RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (Full Version)

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Black_Cloak -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/28/2010 19:49:59)

Hello again! I've got some more questions [:D]
You guys keep on coming!
- You're so fast at replying at topics and not only that you always seem to deliver a good amount of infomation/sources at the same time. Whats your serect?
If I tell you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore. Would it? =P
- Are you Good, evil or neutral?
At the moment, evil.
- Light or Darkness?
Fishies! (Referring to the Ying and Yang Koi's)
- What veg do you like most?
Cauliflower. :3
- If you became a chaos lord what would happen?
I'd bring a surplus of flowers to the world!! Too much pollen is not good! :P
- Do you like drawing? if so do you have any of your works here?
I'm not that artistic, but I do paint. Recent sunflower painting
- In the event I become even more unstable and threatren lore with a cornish pasty doomsday device, how will you handle the the situation?
Make you a kabob!
- *gives a bag of sugar*
- Thank you for your time again, have a good day!

DeathEater82 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/28/2010 20:56:13)

Hopefully you like riddles XD


A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say?


If I say "Everything I tell you is a lie," am I telling you the truth or a lie?


Which of the following statements are true?

1. At least one of these ten statements is false.
2. At least two of these ten statements are false.
3. At least three of these ten statements are false.
4. At least four of these ten statements are false.
5. At least five of these ten statements are false.
6. At least six of these ten statements are false.
7. At least seven of these ten statements are false.
8. At least eight of these ten statements are false.
9. At least nine of these ten statements are false.
10. At least ten of these ten statements are false

That's much better! >:D

This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching!
There's no thesis statement, no attention grabber, no concluding statement and NO reasons! That's why it's so unusual. *There's no E there.*

A basket contains 5 apples. Do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket?

Luckily, For you, I could have put the answers in........ on a second thought, I might put the answers in......



(Ashy, try NOT to look at the answers before answers all 5 riddles. XD)



1. = He said, "You'll sentence me to six years in prison." If it was true, then the judge would have to make it false by sentencing him to four years. If it was false, then he would have to give him six years, which would make it true. Rather than contradict his own word, the judge set the man free.

2. = A lie. It can't be the truth without contradicting itself (and therefore being a lie), but some of my statements can be lies, and this is one of those statements.

3. = You're on you're own on this one, but don't worry. It isn't one of the hardest of the hard riddles.

4. = The sentence doesn't contain the letter 'e'.

5. = 4 kids get an apple (one apple for each one of them) and the fifth kid gets an apple with the basket still containing the apple.

Grade: 20% (Out of 100% (Duh!))

(Ashy, please grade your self in a percentile of how many you got wrong. (We haven't covered presents in 5th grade much..... XD) I'm going into 6th grade FYI)))

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/28/2010 21:18:24)

Now I have your tags, I can unleash the questions! Rawr! :D
1) How's the AK-ism so far?
Tyring, I tell ya.
2) Favourite food?
3) Favourite bird?
Doodoo Bird!
4) Favourite flower, other than a lotus?
Hm.. a toughie. I guess an Amaryllis.
5) What is a question?
An illocutionary act that attempts to obtain information from an addressee
6) How we address questions?
With a "?"
7) Define question.
  • an instance of questioning; "there was a question about my training"; "we made inquiries of all those who were present"
  • challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of; "We must question your judgment in this matter"
  • the subject matter at issue; "the question of disease merits serious discussion"; "under the head of minor Roman poets"
  • interrogate: pose a series of questions to; "The suspect was questioned by the police"; "We questioned the survivor about the details of the explosion"
  • a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations"
  • pose a question
  • doubt: uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something; "the dubiousness of his claim"; "there is no question about the validity of the enterprise"
  • interview: conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting
  • motion: a formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote; "he made a motion to adjourn"; "she called for the question"
  • wonder: place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight"
  • an informal reference to a marriage proposal; "he was ready to pop the question"
    8) What's the most common question asked today?
    Not sure. :o
    9) How many questions are in this post?
    20! Or 19.
    10) If I were a question, would you be an answer?
    11) 25 question? That's a risk to take!
    I know!
    12) What is the main subject focused on in this reply?
    To stealz meh thawtz.
    13) Does the "Edit" button seem boring to look at now?
    I see it everywhere in this forums.
    14) How would you describe a question?
    Not this again D:
    15) Pi.
    16) Would would happen if I went over the question limit? Would I be in trouble?
    I probably wouldn't notice. There's too much.
    17) I guess I should stop at 20. Isn't this getting tiring?
    Yes!! :P
    18) If you say "question" really fast, out loud, what does it sound like?
    19) What would happen if I pushed the red button?
    What red button? =O
    20) Now only answer questions 1 to 20.
    Okee's ^^

