RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (Full Version)

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SoulAmaze -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 18:36:40)

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
I wouldn't do anything for a bar. 0.o
Why would you do that?
It's secret business. SHHH!
Congratz On your Blooming only few made it
Thank you! :D
Where am I?
Infront of the Lochness Monster
I'm scared there's no light
The monster's gigantic!
I see.......a Golden Egg!!
So how's life as a ArchKnight(I hope i spelled it right)
Lots of business.
Where can I find the cookie monster? He left Elmo and the Big Bird
Cookie Monster is busy stealing cookies.
Wow you bloomed into a beautiful Lotus.
Haha, thanks!
I forgot to introduce myself. I am Boxe Dynomite. :)
Hey Boxe Dynomite!
Bye Bye Ashy(Can I call you that?)
~Boxe Dynomite In n Out Cya

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 19:18:58)

Hyia's luvly[8D]
Yf iou can fynd out whats wrong than iou wyn a cookye
You replaced the "Y's" with "I's" and vise versa. :P /noms cookie
After three hunder (or somethyng) DN posts u fynally got that promotyon
Haha, it wasn't the DN threads! :P
Questyon Tyme
What Tyme ys yt where iou lyve
Dask (Dawn + Dusk)
Dyd u expect to become an AK at anityme during you DN's posts
No. The DN's thread is jsut to spread news of upcoming items/spoilers/event to discuss about ^^
Whats you favorite pyzza toppyng(say pepperony or yll eat you)
whats wyth the whyte lotus~y woulda picked a red rose~oooo pretty y see whi you pycked whyte lotus
Roses have thorns :P
y hope no other AKs post on my questyons
This thread belongs to mine! :)
that wasn't a question was yt[8|]
I don't know ;-;
GTG enough tyme for one questyon
can y has a Sugar Cookye
But.. it's mine! :(
What's you favoryte kynd of dog(say Amerycan Pyt Bull Terryer)
Huskies :P
~AK 94 the not so AK
P.S. lyke my squyggle
It's... squiggly!
P.S.S. when y posted thys you had never gotten to page 7 and y am on page 8 so tysk tysk tysk
P.S.S.S. my S's
Post Scrip Script Script Script? Isn't it suppose to be Post Post Post Script? :P
P.S.S.S.S. can y meets the Fur0re
Furry's being furry'ing around
P.S.S.S.S.s. tyni S[:D]
P.S.S.S.S.S.S. Mi byrthdai ys September 16th whats yours
Some day in some year!
P.7S. Iou Sayd 25 questyons per post and 2 posts per page......ys there a page lymyt that y can post on
2 :P
P.8S. Congratz ys the name of the game iou are the wynner
P.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.guess my name(real lyfe) and wyn a lyfe tymes worth of cookyes
..Er... JOHN?!
Wrong!Guess again for a years worth of cookyes P.S. first letter is right

~AK 94 the Repetytyve and myxed letter not so AK
P.Too many S's. Dyd iou wyn the cookyes?
I don't know :(
P.So Many S's. Y has 4 smyles on thys post
Hahaha! guess again! =P

silver knight -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 19:28:45)

1. Why 15 questions?
15? It's 25 =P
2. Why call Furore furry?
It's his nickname.
3. Is he a furry?
That's his business

pam7654321 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 19:38:49)

To be nice, Alot of people are giving you questions sooo...IM GIVING YOU ANSWERS/FACTS!!!
(there were 450 to copy and paste, so I'll just do 25)
1.Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every 2 weeks otherwise it will digest itself.
2.Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots.
3.Right-handed people live, on average; nine years longer than left handed people.
4.It costs more to buy a new car today in the United States than it cost Christopher Columbus to equip and undertake three voyages to and from the New World.
6.Studies have shown that children laugh an average of 300 times/day and adults 17 times/day, making the average child more optimistic, curious, and creative than the adult.
7.The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
8.During a severe windstorm or rainstorm the Empire State Building sways several feet to either side.
9.400-quarter pounders can be made from 1 cow.
10.Iceland consumes more Coca-Cola per capita than any other nation.

