RE: Pets / Guest (Full Version)

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Jakau Ryuu -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/15/2010 17:57:28)


Image of the new Night Wisp guest (image also functions as a link):
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Xrai -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/15/2010 17:59:58)


Upkeep costs for the above guest is 57 MP per turn for lvl 85 version.
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Vivi -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/15/2010 18:21:51)


Nightwisp guest

Level	10	35	60	85	110
Type	B	B	B	B	B
PLvl	19	41	64	88	113
MPLvl	16	39	63	87	112
MPCost	14	26	40	57	77
Price	550	3050	16500	62000	120000
Sell	275	1525	8250	31000	60000

Does *=0.32 damage of a standard guest

Against categories "undead" and "necromancer", the guest's aura activates. Every turn it attempts to reduce the enemy's BTH by 10 and damage by 30%, regardless of whether the attack hits or not, subject to save. The monster takes -20 to its save roll.
Level: PLvl vs MonsterLevel
Major: PlayerCha vs MonsterEnd
Minor: PlayerLuk vs MonsterLuk
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Koree -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/16/2010 1:12:39)


Night Wisp I/II/III/IV/V

Attack is one hit, Magic Light.

Level	10	35	60	85	110
Type	B	B	B	B	B
PLvl	19	41	64	88	113
Base	5 	10	17	25	35
Random	10	21	34	50	70
BTH     4       10      16      22      28

With the *0.32 modifier

Base	2 	3	5	8	11
Random	3 	7	11	16	22

EDIT: Stat% was incorrect. See the Stats from the post below.
Also, Base/Rand assume the guest has a Base:Random ratio of 1:2.
Done. ~K

Khimera -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/16/2010 10:15:25)


Koree, the stat values are incorrect. You used the old formula of *4.4, but it's not *6.6. Correct values are below
Level	Stat%
10	254
35	417
60	588
85	766
110	952

And with the *0.32 applied...
Level	Stat%
10	81
35	133
60	188
85	245
110	305

Typo in the analysis for Twilly:

In total, the attack does 0.9*0.85*1.2*0.5 = .495 damage per hit.

Should be .459
Added and fixed, thanks! ~Koree

Storm -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/22/2010 6:26:35)


The Following pets are no longer in the TLPD shop:

- Buccaneer Trobble (all levels)

Instead, they are replaced by :

- Buccaneer Monkey (all levels= 5/16/38/62/82/98)

Got it. Thanks. ~Scakk

SysRq AQForums -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/23/2010 4:50:26)

The link for Guardian Gaiden V says

*Gaiden requires magical energy to be sustained. (##MP required or he will dissipates next turn)

Should be dissipate. "##MP required or he will dissipate next turn"

I just checked it, and in-game it does read "will dissipates". ~Koree

Balu -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/23/2010 16:19:23)


By casting the "Summon ElBhe" spell you get this cool looking guest:


When you summon ElBhe, she will say one of the following things:

"If you put me in a box, I won't be both alive and dead... just annoyed."
"If you summon me one more time, I'll leave stains on your house rug."
"I feel sorry for the Gatta. Who would want to put up with being even partially humanoid?"
"I am just going to sit here and lick my paw. Let me know when the fighting starts."
"Stop messing around. Combat is srs biznus."
"I had a theory about string, too. But once you've unraveled it, it's difficult to wrap back up."
"I'd ask you to take a moment to take in my cuteness, but we'd be here all day."
"Have your people called mine yet...?"
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Dariex -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/23/2010 17:05:07)


ElBhe also says:
"I better get lots of string and catnip for this"
"The secret to my cuteness would blow your mind"
"Baby talk me and it's the last mistake you'll ever make"
"A cat in the hat? What the hecks up with that?"
"If this doesn't get interesting, i'm gonna start cleaning myself."
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Lord Barrius -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/23/2010 18:09:06)


Okay, I *think* this is all accurate, but I'm mentally exhausted so there could be some smallish errors. I'll have Ael look it over when she has time.