    Congratulations again, hope to see you around! ^^_^
    Thank you! ^^

  • steel blade -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/28/2010 21:32:54)

    How is you?
    Fine :)
    Awesome promotion! [:D]
    Thanks! ^^
    AK/Mod Answerable Question: Which is better, pie, cake, pancakes/waffles or cookies?
    Pakes. Definitely.
    (Hmm...I wonder when can I be AK.....)Hmm? Nuthin'! xD
    Dwell through those Ice Caves up the river bank past the exploding mines and make it out alive through the sea of serpents that rule the void. It's awesome! :D
    Tha's all for today.....for now! >:D


    Timhortanz -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/28/2010 21:45:57)

    Bwahah, I have a game for you!
    YAY! No one has thought of this
    From now on, you are NOT allowed to use the backspace (Or delete) Or in any when remove what you have typed. Arg?? Aye!

    Now please read through the questions before answering.

    1) What is your username? Ashley_1

    2) Are you comfortable in giving your age? Please bold correct answer: Y ...... N

    3) If the answer to the above question was YES, please elaborate. If it was no, do not respond to this question.

    4) I heer u liek mudkipz? Please bold correct answer: T ...... F

    5) Will you be my friend? I've never had a friend D=
    Dure thing!
    6) Define the word Addition in 3 different fashions, without using any form of the word "Add" (Addition, Add, Etc)
    To increase; raise the total; not subtracting xP
    7) Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.
    Feel free to write down your brainstorm, as mind tricks amuse me o_o
    Uhm...Uruguay! Wait.. No...
    Hm...Blargry! Not a word. Curse you red squiggly. OH FUNNY! You're so silly. line! "The English language" is only 3 words, so "language" would be the third word! Hahah! Me smarties. (15 minutes to solve)

    8) Tell me a funny joke =D
    I'm not good at jokes, sorry! D:
    9) 11 is a racehorse.
    12 is 12
    1111 race

    Please read carefully, and make sense of the above.

    10) What style of music do you like?
    Can't claim that I have one.
    11) Fond of poetry?
    From time to time/
    12) One Eyed Doll or Voltaire?
    I like both :)
    13) You're driving a bus that is leaving on a trip from Pennsylvania and ending in New York. To start off with, there were 32 passengers on the bus. At the next bus stop, 11 people get off and 9 people get on. At the next bus stop, 2 people get off and 2 people get on. At the next bus stop, 12 people get on and 16 people get off. At the next bus stop, 5 people get on and 3 people get off. What color are the bus driver's eyes?
    14) How would you feel if I ended these questions on an uneven number?
    Noes D:
    15) It's okay, I promise I wont =D
    YAY! ^^
    16) Forward I am heavy, backwards I am not. What am I?
    17) I am a promise breaker, that is all.
    18) My posterior is adorned with feathers. I have a rather long neck and quite a pointy nose. I am able to fly, yet I have no wings. What am I?
    Swdinirly something that flies without wings.
    19) Now, don't answer any questions. And remember the rules, no deleting anything you have typed in any way.
    Gooluck trying to read words I tried to type! (Like that good luck in the first sentence.)
    Haaave fun!!!
    Really fun!

    sleddyboy3 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/28/2010 21:47:06)


    I remember when you had the two little moglins pushing the heart last year.
    Me too! :P
    That's all, good luck@

    Furore -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/28/2010 22:04:07)

    Hey Furry!