Eh I'll be back later with more useless facts...I VILL BE BAK!!!

Sam041 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 20:41:36)

For my last post in your thread, I'll make it 25 questions for you. So hewro.
Awww. Alright!
When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?
Uhm... Mid-Day?
Why is it that on a phone or calculator the number five has a little dot on it?
It's purpose is like the "F" and the "J" on the keyboard :P
What do you do when you see an endangered animal that is eating an endangered plant?
How do you handcuff a one-armed man?
Er... Strange questions.
What happens to an irrisitable force when it hits an immovable object?
If there's a speed of sound and a speed of light is there a speed of smell?
Most likely
What is the speed of dark?
The time fr the sun to set in a day
If you put a chameleon in a room full of mirrors, what color would it turn?
Black? Camouflage?
If you had a three story house and were in the second floor, isn't it possible that you can be upstairs and downstairs at the same time?
That's... possible!
If you really could dig a hole to China, and you did, and you fell in, would you stop in the middle because of gravity?
Wouldn't there be the oceans first? ;-;
If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?
I wouldn't know
What happens when you put hand sanitizer on a place other then your hand?
What "place" exactly? 0,o
Can you "stare off into space" when you're in space?
It's endless, but possible!
Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?
It's a weird technology? =P
Do you have a hidden talent? Mine is eating hairball. >=)
Do penguins have knees?
They have flippers!
Why is it said that an alarm clock is going off when really its coming on?
You asked this somewhere else :(
Can you cry underwater?
If ketchup is good on french fries, how come it isn't good on mashed potatoes?
Mashed potatoes isn't coolz like french friez
Why doesn't broccoli come in a can?
What shape is the sky?
Loopie.. thingies!
Why does it say "shake well" on ketchup bottles, but not ketchup packets?
The bottles need to be denser since it has a lot more materials inside?
Why isn’t the number 11 pronounced onety one?
I don't know ;_;
Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?
Er... everyday?! :O
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
Succeeded your failure!
PHEW! Thats a lot of questions. Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight Pablo. Bai!
It was! Strange ones, too. Thanks! Bye!

Predatoree -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 20:48:26)

Hello again.
Congratulations again.
Thanks :)
Bye again.

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 20:49:15)

I'm back with more questions and a few answers
1.What is your favorite color?
don't really have one
2.What is your favorite smiley in the column that away<.<?
[&:] Win!
3.Who would win in a fight a white lotus or a red rose?
Lotuses are wise :)
4.Can i has a cookie?
/gives cookie
5.Can my friends have cookies?
I'm going to run out! D:
6.Is being an AK difficult (not becoming one but being one)?
There's a lot of tasks involved, so yeah.
7.Were is my cookie?
In your hands. :o
8.What's with 25 questions per post and 2 posts per page?
A challenge!
9.Bet you can't make a sentence using every letter of the alphabet?
I can't. you win the bet :(
10.What is the longest word you can spell without any vowels?
I can't think of any!
11.Is this the most random post you have ever seen and if no what was?
Exploding bunnies.
12.I'm running out of questions!
13.Is this your lucky number?
I don't know my lcuky number 0,o
14.If not than what is?
15.Am i annoying?
Nope :)
17.Thats my thing leave it alone!
Alright. D:
18.How random are you?
Not random.
19.I'm running outta question spaces
20.You wanna be friends?
Sure thing!
21.If yes find me in game~I'm hiding~Oh and you can't use the list of usernames[;)]
Aww. ;_;
24.Thats not me thats you[8D]
25.Last question better make it count: COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MINE! /noms
~AK 94 the not so AK

~AK 94 the not mixed letter not so AK

~AK 94 the man who posts his name 50 times

~AK 94 the Squiggle man

~AK 94 knows that only 25 posts go on a single page

~AK 94 the annoying teenager who doesn't know when to stop posting[8D]

~AK 94 Innocent(check out that song) because "We are all Innocent"

-Ash- Too many.