ElBhe (Guest)

Location: Shhhh! It's a SeekRat! Part 3

Upkeep: 1.2 * 0.175 * (38.1 + 2.3375*Level + 0.01125*Level^2) MP, rounded normally
(see trigger for triggered upkeep costs)

  • Base: 1.2 * 0.3 * (5.25 + 0.5625*Level + 0.00375*Level^2) damage
  • Random: 1.2 * 0.3 * (10.5 + 1.125*Level + 0.0075*Level^2) damage
  • Stat: 1.2 * [1.875 * 0.6 * (100 + Level*6.6)] %
    BTH: [Level/4], rounded down

    [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    Hits: 3
    Type: Melee
    Element: Light or Dark, chosen at random
    Damage: 33.33% Base, Random, and Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each

    Triggers: "burp","rodent","bird","fish","mermazon","milk","yarn","catnip","cheezburger"
    Trigger Effect: Upkeep Cost is reduced to 0.8 * 0.175 * (38.1 + 2.3375*Level + 0.01125*Level^2) MP

    When ElBhe enters battle, he makes a speech bubble comment, selecting one from the following pool at random:
  • "I'd ask you to take a moment to take in my cuteness, but we'd be here all day."
  • "If you're not fighting something edible this time, I'm not interested."
  • "I'd better get lots of string and catnip for this."
  • "The secret to my cuteness would blow your mind."
  • "Have your people called mine yet...?"
  • "For the last time, NO, I do NOT say "nyah" when I speak."
  • "I'll have you know my Common is better than yours, u n00b."
  • "If this doesn't get more interesting, I'm going to start cleaning myself."
  • "A hairball puts up a better fight than you do..."
  • "Baby-talk at me and it's the last mistake you'll ever make."
  • "I had a theory about string, too. But once you've unraveled it, it's difficult to wrap back up."
  • "When I run out of lives, I just borrow someone else's."
  • "A cat in a hat? What the heck's up with that?"
  • "I am just going to sit here and lick my paw. Let me know when the fighting starts."
  • "If you put me in a box, I won't be both alive and dead... just annoyed."
  • "If you summon me one more time, I'll leave stains on your house rug."
  • "Stop messing around. Combat is srs biznus."
  • "You called me away from my scratching post. I suppose clawing at <Monster> will have to do."
  • "I feel sorry for the Gatta. Who would want to put up with being even partially humanoid?"
  • "Awwww, does <Monster> need a belly scratching too?"

    ElBhe (Summon Guest)

    Location: Summon ElBhe

    Level: 0/40/0Z/80/120G
    Power Level: 0/40/40/80/123
    MP Level: 0/40/30/80/122
    Upkeep: 7/26/21/52/86 MP
    (see trigger for triggered upkeep costs)

  • Base (estimated): 2/12/12/27/47 damage
  • Random (estimated): 4/24/24/53/94 damage
  • Stat (estimated): 135%/491.4%/491.4%/847.8%/1230.93%
    BTH (estimated): 0/10/10/20/30

    [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    Hits: 3
    Type: Melee
    Element: Light or Dark, chosen at random
    Damage: 33.33% Base, Random, and Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each

    Triggers: "burp","rodent","bird","fish","mermazon","milk","yarn","catnip","cheezburger"
    Trigger Effect: Upkeep Cost is reduced to (estimated) 5/17/14/35/57 MP per turn

    When ElBhe enters battle, he makes a speech bubble comment, selecting one from the following pool at random:
  • "I'd ask you to take a moment to take in my cuteness, but we'd be here all day."
  • "If you're not fighting something edible this time, I'm not interested."
  • "I'd better get lots of string and catnip for this."
  • "The secret to my cuteness would blow your mind."
  • "Have your people called mine yet...?"
  • "For the last time, NO, I do NOT say "nyah" when I speak."
  • "I'll have you know my Common is better than yours, u n00b."
  • "If this doesn't get more interesting, I'm going to start cleaning myself."
  • "A hairball puts up a better fight than you do..."
  • "Baby-talk at me and it's the last mistake you'll ever make."
  • "I had a theory about string, too. But once you've unraveled it, it's difficult to wrap back up."
  • "When I run out of lives, I just borrow someone else's."
  • "A cat in a hat? What the heck's up with that?"
  • "I am just going to sit here and lick my paw. Let me know when the fighting starts."
  • "If you put me in a box, I won't be both alive and dead... just annoyed."
  • "If you summon me one more time, I'll leave stains on your house rug."
  • "Stop messing around. Combat is srs biznus."
  • "You called me away from my scratching post. I suppose clawing at <Monster> will have to do."
  • "I feel sorry for the Gatta. Who would want to put up with being even partially humanoid?"
  • "Awwww, does <Monster> need a belly scratching too?"
  • Added, thanks! ~Koree

