Scakk -> Summon Kiveras II (7/2/2010 16:46:52)
Summon Kiveras II Also see: Summon Kiveras I / III Z / IV / V and Guardian Summon Kiveras VI Level: 31 Price: 2,500 115 Gold Sellback: 1,250 57 Gold Location: Eclipsus Quest Chain - 3: Awakening Barenford Element: Energy Cost: 0 MP MP Level: 31 Effect: Summons Kiveras II as a guest. Cast again to dismiss it. When attempting to summon the guest while fighting Irolustre, the guest isn't summoned and you get the following message: "Irolustre and Kiveras can't fight beside you now--they're on the other side of the battlefield!". DESCRIPTION Kiveras wants to stay with Irolustre - but also wants to repay you for all you have done for her and her friend! [image][/image] Write-up thanks to Khimera. Pricing thanks to Kaelin.