Joulz -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 22:48:38)

Congratz ashluv!
I have only 5 questions
1.Do you like Flowers? They're very unique :)
2.Do you like pink? Yeah, it's alright.
3.What is the feeling of becoming an AK? Exhausting, most of the time.
4.Are you a vegetarian? Not really, but I just eat a lot green
5.Do you hate insects? look behind you and you will find some...:D
Yes!...AHHH!! /runs in terror

Zhukai -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 22:56:13)

Hey Ash<3!
Hey Zhukkini!
Just wanted to see how well you'd do in an acrostic poem. Good luck.
Haha, bring it on!
Indians! :o

... :) I'm horrible at acrostics :P

ZanpakuTô -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 22:59:38)

Ashluv!! Welcome to our ship, Ship of ArchKnights! Congratulations
Zancake!! Feels good to be on board! Thanks!

There is no turning back now
Maybe there's one way...

But some questions, over some fresh, crisp souls, if you don't mind. Rare?
Ooh, cripsy souls.

Enjoying your position so far?
Maybe :D

Well stop it.

That's it for now. See you via IRC!
Bye Zancake! See you!

Xeru -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 23:09:08)

im sorry for my last post ;(
Haha, it;s alright!
how much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck norris?
i love you! O_O
can i poke your shackles?
Er.. sure?
its hammer time! >:D
*brings out her SPAMhammer*
its not hammer time ;P
edit: forgot my purple


Velvex -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 23:26:01)

Hai Ahsy! Told you I'd post. :P Now, since I don't know too much about you yet . . . <_< it's interrogation time.
hey Velvex! :o

1. So I heard joo like llamas?
2. Where were you Friday night at 9:46 PM?
Fighting the lag in the release ;-;
3. What is your favorite AE game?
4. If you were a dinosaur, what would you be?
A flying one? O.o
5. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yush :o
6. Do you believe that I am a ghost? :O
Ahh! You're a ghost! D:
7. What kind of music are you in to, and what is your favorite band?
I have no favorite music nor band
8. If you had the chance to change your natural hair color to blue, would you do it?
=O Yeahh!
9. What country are you from? [8|]
A country of civilization
10. Does this look like an owl? (O,O)
Does this? (0,0)
11. Did you notice I haven't said congratulations yet?
No. O.o
13. Did you notice I skipped number 12?
Nope! >.<
14. Did you notice the alien invasion Sunday?
15. Did you notice me looking through your window last night?
So that was you?!
16. Are you a soccer fan? If so, what team(s) are you rooting for in the World Cup?
Not really a soccer fan, but I rooted for England ;-;
17. Which is cooler, a sea lion or a seal?
Seal! :3
18. Oh my god a dragon!
19. Favorite type of food?
Type? Uhh... Any? ._.
20. Favorite color- oh my god another dragon!!
Well, I like--AHHH!
21. If you could change your name to any AE NPC's name, what would you change it to?
Any? They would already be taken though =P
22. Did the Big Bang really happen?
According to history, yeah. 0.o
23. Morgan Freeman > Chuck Norris. Amiright?
You are right!
24. What is the answer to the univ- another dra . . . wait, false alarm, it's just a muffin.
It's--AHH! /runsawayanyways
25. Would you rather have to use a cane, or one of those electric scooters that go really fast when you're elderly?
I want to use a jetpack C:
Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight Ash! I look forward to seeing you slowly transform from another moderator's slave into a strict and stern overseer that I grow to resent. :D
Haha! Thanks!...And I can't wait? 0,o

sleddyboy3 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 23:40:26)

I r back!
/punch shoulder
Ow D:
Visit here!
Error ;-;
Are you tired yet?
Can I steal your pillow?
No! T-T
OMG. It'''
WHERE?! *throws pokeball*
I vill be bach! (I r vampire!)
D: Bye!
Auf Wiedersehen.