    Xrai -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/23/2010 18:27:26)


    Erm... the lvl 80 version's upkeep cost is 62MP per turn instead of 52. And if the upkeep cost for the lvl 120G version also use the formula for the guest in the quest, it should be 104MP per turn.

    Message appears when you summon it on the first turn and you do not have enough mana: Elbhe waits for you to be ready.(##MP required or he will leave next turn)

    Message appears when you do not have the mana to upkeep it: Elbhe bats at a leaf blowing by in the wind, pouncing after it.(Not enough MP: ##MP required)

    Edit: The lvl 80 version indeed have an upkeep cost of 62MP per turn, while for lvl 120G version I'm not sure, just calculated from the SP cost formula from the Guest received in the quest.
    Added messages, Upkeep costs taken care of. Thanks! ~Koree

    Ello -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/23/2010 19:27:35)

    The scaled guest you get from the quest receives the Scaling penalty of 1.2x Cost.

    It's actually *1.25. ~Koree

    Vivi -> RE: Pets / Guest (9/27/2010 10:48:19)


    For the Virulent Baby Chimeran and its lower level versions, the effect does not count the pet for the damage bonus. The correct effect is:


    All attacks dealt by the pet deal *(0.975+0.025*numSetItems) where numSetItems is how many pieces of the Set you have equipped (weapon, armor, shield).
    Fixed, thanks! ~Koree

    Ash -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/21/2010 16:30:07)


    Antlertops guest

    50/50 Earth/Dark, which gives it *= 1.05 damage

    BtH leans: -7 on Earth +3 on Darkness

    Level	19	39	59	39	79	99	119
    Type	G	-	-	Z	-	-	G
    PLvl	27	39	59	59	79	99	122
    MPLvl	25	39	59	54	79	99	121
    MPCost	18	26	38	34	51	66	85
    Price	1050	4000	15450	1350	52950	89600	151600
    Sell	525	2000	7725	Z	26475	44800	75800

    Goten. Thank you. ~B

    Balu -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/21/2010 16:39:29)


    Image for the above guest:

    Got it. :-) ~B

    AQNexus -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/21/2010 16:50:03)


    Picture for the new summon spell: Summon Antlertops I/II/III/V/IV

    Message appears when you summon it on the first turn and you do not have enough mana: Krunder takes Antlertops home where it's safe. (Not enough ##MP required)
    Message appears when you do not have the mana to upkeep it: Krunder and Antlertops wait for you to be ready. (##MP required or they will leave next turn)

    Taken care of. Thank you. ~B

    Balu -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/22/2010 16:47:26)


    @^ Your image displays the guest you get after casting the spell. The image for the spell is different Dakota.

    I can't see the image for the Corrupted Moglin pet. So, here is an image of said pet:

    Got it, thanks. ~Baron

    Billie Joe Armstrong -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/28/2010 15:32:56)


    image of the new Li'l Guardian Drake pet
    Added, thanks! ~Koree

    Balu -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/28/2010 16:17:54)


    Image for the new Fishboy pet:

    Got it, thanks. ~Baron


    Image for the new Werepup pet:

    Got it. ~B


    Image for the new Frankenspine Jr. pet:

    Got it, thanks. ~Baron

    Xalric -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/28/2010 16:18:15)

    Lil' Drac Pet

    Thanks, but I used Billie Joe Armstrong's image. Yours has a nice quality, but it's quite big. Remember that the maximum screensize is 800x640. ~Koree


    Frankenspine Jr. Pet

    Edit: I'm not fast enough...

