.
Alrighty, bye!

Outlawed -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 3:03:30)

Well, it's page seven! Which meenz I are bakkerz
Ohai, welcome back.

So, misspelled words FTW? Seems to be the fashion around them "cool" and "hip" (hip... oh dear god, I never thought I would use that . xD) kids do nowadays..
"She's hip! So cool!" Gawd, you saying that made me remember those random Hairspray lyrics. Double whammy, I say, since you got both words in. :P

Anywai, I shall now demand that you sign this contract that days that I can post five more posts provided that I can make up 50 questions on a short notice.
Do you realize that would equate to another 5 pages? That's a lot. I'm expecting the thread to die out before then. :P

/me shoves a nondescript piece of paper splattered with coffee stains (Dear lord, hope Lady Az doesn't find out about this!) and filled with meaningless babble, mostly pertaining on the subject of pastries, with only the barest hint of my aforementioned deal (Ach... too many long words... immature and increasingly reducing sized brain now trying to forget them)
That is one long and detailed /me command. o.O

Oh yes! Almost forgot. /me grabs a pen out of thin air and shoves it into your free hand

Now sign please? I even used that dreaded word. And spelled it correctly ;_;
No. :3

Okai! So that's all fine and dandy, and while I wait for your response I shall actually try to whip up some questions that actually make sense. No promises of course.
I'm used to the insanity by now. :P

So read any good books lately?
None that I can think of, no.

Any you'd recommend?
Read the "Res Gestae Augustus" xD

You can at least tell me your general timezone?
Yeah... No. Besides, I probably would tell you the wrong one if I tried. :D

Three words to describe me if possible?
Silence isn't golden. :P .. Haha, just messing with you.

Have I reached the question limit?

And to annoy you and make you provide another useless answer, this one mostly pertaining to two mods. Raccoons or... Vespa I believe is to be the name? Haven't watched Pokemon in such a long time, nor have I made any effort to relive the "good ol' days" if you can call them that. xD Anywai, it's whatever Coyote's avatar is. With an extra pink bow for you. :3
Vespa? At first, I was like "Why are you comparing a raccoon to a motor vehicle?" xD I believe the creature on Coyote's avatar is a Vuplix. Or so says the accompanying title. I vote... Middle ground! Raccoons are cute, but that Vuplix with a bow is so adorable too. e.e
It's called Vulpix. Unless there's a spelling error in my title I'm not aware of. >.> ~Coyote

And now, since I pretty much rambled off on that last question, I bid you adieu my dear Vampire muffin, for I have run out of coffee.
I provided you with an equally rambling answer e.e Alrighty, farewell.

As a parting gift I shall leave you my first signed post. Aren't you all speciable? Okay... maybe not. ;P (Just kidding! Dun smite me with your AK powers D:)

But seriously, I should stop typing/rambling/wondering what squirrels would do if they lived with rabbits now and get to sleep. xD I also think I got a bit too friendly/homey there. Remind me to fire my consultant (Or should it be psychologist) sometime. :P
Come onnnnn. xD

Hope to see you in AQW someday!
Maybe. :P


black knight 1234567 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 3:40:36)

  • Heya!
    Ooo la la, bullet points. Hiya!
  • Congratz on becoming an AK :D
  • so whow does it feel too be an AK
  • Are you an enemy with Lady Azuriji?
    I don't know, Lady Azuriji doesn't exist. :P
  • Do you like magos :D?
    What's a mago? :P A mango? I like mangoes :D
  • Do you like answering questions?
    Yep, s'ppose so. I like to help out when I can.
  • What do you think... of that evil cup cake in the your avatar O.o? thats it for now have fun and grazt again!
    I think he is fierce and vampiric. He has a name. Thanks!

DarthSliver -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 3:42:33)

Hello again Hay, I came up with more questions while offline. Sorry
S'okay. :)

Do you think Twilly enjoys being punted and do you think he will seek sweet revenge on us for punting him?
I don't think Twilly enjoys being punted, no. From the numerous times he's landed on his head in the dirt and received a concussion, I don't think he remembers much about what happened, making revenge hard to exact. :P

Do you enjoy Quibbles lastest shop?
So-so. I got some of the items, not all of them though.

