One step too far. Discussion (Full Version)

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Hero818 -> One step too far. Discussion (6/17/2010 11:04:29)

Heres a place for people to discuss my current fanfiction One Step Too Far. please feal free to comment on what i have of the story so far. I plan on making this fanfic into about three parts so feal free to discuss what u think will happen next in the story i'd love to hear your input! Keep in mind thou im extreamly hard headed so your not going to change my mind about the direction the story is headed.

Plz read my story here Story

Gianna Glow -> RE: One step too far. Discussion (6/17/2010 11:52:37)

Please provide a link to your story so its easier for those who want to help you can find the story.

Hero818 -> RE: One step too far. Discussion (6/17/2010 12:53:13)

Im sorry about that but i dont know how (im new to this fanfic thing) could some one please send me a messedge on how to creat a link? ok ive got the Link!

ringulreith -> RE: One step too far. Discussion (6/17/2010 21:30:37)

From the PM I sent you:

Sorry for the late response, but here we go:

Copy the code shown in bold to wherever you want it

link to story:

Link to discussion:
[link=""]Discussion Thread[/link]

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