    SysRq AQForums -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/28/2010 20:45:15)


    Fishboy - 0Z, 10, 40, 70G, 100, 130C.
    Frankenspine Jr. - 20G, 50, 80, 100Z, 110.
    Werepup - 25, 45, 65, 85, 105Z, 125.
    Lil' Drac - 30, 40Z, 60, 90, 120G.

    Got it. Thanks. ~Scakk

    Aelthai -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/28/2010 21:21:04)




    Counts how many previous bites and claws have occurred during this battle (doesn't add one until the bite or claw is done). On each attack, the pet deals *= 1 + 0.1*(bite - claw) (maximum *= 0.5, minimum *= 1.5)

    Claw is 1 hit of normal damage and bite is 2 hits of 1/2 damage before the modifier (conceptually, the extra damage bite "should" be doing is fueling the boost).

    50/50 rate of Bite or Claw


    Level	25	45	65	85	105	125
    Type	G	-	-	-	Z	-
    PLvl	32	45	65	85	115	125
    CHALvl	30	45	65	85	112	125
    CHA	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66
    Base	5	7	12	17	26	29
    Rand	12	16	23	31	45	49
    Stat	175	223	298	372	483	520
    BtH	8	11	16	21	28	31
    Price	610	2340	8340	29000	8600	348000

    Got it. Thank you! ~B





    Tridents - hits 1, 2, and 3 is 1/5 normal damage each; hit 4 is the other 2/5.
    Water Jets - each hit does 1/2 damage.


    Level	10	40	0	70	100	130
    Type	-	-	Z	G	-	G
    PLvl	10	40	40	73	100	133
    CHALvl	10	40	30	72	100	132
    CHA	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66
    Base	2	6	6	13	21	32
    Rand	5	14	14	26	38	54
    Stat	93	205	205	327	428	550
    BtH	2	10	10	18	25	33
    Price	180	1700	500	11400	73800	474700

    Got it, thanks. ~Baron


    Frankenspine Jr


    Hammer is CLEARLY one hit.
    Low accuracy, -10 BtH, relevant power boost.

    Fire balls is 1/3 damage per hit for 3 hits.

    Level	20	50	80	110	100
    Type	G	-	-	-	Z
    PLvl	27	50	80	110	110
    CHALvl	25	50	80	110	107
    CHA	-1	54	114	134	134
    Base	6	12	21	33	33
    Rand	6	11	17	25	25
    Stat	209	323	471	620	620
    BtH	6	12	20	27	27
    Price	418	3230	21289	137298	8150

    Got it, thanks. ~Baron


    Lil' Dracula


    The Control happens 10% of the time the pet attacks.
    It does not need to attempt to hit to try to impose Control - instead, the save acts as its hit chance.
    The save is at +20 Save Bonus (Almost Trivial).
    This is a beastmaster pet, so the attempt can use calculated stats.
    It should be resisted with CHA/LUK.
    It does not work on vampires, golems, or robots.

    The Bats attack is *= 0.954 damage (to compensate for the extra power of the Control attack). They are at +9 BtH.

    Level	30	60	40	90	120
    Type	-	-	Z	-	G
    PLvl	30	60	60	90	123
    CHALvl	30	60	55	90	122
    CHA	9	74	64	134	134
    Base	5	10	10	18	28
    Rand	11	21	21	33	48
    Stat	224	372	372	521	684
    BtH	7	15	15	22	30
    Price	865	6100	1400	39700	255000
    Got it, thanks! ~Koree

    johnnyquest.aqrocks -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/29/2010 2:51:01)

    Here are the descriptions for the 4 cuties pet rewards from Monstermaniacs:


    Frankenspine Jr:
    Junior's dad is willing to let him to travel with you to gain some worldly experience...for a small donation to his college fund. He'd much rather be home playing SimLab on his MonsterBox 64, so he's a little cranky...

    Got it, thanks. ~Baron


    L'il Drac:
    Safiria's been teaching this young Vlad how to wield his cuteness like a weapon. He's a natural.

    Because you helped her and her friends, this friendly little fella treats YOU as a part of her pack!
    Done. ~Koree


    This scawy (which could be "scaly" or "scary", for those keeping score at home) widdle guy is happy to travel with you after you helped him and his friends!