Jqxv -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 0:01:55)

Ohh my GAS..H!! Hi again Ash :D
Hey Chicha!
8pages already!! O_O Yesterday it was only on 6 pages..
It's already 9! D:
You like my new sig?
Pretty c:
What do you think of Philip the Groundhog?
Looks like a hamster.
Ashluv VS Chicharonianz Who wins..?
Pssh, you're not match against me! :O
Have you ever thought of climbing up the Mt. Everest?
Nope O.o
What about going on the sun?
I'd melt ._.
Needles are scary, ain't they? :3
Yes they are!
What's your favourite season of the year?
Yulgar-1 or Battleon-1?
Have you ever joined a clan? If yes what's the name?
Nope, but some are convincing me to.
That's all Ash, this might be my last post in your MtAK thread. But don't worry, I'm always on your side :3 :P
Alright. Byee!
Bye! Congrats on the AKShip ;)
Thanks ^^

angelo777123 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 2:54:43)

/was poked
are rares!
Good luck *ppooooff*
*Leaves Cookie*
/noms cookie

Nebula -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 3:12:44)

Well, hi, I guess.
Hi O.o
I have nothing to say/ask, really.
/e taps his fingers on the desk
Uhhh ... do you like ... pizza? :/
Well ... bye. :3

ChaoX -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 4:11:50)

8 PAGES already? you must be popular... O.o
Heh, it isn't as much as Hay's. :P
Nao, why did you nom on meh?
When I was little..... wait.. what am I saying? o.e
Must be alot of work being an AK.. eh?
Fav Anime? (If you watch)
Bleach, not occasionally
What do you think of noodles? (Munches on one)
Are tired of hearing "Who haz Drudgen?".... I fear it will become Can I haz Drudgen? o.O
Haha! xD
Name the class that is VERY overpowered.
And That's All Folks!.... Wait, did I just say a famous quote?

SoftServe -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 4:51:02)

quiet, SoftServe is speaking~
you must be special, you have gotten me to come out of hiding multiple times just to say hi o:
Yay me!!
whats your favorite color?
Don't have one really.
do you likes being AK?
It's exhausting :|
how did you pick to be the white lotus?
I don't know :]
-hug again- bai :o
/hugs bye!
you may continue, SoftServe has spoken~

ydcl -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 6:08:59)

Hi, I'm new here, and my post has been deleted, because I didn't find, where to go.
So, here we go : I'm guardian lvl40, but I can't play lvl 35 missions. They are locked. Here is, what I think, of what I'm seeing. If there is another way, to report, please tell me, because I don't know a lot, about computers.
Thanks for helping me

DudeWithBrokenTeeth -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 9:29:42)

Welcome i guess?
How is u?
Why Did the chicken cross the road?
To eat another chicken
Imagine ur in a Race, ur 3rd place u pass 2nd place what place are u in now?
1st? O.o
Thx For Listening ._. Have A nice day :D

kpnut -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 13:19:10)

i'm back with some questions i smuggled past customs XD
can you guess why my forum name's kpnut?
Nope ;=;
how's the AKing been?
Exhausting Dx
who would win in a fight: bruce lee, chuck norris or a ninja master?
Me!! :P
that's it for now


1337sauce -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 14:42:42)

What made you want to become an ArchKnight?
The shackles? Yup, definitely
Do you like kids?
They're adorable.. sometimes :P
What's your IRC channel info?
Are there any benefits of being an ArchKnight?
You get to help the community ^^
How much anime do you and the other ArchKnights watch?
I wouldn't know.
Why does AE have so many games that are so similar?
Its a storyline. :P
Do the AE team work full-time with AE games?
Of course!
That's all for now...

Pyronix15 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 14:46:38)

I demand you fill the following space with 10 questions!
Noes D:
Oh and answer them for me as well. Please. And thank you.
PM me when you're done, need to make sure you're not slacking off. XD
/slacks off

Lord Avonn -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 14:58:51)

Hey Ash...
I got one question; WHY?
Why what? ;-;
<Laughs Evilly>
c ya ~Lord Avonn
See you!

Rexobrother -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/30/2010 15:52:57)

G'day to you!

Congratulations on being promoted to AK!
Thank you! ^^

Riddle : A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say?

Something, something.. But he lets him off so that he can't contradict his own sentence. :P

Have a Great Day! Battle On!

~ Rex

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