    What is the weather like today?
    Not too hot, not too cold. :D

    Are you enjoying yourself so far?
    Yup. ^^

    25 Max questions per post, are you craaaaaaaaaazy?
    Pssh, you know it!


    Have funnies!
    Thanks! ^^

    Jqxv -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/28/2010 22:21:57)

    6 pages already!?
    Sure is!
    You beat Trog's and Moneybag's thread!!
    I noticed o.O
    Anyways how are you?
    How's life?
    It's vacation!! :D
    Pikachu VS Ash. Who wins? D:
    *Zappp* Pikachu, no doubt.
    Favourite sung?
    Hm... No favorites so far. I haven't listened to a song over and over fr a while.
    Is the sun bright?
    What about the moon?
    It's shiny? :o
    Do we have the same socks?
    OMG WE DO! 8D
    Favourite smiley?
    Coffee or Cappuccino?
    That's all!! Bye!! Have fun!
    Bye! - Thanks ^^
    EDIT: UhhOhhh wait! Congratz again ;D
    Thank you! -Ash-

    user122 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/28/2010 22:24:28)

    Hello and congrats on being a mod! :D
    Hiya! I'm not a mod =P
    Bananas or pie?
    Can you lend me ur sole?
    Dole or soul?
    Chickens taste good.
    Indeed they do.
    Ur rubber band looks like Pony Gary Yellow.
    I have a rubber band? O.o
    Voltaire and One eyed doll will fight each other and you get the front seat in a filthy chamber full of rats :D
    Will I still get VIP? :D
    Mechquest or Adventure quest?
    Uhh... MQ.
    Time or Space?
    Void. :o
    Allow me to give you a celery.
    Can I be a stick?
    Sure! 0.o
    Bart Simpson or Homer Simpson?
    Calvin or Hobbes?
    Who are they? ;o
    Random rulez right? :D
    Is being an AK fun?
    Bananas are yellow.
    I thought they were green :(
    Tell me a secret.
    It wouldn't be a secret then! D:
    Bye and thnxs for reading this! :D
    Im still typing this paragraph.
    Who would win in a fight? A giant Mecha with tons of heat seaking atom bombs and flamethrowers or you?
    Me!!! ;D
    Okay,bye for now.
    *muurmur* Byee!

    pam7654321 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/28/2010 23:17:13)

    1. Hiya! I'm glad you bloom-ed...
    Hiya! :P
    2.Do you like waffles or pancakes? I like my waffels with powdered sugar...mmm...
    Sounds good! :o
    3. Are you wearing shackles?
    All AK's are. =P
    4. Do you like Inuyasha?
    I've heard of them, just don't watch it.
    5. Do you shower?(I love randomness)
    6.Hug? =D?
    7. I Vill be bak! (fake vampire FTW!!)
    Teh Pam of the 7 and 6 and 5 and 4 and 3 and 2 and 1-ness

    Vee -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 0:02:38)

    Pigs or Cows
    Flying Pigs!
    Pie or Cake
    Question or Question
    Answer! 8D
    8D or :P
    ModS or ModZ

    Sneevil Slayer -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 2:18:07)

    You said we could post on other pages, so I'm back.
    Hiya! Welcome back! :P
    Pancakes or Waffles?
    Pastry! :o
    Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner?
    Brunch. :)
    Doom or Destiny? Think about it for a minute.
    Destiny, definitely.
    Which AE game is your favorite?
    Who would win in a fair fight, dragon or mecha?
    Dragon, since it can't overload. >:)
    Who would win, Cysero or Warlic?
    Mages! That's tough =P
    Who would win, Artix or Sir Malifact?
    Our favorite paladin dominates all that oppose him. <3

    bruextian -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 2:31:09)

    Hello!! Ashluv[:D]
    Before I ask some question's "Congratulation"
    Here is my question's!!

    1.Since you are a ArcKnight what are you planning to do?[:-]
    Keep the forum community-friendly and help others. ;)
    2.When did you start playing AQworlds??[:)]
    Started from beta with multiple accounts. :P
    3.Who is your favorite MOD?
    I have NO favorite. They're all just too cute! ^^
    4.Where do you live?

