Summon Gaiden II Z (Full Version)

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Baron -> Summon Gaiden II Z (5/26/2010 4:02:22)

Summon Gaiden II Z
Also see Summon Gaiden I, Summon Gaiden III, Summon Gaiden IV, Guardian Summon Gaiden V

Level: 47
Power Level: 64
Price: 1,750 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 1,575 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 875 Z-Tokens
Location: The Bizarre Flecks Saga - Part V - Us vs. Regeirk!

Element: Water
Cost: 0 MP
MP Level: 59
Effect: Summons Gaiden II Z as a guest. Cast again to dismiss it.

Gaiden wants to give you a hand in battle - but he can't always be there. Use this spell to summon a simulacrum to help you fight!


Stats thanks to Scakk.

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