Do you like Mythsong?
Yes, it's a pretty nice zone. I'm glad I ranked my faction up to 10 too. MS r10 is such a good achievement (in my opinion) ^^

Whats your favorite Chaos Lord so far?
Vath. The cutscenes involved with him are great.

What AE game do you like more besides AQW? :D
Probably DragonFable. ButterQuest is a close second. ;D

Do you have an Ipod or a Zune?
I have an iPod. Been using it for *counts* 5 years now. o.O First gen Nano. Noir. :3

Microsoft or Sony?
Microsoft, not much experience with Sony.

Whats your favorite in game pet?

How many questions have been repeated throughout this thread?
I haven't been counting. :P


CherryCake -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 3:58:01)

You like cherry?
Wow, typing on the right side of the screen. Cherries are nice, yes.

You like cake?
Not so much after this thread, no. :P

You like Cherry on top of cake?
Like a Black Forest Cake? No thanks.

You like cherry IN your cake?
<.< ... You really like cherries, don't you? :P

You like cherry in hay?
Uhh, I never really... thought about it.

You use cherry credits to pay?
Haha, knew this one was coming. I tried using it once, I don't like it very much, to be honest.

You see cherries everyday?

You wanna eat cherries...during a hot summer day?
They're even better in summer.

You wanna eat cherries...during a cold winter day?
No particular cravings for cherries at all. :P

You happy to be an AK hay?
I feel honored to have this opportunity. :)

Strebor -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 4:06:11)

Hay, "Nonnullus sal salis nuts, fossor!" means "Get some [salty] nuts, fool! (Mr T. voice)

Enjoying the misspeeling of words in this thread? (Before u said spelling over grammar)
Haven't paid much attention to it. :P

What would be an appropriate "~Strebor" tag for me? (Beside the one I just said)
~Strebor <3

Have you checked out the new L&L section?
Not yet, no. Must remember to though.

Has being an AK subtracted from your AQW time?
Yeah, a bit. Not too bad though, still AQW stuff here. :P

Yeah that's it from me. Au revoir Hay, I look forward to the next Swindlin' your Axes/Helm/Sword party!
Alrighty ^^ Au revoir!

[Insert Tag Here]

LFAL -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 4:18:07)

omg i can has second post :D? im going to ask about the same questions as i asked apparition
*slams breifcase down*
Sure, sure. Wewt, I caught up.

1. how are you today?
I am good, thanks. :)

2. wana know whats in the breif case? it may end the world? =3?
Why not? :P

3.its a bunny :D
Poor bunny, I hope it doesn't have claustrophobia.

3. if sally has 4 apples, and i have a lot more, how much spam is this?
An orchard.

4. do you forgive me for taking all those screen shots of you in a dress?
that only works on apparition,... of you in a suit? no;...
Say whut? xD *hunts around for her Royal Reversal Garb* :P

5. your still human right? err vampiric right?
Why would I be?

6. with akship, does it get tighter in your cell?
Well, yes, considering I didn't have a cell prior to this.

7. hows it feel, to be all powerful and epic?
Really quite shackling. :P

8. can you get LAZY to give me my bazooka back?!?
You have a bazooka... and I don't? /keeps

9. was that fun? can i have a cookie now?
Gawd, take all the cookies from this thread! Dx

Almighty Zeus, lend us your thunder!

am i a girl or a boy!? *tick tick*

/returns. It has no ammo anyway. :3

*grab a new pack of ammo* thanks time to go on that psychopathic rampage ive missed for years :D
*checks hitlist* what... i missed destroying them all?! thanks alot terrorists... D:

Tris -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 4:36:00)

Amg, a tooth fairy!
Where? :o

*Hands in the dozen bags of teeth*
e.e Someone's a bit of a collector. :P

Yayyyy! *Grabs the sack of gold eagerly*

Your cupcakes made me rich! :3
See? They're awesome. :)

..Enough to get fake fangs + teeth
Oo la la.