    Mine is Artix!! He is Really Cool!
    Don't forget Bruextian06
    I won't ;)

    darold24 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 3:01:06)

    0, no using delete or backspace :D
    Here we go again!
    1,ummm ummm ummmm
    Humana, Humana, Humana!
    2,how do u become a AK?
    Just be good, follow the rules. ;)
    3,can i goto ur house?? for no reason and take all ur food? :)
    Er.. In-game, sure!
    4,do u like flowers?
    5,is it busy being a AK?
    Sometimes :)
    6,do u get bored reading my post :), i hope u do xD
    I have a long list, yours might not be the only one. :P
    7,pokes 3 times, and run away
    8,vampires? or lycan?
    9,what wealther do u like? i like cold xD (cold blood? o.O)
    Hot! Flowers don't like the cold :(
    10,what will u do if there is 8 days in a week?
    There's 8 days now?!
    11who is your fav MOD?? ( mine is MILTONIUS *evil laughs* MAHAHAHAHAH)
    No favorite, I love them all equally. :) But maybe Elly. ;P
    13, if i pvp who would win :)
    It'll be a tough match =P
    14, u didnt not know i skip number 12!!!! yay!!!!
    Totally unnoticeable!!
    15, dont cheat, i know u didnt know i skip number 12 :P
    v.v You caught me.
    16,miltonius or J6?
    Both are great artists. :)
    17, cookies? or flower?
    18, who is ur fav chaos lord? my is miltonius, if he ever become one :)
    Hm, that's a tough one. I don't exactly have a favorite :P
    19, do u think i can get 25 questions?
    It's a challenge!
    20, you better answer them all, or else!!! i'll stalked U xD
    21,battle off!!!
    Battle On!
    22, what is ur fav event in aqw?
    LIVE Events :P
    23, do u play any other AE games?
    DF and MQ
    24, if a magic wing blows ur hair and ur hair came off what will u do?? o.O
    Ahh! I don't have fake hair :(
    25, OMG getting 25 questions is hard, do i get a reward?? pretty please?? with a cherry one top?
    /gives cewkeys ^^

    Kevinza -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 4:27:13)

    6 pages. You must be getting tired.
    It's only the 2nd day. :P

    I don't want to post any questions. I'd feel guilty about not abusing the 25 question limit.
    Haha, thanks!

    Congrats again and good luck.
    Thank you :)

    Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 4:44:08)

    Mmmk Q&A Time for Ashykins.

    1.) If you were 4inches tall what would you do?
    That's too late... I'm shorter than that.
    2.) If you had a choice which super power would you want
    Hm... to grow chickencows! o.O
    3.) Super man or Spider man?
    Superjars! :)
    4.) AQW Char?
    5.) Hows the AKing
    6.) If you saw Artix would you:
    a) Run up and be like AMG I LOVE YOU
    b) Act all cool and ignore him
    c) Run up and kidnap him?
    d) Greet him and talk a while

    7.) Do you do any martial arts?
    8) Do you think it's hard coming up with a lot of these questions?
    It's a challenge for both you and me!
    9.) I bet your getting tired by now huh?
    You bet right.
    10.) I see what you did thar, do you?
    No. What did I do?! D:
    11.) Whats your favorite food
    a) Italian Definitely.
    b) Chinese
    c) Lebanese

    12.) Like Futurama?
    I don't watch it much.
    13.) If I poked you what would you do?
    Poke attack!
    14.) Hows you?
    15.) Do you liek mudkipz?
    16.) By jolly is this getting hard thinking of questions...hard answering them?
    17.) Believe in Santa?
    YES! Why? Do you have anything to say about him?! D:
    18.) If you saw a spider on your arm what would you do
    Ahh! Spider!!!
    19.) Have twitter?
    20.) No peeking, what number questions I ask: Do you do any martial arts?
    21.) Almost at the question limit, quite a nice bonding session here right?
    22.) Wow this took almost 10 minutes
    I take longer!
    23.) What nationality are you?
    24.) What would happen if I broke the limit?
    Delete, delete!
    25.) Would it be D:<


    *Runs Away*

    You and your distractions!