    Got it, thanks. ~Baron

    P.S. Gotta lol at the descriptions, especially Frankenspine Jr's

    ruleandrew -> RE: Pets / Guest (10/29/2010 9:07:27)


    Element used is earth.

    Got it. Thanks. ~Scakk

    Blue Revenge -> RE: Pets / Guest (11/1/2010 9:08:18)


    Fishboy Z

    Level: 0
    Power Level: 40
    CHA Level: 30
    Location: Mogloween 2010: Monstermaniacs
    Price: 500 Z-Tokens
    Sellback: 450 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours; then 250 Z-Tokens

    Element: Water
    Damage: 6-20
    Stats: 205%
    BTH: 10
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 4
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Ranged
    Damage: 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 40% Base, Random, Stats
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 50% Base, Random, Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    This scawy (which could be "scaly" or "scary", for those keeping score at home) widdle guy is happy to travel with you after you helped him and his friends!


    Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to balubamboto. Description thanks to johnnyquest.aqrocks.


    Level: 10
    Power Level: 10
    CHA Level: 10
    Location: Mogloween 2010: Monstermaniacs
    Price: 180
    Sellback: 90

    Element: Water
    Damage: 2-7
    Stats: 93%
    BTH: 2
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 4
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Ranged
    Damage: 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 40% Base, Random, Stats
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 50% Base, Random, Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    This scawy (which could be "scaly" or "scary", for those keeping score at home) widdle guy is happy to travel with you after you helped him and his friends!


    Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to balubamboto. Description thanks to johnnyquest.aqrocks.


    Level: 40
    Power Level: 40
    CHA Level: 40
    Location: Mogloween 2010: Monstermaniacs
    Price: 1,700
    Sellback: 850

    Element: Water
    Damage: 6-20
    Stats: 205%
    BTH: 10
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 4
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Ranged
    Damage: 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 40% Base, Random, Stats
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 50% Base, Random, Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    This scawy (which could be "scaly" or "scary", for those keeping score at home) widdle guy is happy to travel with you after you helped him and his friends!


    Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to balubamboto. Description thanks to johnnyquest.aqrocks.

    Guardian Fishboy

    Level: 70
    Power Level: 73
    CHA Level: 72
    Location: Mogloween 2010: Monstermaniacs
    Price: 11,400
    Sellback: 5,700

    Element: Water
    Damage: 13-39
    Stats: 327%
    BTH: 18
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 4
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Ranged
    Damage: 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 40% Base, Random, Stats
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 50% Base, Random, Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    This scawy (which could be "scaly" or "scary", for those keeping score at home) widdle guy is happy to travel with you after you helped him and his friends! (Guardian Only)


    Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to balubamboto. Description thanks to johnnyquest.aqrocks.


    Level: 100
    Power Level: 100
    CHA Level: 100
    Location: Mogloween 2010: Monstermaniacs
    Price: 73,800
    Sellback: 36,900

    Element: Water
    Damage: 21-59
    Stats: 428%
    BTH: 25
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 4
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Ranged
    Damage: 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 40% Base, Random, Stats
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 50% Base, Random, Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    This scawy (which could be "scaly" or "scary", for those keeping score at home) widdle guy is happy to travel with you after you helped him and his friends!


    Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to balubamboto. Description thanks to johnnyquest.aqrocks.

    Guardian Fishboy

    Level: 130
    Power Level: 133
    CHA Level: 132
    Location: Mogloween 2010: Monstermaniacs
    Price: 474,700
    Sellback: 237,350

    Element: Water
    Damage: 32-86
    Stats: 550%
    BTH: 33
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 4
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Ranged
    Damage: 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 20% Base, Random, Stats; 40% Base, Random, Stats
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Element: Water
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 50% Base, Random, Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50% (When attacking)

    This scawy (which could be "scaly" or "scary", for those keeping score at home) widdle guy is happy to travel with you after you helped him and his friends!


    Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to balubamboto. Description thanks to johnnyquest.aqrocks.

    *Some things are uncertain... Like the attack types and names/descriptions. If someone could clarify it would be appreciated. :)

    Got it, thanks. ~Baron

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