And luckily just enough spare gold to be treated in a spa! ;D
Bleh *pokes her malfunctioning Jacuzzi* D:
I never said it was mine! Don't touch it! >.> You'll just make it worse. D:<

Your cupcakes are miracles (even if they attack)!
... And don't you forget it! ;D

Teehee, that's enough fun. xD Gratz again!
Lol, alright. Thanks!

Eee, you're up this late!! What a true vampire.. o:


Kevinza -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 4:52:13)

I take it you intend to lock this soon so I'll keep this post short.
Okay. :)

7 pages already... Have you seen any new rhymes?
I think I see at least one new rhyme on each page. :P

Has you gotten used to your new found power yet?
Still learning the ropes. Hopefully I'm getting there though. ^^

Do you intends to use proper grammar?

And I'm done with your AK thread, I ran out of questions from my silly book of silly questions. Good luck with all your AK-ing duties.
Haha, alrighty. Thanks!

SoftServe -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 9:10:18)

oh jeez.... so many posts...
Yep. Especially if you look at it this way: This is the 164th response, right? That means basically... I have posted 164 times in a row in this thread alone. :P

hows your day going....?
'Twas good. 1AM for me now.

mine is going horrible....
That's no good D: Why?

well... im done for now...
Aw, m'kay.

i guess... ill cya sometime.... eventually.... maybe...

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 9:18:12)

Congratulations on surviving your bite! Oh, and your ArchKnightship.
No bite for me! Pureblood :P Easier that way, anyway. ^^ Thanks!

Did Safiria sink her teeth in you?
Nope. >.>

What's your filling?

Why were there so many members being ArchKnighted in the past year?
Bigger community = bigger amounts of AKs? To be honest, I haven't really noticed. :P

Have fun! *Don't try to bite me, my blood is ?% garlic.*
Are you a pizza? Or an Italian pasta dish? :o

dark hyper tails -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 9:31:38)

1.S - 2bh
a) Those line breaks make this post look tidy. :)

(h + b)

S - bh
b) Yep, so nice and ordered.

2(h + b)

S + 2bh
c) Yay, another one!

2(h + b)

S - 2bh
d) I wonder what it looks like in the 'Preview' option.

2(h + b)

S + bh
e) Hmm..

2(h + b)

what one is correct?
Uhh *guilty of not paying attention* :3

how dedicated are you to aqw?
Probably more than necessary/healthy. :P

when is a toilet going to run to make you a sanwich on mars in a movie called the smily face made 2 dollars in an eye!
That's old news, for me. :P

do you or do you not ever not connsitering that you more or less agree with the people that agree with the dissagreement on books that dissagre with tha fact that flags are not never always going to not be not a spoon?\
Uhhh... Next. :D

@n 1 A n00B?

canz i havez cheezburger *nom nom nom*
Wow, first cheezburger reference in this whole MtAK! *gives you two*

which would you rather fight
1. a 99999999 meter tall platupus with robot arms rockest sonic bites electric teeth with the ability to ricroll you
2. a 99999999 meter tall chicken with robot arms rockest sonic bites electric teeth with the ability to ricroll you
Platypus. At least I would be Rickrolled in style.

What is the meaning of life?
Currently being researched.

If you could have one new item in game what would it be?
New item? As in one that doesn't exist or does exist... but I don't have? If you meant one that already exists, Doom Fire would be nice. I couldn't get it at the time.

can you speak giberish, if so answer the following question
a;lsdkfjal;skdjf;ajf9w84het93245h9a8bv 8 h98wehf0q3w8he 98we 843ho13hioauh;iuoeh3928 4hq8p94aowefa]werf ]q2 307a9 7a7gf87G 87GA0 jiwfej0FJ4890 U0384TAREJG'ijfwo8?
Pew pew.

