Portrait (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> Portrait (7/2/2010 15:18:01)



Location: Mayonnaise Cubed

Quests given

Shops owned

Portrait: ...because I'm a portrait and I'm made out of mayonnaise and I am called a TALKING portrait so I just kinda keep talking and talking
Portrait: ...about whatever comes to mind because what I say isn't really important so long as I am talking, It's funny 'cause I don't actually have a mind...
Portrait: ...I'm just a pair of magical lips on some magical mayonnaise hung on a wall in some place owned by some guy that looks like me...
Portrait: ...and some other cranky guy who doesn't like mayonnaise. What does he have against mayonnaise anyways? Haha, that rhymes...
Portrait: ...right his name is Cysero, which of course rhymes with 'This-a-go', and "Is limo" and also "Steve" if you have a really bad cold, but anyway...
Portrait: ...does anybody remember what I was talking about a minute ago cause I think it had something to do with lemonade or cats or...


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