    UndeadKen -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 4:52:21)

    How tall are you?
    Tall enough to see you! :o
    name of char?
    how did you become an AK?
    Passing various agility test. :D
    That is all [:D]

    red guy 100 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 4:58:30)

    i guess i was late for this party..... would i get a punishment?
    No, you get a cookie instead!
    congrats for you!
    how's the AK-ing?"
    would you be friends with zorbak if he asks?
    Ebil, is he? :)
    do you like pink like beleen or you just like wearing pink doomknight?
    =O How do you know I'm wearing Pink DmK? =P
    what time do you sleep and wake up?
    Various times.
    favorite band?
    None at the moment.
    pancakes or doughnuts?
    Both are yummy. :)
    do you have any game consoles?
    on what server are you logging in?
    SirVer usually, occasionally Nythera.
    let's see..... i gotta go! bye! [:)]
    Bye! ;)

    Elnaith -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 6:46:38)

    Hi Ashluv :D
    Hey Elly! :D
    25 questions a post, and so up to date? I commend your commitment.
    I stick with my commitments. :)
    On Deatheater 82's riddle: statements 1 through 5 are true, the rest false.
    Haha! Cheat Sheet!
    Did you know that it took until the 18th century for humanity to figure out why we breathe?
    Not too long ago, but that's still a long time. Thanks for the fact! ^^ (I never really knew that. :P)
    Thanks for being an Archknight on AQW GD :D
    Thank you for choosing me! ^^

    Epicmoo123450 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 8:20:43)

    i'm back :D
    if the square root of 25 is 5, what is the captial of the usa.
    Square roots involve capitals? O.o
    Are you sure your not sure that your not sure that your not sure if your smarter than a fifth grader (answer yes or no)
    ..No. v.v
    Do you like Good dogs?
    Yes :)
    Do you like Good cows?
    *gives another cookie*
    /noms cookie
    *thinks about it then takes it away*
    See you!

    DeathStrik3 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 9:18:24)

    Im back for the 3rd time, I think 25 question is a page filler so that's why this happened!!!
    It's an honor to have you back! :P
    more non-sense question:
    Time travelling fairy + Thieves + A blue Moglin = ?
    A flying, thieving traveling blue moglin!
    Dragon + basketball player + wrestler + wolfwing's bite =
    Drasketer's Bite.
    Gives more PAKEs for answering my questions!
    (>@<) here's the pake!!! *om nom*
    how many pakes do you eat a day?
    Not many :(
    how many pakes have you eaten from the start of this thread?
    Too many too count!
    What Pake flavor? /gives raspberry Pake
    Ooh! /noms
    If a dragonslayer attacks a dragon and the Dragonlord attacks the dragonslayer, who won?
    Barney or Pony yellow Gary?
    Ponies! :o
    If Cysero has his own Saga in Aqworld what would be the title and what would happen?
    The Left Sock's Vengeance!
    My next comeback would be at friday or not. Bye [:D]

    UltimateFatalis -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 9:59:58)

    ni hao
    Hiya! ^^

    foohy890 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 10:13:25)

    1. Do you like raisins?
    Not really
    2. Do you like oatmeal cookies?
    All cookies are the best!
    3. Do you like oatmeal raisin cookies?
    Okay... maybe not all cookies :(
    4. Did your stomach get huge from all the cookies yet?
    Nope! ^^
    5. What's your AQWorlds character's name?
    6. Where's Waldo?
    Behind you!
    7. What's the answer to this question?
    The answer of all answers
    9. What number question is this?
    9. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    A wood chuck would chuck would.. eh?
    10. Chuck Norris!

    ~foohy (I grant you an oatmeal raisin cookie OR a white chocolate chip cookie - YOUR CHOICE!)
    White Chocolate Chip Cookie! -Ash-

    Axilmeus -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 10:18:13)

    Hi again!

    Wel, I can't think of any questions so I'll just post the exam results.

    You answered correctly to the second question, but to the first not at all.
    Aw :(

    Two most often reasons for bear attacks on humans are:
    1. The human surprised the bear.
    2. The bear mommy is protecting her kids. (NEVER mess with angry mommies.)

    You got half the questions correct so the grade is D. You aren't a material for ursologist... (I made up that word :P)
    Noes! I need that job!

    So cya for now. Since you allowed two posts per page I may come bother you later when I'll think of some questions.
    Bye ;)


    kpnut -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 10:38:30)

    i'm back again, don't know about my questions though i left them on the path behind me since there was a weight limit
    are you still going to try and start all the DN threads?
    If I have time, but it looks like Nebula_ is replacing my board ;)
    answer this maths question:

    2+2+56+999+666+616+458374634=? (i don't even know the answer so i'll have to take yours as the correct one :P)
    by for now, i might be back on the next page :P

    Bye! ^^

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