D_D my eyes are Ds

yay my life is complete now ^_^

AQWorlds WarBull -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 9:42:24)

i don't like rhyming
S'okay. :)

i'm just not good at timing
*ahem* :P

wait a sec... *looks up at the above* >:|
Exactly. ;)

anyways you probably haven't noticed yet but i'm standing behind you
Guess you haven't noticed that you're standing behind the wrong person. :P

Just kidding, i'm actually outside your window ^^
Is it comfortable to be suspended in mid-air?

anyways who's the most epic AK?
<insert name>

Koi! bahahaha kidding, your awesome :D
Aw, thanks. ^^

Burning Skies -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 10:23:23)

Hey, you likely have no idea who I am... I ain't that active on the AQW forums. Just dropping in to say hi.
._. Well, hello ^^

You do know that I know about the AK conspiracy to take over the forums right?
:o? Really?

Oh really?
Hm. Back to square one, it seems.

So... how does it feel to know you have complete and utter control over us forum members?

*Jots that response down on a piece of paper*

Ok, bye... I got all of my information I need. *Runs out when Hay turns around to see what just happened*
My behaviours are not predetermined! D:<

Green -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 10:41:55)

Whoa 7th page, how do you feel?
Tested. :P

I changed my forum name from greenspine3 to Green :D
Nice! I was wondering who 'Green' was. x3

If I went up to you with a stake and other vampire hunting equipment what would you do?
I would wonder why you were being so obvious about it.

Sowwy, no rhymes here, I'm bad at rhyming.
It's okay ^^ Though everyone can rhyme :P

Thats all... for now...
*dramatic music*



Trogar the Boss -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 10:54:16)

Hey'di Hi Hay!
Heyo! ^^

Its Trogar! now- This question has Confused many,
That... is never a good sign.

Einstein, Neuton, and Me are a few people this Marveling Question has Confused,
Okay? xD

Why, oh why,

Call yerself' Hay?
It's my forum name. :3

Trogar the *Hay-Ry* Boss
Ry? Ry! How did you get in there? *shifty eyes*

P.S: I love makin' cheap Puns from your name.... Bye Hey- I mean, Hey Hay- No- Bye!
Har, har.

steel blade -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 11:52:03)


How's AK-ship doin'?
It's alright. Still learning :D

Mod/AK ONLY QUESTION: What is much better? Cookies, cake, pie or waffles/pancakes?

G'luck being Ash(DF)...err...AK

Thanks x2!

ghostslayer7 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 12:06:17)

So remember us every once in a while eh. And take a break from responding xd. Something random but do you ever log in nythera anymore? And well Id give you beer to celebrate but hey I drunk it all. Xd. And remember your Spartan friend Lol.
Like I said: peregrine. I wander between the servers randomly. Plus... okay?

darkdestuctor7780 -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 12:48:45)

I Iz back Hay!
I don't remember you, but welcome back! xD

Just a couple more questions :P

Have you personally met any mods?
In real? No. In-game? Yes.

Your favourite weapon on AQW?
Hmm. I would say Skull Cane because that's my usual weapon, but Unarmed is so multifunctional! ... Skull cane.

And your fave armor?
Shadowscythe Weaver.

Thx, tht'll b all!
Alrighty. Thanks and see you!

King azwan -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 13:03:31)

Hello their^^
Hullos. ^^

Congratz on becoming an AK :D

Lycans in my opinion are better than vampires...would you agree?
Nope. Vampires will conquer!

You looking forward to the locking threads you have to do in the near future?
Locking is a part of life! :o

This was my first time asking a question to an AK...was i any good? o_0
Haha, yes.

And my last question would be---*Disapears*

I -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/24/2010 13:04:27)

I'm back again
Welcome back.


More visuals :D
Woot ^^

Fatty :o
Fuzzy. x3

That kitten is so cute. e.e


Big kitty is big. Reminds me of a panther, almost.

I liek kittens
I see.

Well,see you on page eight,might be late.
I suppose I'll find out soon enough. :P

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